This is my old Sports blog, now I am just sharing my thoughts on things. Random as I want to be
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Larry's Blog: One Boom, One Bust.
Larry's Blog: One Boom, One Bust.: It is all most a certainty that Andrew Luck will be the first pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. It is looking more and more like a team is goi...
One Boom, One Bust.

It is all most a certainty that Andrew Luck will be the first pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. It is looking more and more like a team is going to trade up to get Heisman Winner Robert Griffin III with the second pick. History says one of these guys will be a boom the other a bust. Which one is which?
History in this blog starts in 1983. We started here because the 1983 NFL draft class is widely considered the best QB Draft Class ever. The #1 Draft pick in 1983 was John Elway. We all know what he did! The #2 QB picked was Todd Blackledge from Penn State drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs. Did you know the Chiefs passed on guys like Dan Marino and Jim Kelly to take Blackledge? (Do you think they are wishing for a redo?) My point is one Boom and one Bust.
In 1987 the #1 Draft pick was Vinny "forget about it" Testavarde. The #2 QB taking was Kelly Stouffer Colorado State who went to the St.Louis Cardinals. Now Testavarde might not of made as big of boom as others but he did have a long NFL career. On the other hand Stouffer not so much. One Boom,One Bust.
(On a side note the most succesful quarterback in the 1987 draft was Rich Gannon who went in the 4th Round #98 to New England.)
In 1989 The Dallas Cowboys took 2 quarterbacks with #1 picks. Troy Aikman was the first overall pick and Steve Walsh was their #1 in the supplemental draft that same year. One Boom,One Bust.
In 1993 it was Bledsoe & Mirer. One Boom & One Bust!
In 1998 we may have had our most infamous Boom-Bust ever with Manning-Leaf. Peyton Manning went BOOM BOOM BOOM like dynamite, while Ryan Leaf was out of the NFL in record time and got busted breaking into a college or some such.
1999 was supposed to be the best QB class since 83. The first 3 picks were all QBs for the first time in NFL Draft History. #1 Tim Couch(bust) to CLE #couldofhadCulpeper, #2 Donovan McNabb to Philly #hegotbooed (boom), and #3 Akili Smith to Cincy #who? (bust). #thiswasyearsbeforetwittersothoughtIwould#itnow
In 2005 it was Alex Smith or Aaron Rodgers. Now some may argue that Alex Smith wasn't a bust but I beg to differ. When you go #1 overall and deliver what he has delivered I would say bust. Rodgers on the other hand has won a Super Bowl and maybe the best QB in the NFL. That's a BOOM!
Now in 2012 it's Luck or RG III. I think Indy is sold on taking Luck #1 overall. From everything I've seen or read Robert Griffin will go #2. RG III should make a big Boom in the NFL! Luck on the other hand, well one Boom and One Bust.
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2012 NFL Draft,
Andrew Luck,
Robert Griffin III
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Super Blog

Did you miss me? Sorry after I denounced my Cowboy's faith I had to join the witness protection program for a while. You wouldn't believe the living hell I've went through ever since that infamous blog hit the net three weeks ago. I've had kids spit at me as I walked down Las Colinas BLVD,People honking and flipping me off,others yelling GO Cowboys outside my front door at 4AM,death threats from someone I used to call Mom and other unmentionable stuff that it wouldn't be appropriate to write about here. I missed blogging so much that I decided to go the way of Sammy the Bull & Henry Hill and leave the program and get back to it. What better way to return to my blog then with a Super Blog? It just so happens my Super Blog coincides with the Super (can't type it here or I'll get sued) Game.
I made my first ever lightning bet on the Super Game 10 years ago. It was the Mighty St. Louis Rams and their "Greatest Show on Turf" playing the upstart Patriots with some rookie QB named Tom Brady. Now the Rams were favored by 14 points and I bet them to the tune of 10 bucks a point.
Maybe I should explain a Lightning Bet next. You know just in case you're not a degenerate gambler like a certain blogger who is fresh out of the witness protection program.
A lightning bet is wager where the amount is determined by the point spread. Now if you bet the favorite and they cover you get paid your set amount per point for every point they cover the spread by. Now if the underdogs win like they did on that faithful day in '02 you owe. You owe the point spread plus how much the dogs won by that day.For example I had a lighting bet a $10 a point on that 2002 Super Bowl. I took the Rams -14. Since the Pats won by 3 you add that to the 14 point spread and get 17. Now Multiply it by $10. I lost $170. Does that make since? By The way I stil wish I would of listen to Jimmy Kimmel on Fox Super Bowl Pre Game Show in 02. He was the only one with enough guts to pick the Pats!
My buddy and I have made it a tradition since 2002 to make a lightning bet on every Super Game since. My record is an awesome 2-8 since then. My friend has a simple winning strategy. This genius strategy will blow your mind! Are you ready? It's simple,he let's me pick the team I want.
This year I went 21-9-2 in the NFL Regular Season with my picks right here in this very blog. As good as I maybe at picking regular season games,I am that bad at picking Super Games. I don't know what it is. I can't pick that damn game! The Football Gods smile on my all season until Super Sunday(Can I say that?) rolls around. Then they all the Football Gods gather around and have a good laugh at my expense.
I am about to give you my pick. If you want to win I would really suggestion you do the opposite!
In the 2012 Super Game I like
New England -3 over NYG with a Lightning Bet!

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