Did you know that poor little Mike Young has gotten his feelings hurt and he doesn't want to play for your Texas Rangers anymore? This guy may be the biggest hypocrite in sports! I know that is a bold statement.
For years now we have looked past Michael Young's bitch fits when the Rangers have asked him to change positions for the better of the team. Young, much like a three year-old throwing a temper tantrum, scream and cry all you want but we knew it would all be over soon. Spring Training would come and all is forgiven. Let's play ball.
For his years of dedicated service, Michael Young has become the face of the franchise and has been rewarded with a very generous contract. A contract so generous in fact; the Rangers are having a hard time shopping MY. Oh yes it has come to the "I want to be traded" sports cliche.
Why has the situation deteriorated so much? Because Michael Young is a spoiled brat, that is why! For years now we have had to listen to Mike talk about "Whatever is best for the team". Hell, most of us bought it hook line and sinker and would look past his annual spring training diva bitch fit.
This latest incident is the last straw for this Ranger fan! Michael Young's superstar baseball player ego will not let him accept the role of DH on the Texas Rangers, even though it is best for the team. He seems to think playing DH and being a Utility guy is beneath him.
Hey Mike let me mess you up with some truth..."You are an aging baseball player whose skills are diminishing!" You should feel lucky to even have an organization care enough to keep you around for so long. If all the "What's best for the team" stuff was not crap, then be the Texas Rangers DH and super Utility guy.
Look, if you are the "DH" you will still get your at bats and plenty of field playing time. Kinsler will miss a month and who will get that time at second base? Michael Young, that is who. Elvis and Beltre will need days off and who will get that playing time? You got it...Michael Young.
Michael Young you are the face of The Texas Rangers and a lot of Rangers fans favorite all-time Ranger. It takes years to get that kind of status. Here's a little friendly advice for you: get your ego in check and help your team play into October again. Cowboy, or in this case, Ranger up! Your other option is you could keep acting like a little bitch and demand a trade to another team where you are just another guy. This Ranger fan thinks Michael Young should be to good for that.
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