This is my old Sports blog, now I am just sharing my thoughts on things. Random as I want to be
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Twas the night before Tip-OFF
Twas the night before Tip-OFF, when all through the land
Not a creature was stirring, not even one Mavs fan.
The uniforms were hung in the lockers with care,
In hopes that St Dirk soon would be there.
The fans were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of LeBron crying after game 6 still dancing in their heads.
And the fans in 31 Jett shirts , and I in my MFFL cap,
Had just settled our brains for the end of the long winter’s Lock Out.
When on ESPN there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
To the flat screen I flew in a flash,
I went to the backroom and turned up the volume .
A familiar blue glare filled the late night air.
The illumination of sports figures was everywhere.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a St Dirk and his magic step away jump shot.
With a little J-Kidd, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be Basketball Season.
To my eyes this was synthetically pleasing.
And the whistle blew, and Rick Carlisle shouted, and called them by name!
"Now On St. Dirk! now, Jett now, Kidd and Odom!
On, Haywood! On, Marion! on Mahinmi and Carter!
To the top of the key! to the top of the rim!
Now shoot away! Shoot away! Shoot 3’s all day!"
I spoke not a word, but went straight to my fridge,
And grabbed a cold one, then some beef with a jerk.
And then back to my lazy chair I did go,
And giving a nod, up to the Basketball Gods I rose for the anthem!
Miami and then big 3 had arrived and were ready to play
What a way to Kick off this Christmas Day.
Then I heard Mark Cuban exclaim, as he jumped into sight
"Lets Go Mavs! Lets Go Mavs win it all again in the 2012 season!"
Merry Christmas from your friends at
Dallas Mavericks,
Lamar Odom,
Mavericks vs Heat
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Larry's Blog: Football Jesus
Larry's Blog: Football Jesus: Up until now I have taking the attitude of if I just ignore him then he will go away. He shouldn't be a big news story anyway. When that did...
Football Jesus
Up until now I have taking the attitude of if I just ignore him then he will go away. He shouldn't be a big news story anyway. When that didn't happen I took the attitude of he can't keep it up. After my buddy Dan O'Dell sent me a text with this link yesterday I decided I need to address this whole "Football Jesus" situation.
SI's cover boy this week is Tim Tebow. Tebow is the most controversial figure in the NFL since Rae Carruth. You either love or hate this guy. There is no in between on Tebow. Like my co-host Andre on The Sports Daddys Podcast (heard every Monday & Friday on puts it Tebow is his football Kryptonite.
I will go on record of saying I like Tebow as a person. At this point in history the kids need a good role model to look up to. Someone who isn't all about the bitches and the bling, like so many athletes are. Tebow definitely provides that positive hero for our youth. He is man whose faith comes first and the game comes second (As it should be). For that he has to be commended and deserves all the praise he gets. However make no mistake about it, he isn't the only devoted Christian in the NFL just the most publicized one. Why don't you ask Aaron Rogers about that?
Now let's get to "Football Jesus" on field performance. I am about to go all Marcellus Wallace on you, and give you the cold hard truth. The cold hard truth is he sucks as a NFL quarter-man. That's a hard fact of life,but that's a fact of life we have to be realistic about.
How can I say that when he has won 6 straight? It's simple watch him play. He is not good! There is a reason why he is pulling off all of these come from behind victories. The reason is because he plays horrible for 3 quarters then gets lucky and pulls something out of his holy ass in the end. His luck will run out and he will be exposed eventually.I beg of you to please stop fooling yourself into thinking he is good football player, because he isn't.
The Tim Tebow story is all about religion and not about football. If Tim Tebow wasn't so religious and in your face about it then he would never have been this big of deal. There is nothing wrong with being religious. There is nothing wrong with talking about religion publicly. There is a problem with the way the media over exposes Tebow's Christian believes.
This guy is a devoted Christian, case closed. I don't care about his religion! Not becaus I am Godless heathen either. I don't care because, I watch football to watch football games. I don't watch for a religious debate. Which all of the Tebow talk turns into sooner or later. Should he pray or shouldn't he pray? Should he be so in the face with his love for Christ? etc.etc...
Tebow's believes are his believes. We all should be so lucky to have such strong values. If he wants to thank the Father,Son and Holy Ghost after each game I think he should. That's his business, not ours.
I don't think the media should shove the fact he is a devoted Christian down our throats ever chance they get. The camera doesn't have to zoom in on him every time he is kneeling down on one knee. I don't think the fact that he is on the field praying so much should ever come up in a sports conversation!
The entire world knows his faith. We get it let's move on! Hey CBS & ESPN I know this might sound crazy but could we please just focus on his on field performance
and not his religion? Or is that to radical for your NFL brodcast?
I heard this rumor that there are these secret places called Churches around America. Rumor has it that you can go talk all the religion you want on Sunday mornings at these places. Here's an idea if you want to show Tebow praying how about you follow him to one of these "Churches". You can even build a reality show around it. You could call the show Tebow Tebowing.
The bottom line Tim Tebow aka "Football Jesus" is a Great Christian, a good role model, but he his a bad, bad football player.
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SI's cover boy this week is Tim Tebow. Tebow is the most controversial figure in the NFL since Rae Carruth. You either love or hate this guy. There is no in between on Tebow. Like my co-host Andre on The Sports Daddys Podcast (heard every Monday & Friday on puts it Tebow is his football Kryptonite.
I will go on record of saying I like Tebow as a person. At this point in history the kids need a good role model to look up to. Someone who isn't all about the bitches and the bling, like so many athletes are. Tebow definitely provides that positive hero for our youth. He is man whose faith comes first and the game comes second (As it should be). For that he has to be commended and deserves all the praise he gets. However make no mistake about it, he isn't the only devoted Christian in the NFL just the most publicized one. Why don't you ask Aaron Rogers about that?
Now let's get to "Football Jesus" on field performance. I am about to go all Marcellus Wallace on you, and give you the cold hard truth. The cold hard truth is he sucks as a NFL quarter-man. That's a hard fact of life,but that's a fact of life we have to be realistic about.
How can I say that when he has won 6 straight? It's simple watch him play. He is not good! There is a reason why he is pulling off all of these come from behind victories. The reason is because he plays horrible for 3 quarters then gets lucky and pulls something out of his holy ass in the end. His luck will run out and he will be exposed eventually.I beg of you to please stop fooling yourself into thinking he is good football player, because he isn't.
The Tim Tebow story is all about religion and not about football. If Tim Tebow wasn't so religious and in your face about it then he would never have been this big of deal. There is nothing wrong with being religious. There is nothing wrong with talking about religion publicly. There is a problem with the way the media over exposes Tebow's Christian believes.
This guy is a devoted Christian, case closed. I don't care about his religion! Not becaus I am Godless heathen either. I don't care because, I watch football to watch football games. I don't watch for a religious debate. Which all of the Tebow talk turns into sooner or later. Should he pray or shouldn't he pray? Should he be so in the face with his love for Christ? etc.etc...
Tebow's believes are his believes. We all should be so lucky to have such strong values. If he wants to thank the Father,Son and Holy Ghost after each game I think he should. That's his business, not ours.
I don't think the media should shove the fact he is a devoted Christian down our throats ever chance they get. The camera doesn't have to zoom in on him every time he is kneeling down on one knee. I don't think the fact that he is on the field praying so much should ever come up in a sports conversation!
The entire world knows his faith. We get it let's move on! Hey CBS & ESPN I know this might sound crazy but could we please just focus on his on field performance
and not his religion? Or is that to radical for your NFL brodcast?
I heard this rumor that there are these secret places called Churches around America. Rumor has it that you can go talk all the religion you want on Sunday mornings at these places. Here's an idea if you want to show Tebow praying how about you follow him to one of these "Churches". You can even build a reality show around it. You could call the show Tebow Tebowing.
The bottom line Tim Tebow aka "Football Jesus" is a Great Christian, a good role model, but he his a bad, bad football player.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Larry's Blog: Spare Bowls II
Larry's Blog: Spare Bowls II: Last year around this time I went on a rant (in this very blog) about how there are to many Bowl games. I pointed out the ones I would eli...
Spare Bowls II
Last year around this time I went on a rant (in this very blog) about how there are to many Bowl games. I pointed out the ones I would eliminate because no one cares,or watches,or attends the games etc..etc..
I thought about finding some way to repackage that but, then I realized there is no point. You can't change stupid! Make no mistake having 34 Bowl games is stupid.
Since I am not going on a big rant this year I thought I would have a little fun with these pointless bowls and the few meaningful ones. I Larry Stanley aka Professor L-Train will pick with my legendary accuracy every single Bowl Game this year! I have no problem putting my hard-earned 16-14 2011 NCAA picks record on the line in this blog.
I know this may seem pointless to you. However there is a logic to my madness. If I can somehow pick these sorry excuses of games, then it gives me a purpose to watch/care. If I screw up my picks then I am sure I'll hear from you or @bigbadlarry on twitter. Either way now I am sure we all will be entertained!
Come on Spare Bowls, Bring It!
This year it's Spare Bowls vs Professor L-Train in the steel cage main event grudge match. Two of us enter and one of us walk out. If you want to force me to watch garbage,then I am going to find some way to regurgitate it. Two words for you Spare Bowls! Suck it!
Don't worry I didn't forget about the NFL. Scroll all the way down if you want those picks.
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here
Listen to my Podcast on here
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Cowboy +6.5 over Temple
Ohio +3 over Utah State
Surfs Up State -5 over Cajun
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Flint -4.5 over We are Marshall
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Frog -11 over LTech
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Crying Bronco - 14 over AZ State
Saturday, December 24, 2011
So Miss over Wolfpack Pick Em
Monday, December 26, 2011
Mizzo Tiger -4 over North Carolina
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Boilermaker -2.5 over Some School I have never heard of
NCState -2.5 over Slugger
Toledo -3 over Air Force
Horn -3.5 over Golden Bear (Hook EM!)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
ND + 3.5 over FSU
RG3 Bears -9 over Wash
Friday, December 30, 2011
BYU -2.5 over Tulsa Time
Rutg-2 over OSU Cowboy Killer
Wake Forest +6.5 over Miss State
Iowa +14 over Boomer
Saturday, December 31, 2011
NorthWest +10 over Ag
G Tech -3.5 over Utah
ILL -3 over Aikman's Alma Mater
Cincy +2.5 over Van
Auburn -1.5 over Virgin
Monday, January 02, 2012
Houston -5 over Pedifiles
Bulldog -3.5 over Mich State
So. Car - 1 over Cornhusk
Buckeye +2 over Gator
Duck -6.5 over Badger
Cowboy-3.5 over Tree
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Virginia Tech -2.5 over we shouldn't be in a BCS game
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Clem-3 over The Wonderful Whites
Friday, January 06, 2012
Hog over KSTate
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Pony over Pitt
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Arkansas State over Northern Illinois (Honestly I flipped a coin here)
Monday, January 09, 2012
Roll Tide Roll -1 over LSU
NE -9 over Redskin
SD-7 over Buff
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Larry's Blog: My Christmas Wish.
Larry's Blog: My Christmas Wish.: I'll let you wish for Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men and all that jazz beacuse I have another wish on my Big Bad Christmas List . All...
My Christmas Wish.
I'll let you wish for Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men and all that jazz beacuse I have another wish on my Big Bad Christmas List . All I want for Christmas is for the Bulldogs of Athens,GA to beat LSU in the SEC Championship game this Saturday.
I have nothing against LSU personally. To me LSU has always just been a school that is there. I don't dislike them like other SEC Universities. However my Christmas wish is based solely on The BCS getting into mess that they can't get out of.
If a Christmas miracle happens and Georgia wins what happens next? It's time to play the feud. Show me, The BCS gets put into a no win situation, Ray!
Should LSU still play for the National Title even though they didn't win their conference? Or should one of the other one loss teams jump them?
No matter how the BCS plays it if the Tigers fall there will be a lot of upset fans across this great land. When the uproar comes from major players in the football world then something will have to be done. It could lead us to (dare I type it?) Playoffs. Which I think everyone in the country besides Nick Saban wants.
I hope the spirits of Herschel Walker,Matthew Stafford,AJ Green,Rannulph Junuh, and Bagger Vance fill that Bulldogs locker room and give them the power to crush the boys of Batton Rouge. However this is not a very likely scenario. Tis the season for miracles.
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here
Listen to my Podcast on here
and you can follow me on twitter @bigbadlarry
Mich State +9.5 over Badger
OU +3.5 over OSU Cowboy
Falcon -3.5 over Texan
Andy Dalton's Tigers + 6.5 over Steel
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