This last week has been very challenging for me. It seems like everyone and their dogs have tried to push my angry button. If this would have happen 10 years ago I know exactly how I would have handled this situation. I would have cranked up my mic on that 100,000 watt blow torch known as 105.3 FM Talk in Dallas and started blasting folks. I would have flipped that switch and went scorched earth until whoever was pissing me off called me crying out of pure embarrassment. I was just a kid back then 10 years ago. What the hell did I know?
Even when my old boss tried to talk sense to me & warn me about karma, not talking bad about people etc.etc.... He got an on air tongue lashing too. I guess looking back it is no wonder why I got "laid off" from that place. Oh well,live and learn. Now that I am 10 years older and all grows up I would never ever dream of bashing people like that ever again.

For example: I would never mention in this blog how my non psycho ex girlfriend showed up on my door step wanting to do her laundry at 5am one day this week. In her defense she did text me in the middle of the night to let me know what her intentions were. Then like any other sane person on this planet she reached the next logical conclusion. Since I didn't respond to her text, nor have I talked to her in weeks she decided in her non crazy brain it would be ok to just show up and wait outside my door for me to wake up. Surprise! Basket of dirty laundry and all there she was when I went to leave for my morning work out. (I'm just glad I locked the dead bolt that night!) 10 years ago you better believe this would have got an on-air segment. I could have taken calls and probably found some way of getting a free restraining order. Now I think I will just let it go like it never happen.
Then there is the captain of my former dart team. I was on his team until Friday Night. Friday Night is when a casual game of darts turned Fox and Hound in Dallas into a War Zone. After I beat our mighty captain (throwing my way not his) he stormed out of the bar throwing a fit like a five-year old child. 10 years ago this jack ass would have had an on-air bit dedicated to him too. You know one of those bits where I am telling the story and there is a crying baby sound effect in the background. These days I don't feel that story should be told in a public forum.
Then there is the Facebook over commenter. Look, I love social media as much as the next guy does. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to comment on my post but, you really,really,really don't have to comment on every post I make. 10 years ago the over commenter would have got some comments from me he couldn't delete with a click of the mouse. I'm glad I have matured though.
I don't want to forget about the midget at work. This mighty mouse size guy is very comparable to a yippee yappee (that little s.o.b just interrupted me while I was typing this to ask me about a DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince Song. Seriously! WTF?) little dog. He just barks nonsense, non stop all morning long. Yip-Yap!Yip-Yap! Back in 2001 I can hear myself doing a midget being beat to death bit. Today I'll just turn the proverbial other cheek.
I guess this blog is proof that I have calmed down in my advanced age. What can I say? I'm older and wiser! The one thing that hasn't changed is; I can still pick football games! BOOOOYOOO
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/pages/An-Innocent-Hell/161443897272921
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NFL 17-6-2
NCAA 15-14
Overall 32-20-2

Razorbacks -13 over Miss State
Neb +3.5 over Mich
Oak -1 over Minn
Buff +1 over Dolph
Det-7 over Car
Happy Betting!
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