4 score and seven years ago, I promised myself that I was going to get back to blogging(at least it seems like it has been that long). I haven't really lived up to that promise, but this week is, as good of time as any to start back up. In the next four days we will witness Texas Rangers Baseball Opening Day, Wrestlemania 32 and The Season 6 finale of The Walking Dead. I was debating on wither I should write a blog for Wrestlemania or The Walking Dead, but this blog goes out to my fellow Walker Stalkers. Warning potential spoilers ahead(obligatory statement in every blog about Television shows)
As any Walking Dead Fan knows, Negan is coming on Sunday and upon his arrival a major death will take place. For instance in the comics he bashes Glenn's skull in with his baseball bat named Lucille. Will that happen on the show?
I'll get into that in just a bit, before I do let me tell you what won't happen. Daryl Dixon will not die on the Season Six Finale of The Walking Dead, and I guarantee it!
As much fun as I have teasing my girlfriend this is the week Daryl bites it, or gets bit in some cases, I secretly know The Walking Dead showrunners wont kill him off. How can I be so confident? It has nothing to do with the story side of the show, but the business side of things. If you think about Daryl Dixon has become the face of the franchise.
I know the producer say no one is safe, but what they really should be saying is no one is safe who isn't selling merchandise. If you look around at The Walking Dead merch you see in stores and on the streets one face is on the majority of it? Who? Who? Who? Why it's Daryl Dixon.
As much as Rick Grimes is the main character and the story revolves around him, Daryl is the fan favorite and he is the one driving TWD revenue. With that being said we can eliminate Daryl from dying on Sunday Night, but don't tell my girlfriend that. I have a lot of teasing left to do.
If Daryl is not going to die who is? There are two very likely candidates and one wildcard. Abraham and Glenn are my #1 seeds with Maggie on the outside looking in. As I talked about above in the comics it's Glenn who gets his head teed off on. There is a strong possibility that's the way it goes down on the show as well. I can see them staying true to the comics in this moment of the series. And let's be honest you are not seeing a lot of people walking around with Glenn tee shirts on. The Walking Dead writers have been foreshadowing this for a while. Poor Glenn almost got his skull cracked at Terminus and then last week, did you catch it?
In the shower scene with Glenn and Maggie (that seemed way out of place) Maggie is rubbing Glenn's hair when Johnny Cash lyrics "I am broken in a million little pieces" hits. Coincidence? I think not. Foreshadowing? I say Yes! Yes! YES!
Who can The Walking Dead kill off that will make a statement but not impact merchandise sales or ratings? Glenn! Who dies at the hands of Negan in the comics? Glenn! Who have they been teasing us with dying for two season now with no pay off? Glenn! I am already bracing myself for life without Glen in Season 7 Episode 1.
However, if for some reason Glenn doesn't die, Abraham Ford is on deck. In the comics old Abe dies with an arrow through the eye by the hands of Dwight. Sound familiar?
For some reason Denise got his death on AMC. but why? Could they be saving Abraham for Negan? Abraham was there when Daryl blew up all those Saviors. Abraham helped with raiding The Saviors. Abraham did save Eugene,Daryl and Rosita from The Saviors. Abraham's death would make sense, Mr.Ford is a main character that the series could easily move on without. Once again there aren't a lot of Save Abraham tees on the market right now.
If for some reason neither Abraham or Glenn dies the only other logical choice would be Maggie. To me this is a real long shot, but what better way to set the tone for an evil villain then to kill of a pregnant lady? If they do this they could take Maggie's story and divide it up between characters,much like they have done with Andrea's . Do you remember Andrea? The Walking Dead writers and producers mercy whacked her for terrible acting in season 3 of the television series, but she lives on in the comics.
The Walking Dead creative team took her story lines and divided them up among different character on the show. I can see them doing the same if the decide to kill Maggie off. They could just plug Glenn in to her story of woe and there you have it.
I would say there is a greater than zero chance of double dog shock the world let's kill multiple people because we can deaths on the season six finale. I think Abraham and either Glenn or Maggie could die on Sunday. I am also not ruling out a minor character say Tara, Aaron or Enid could be making their last appearance this weekend. There is one thing for certain on Sunday, there will be blood, somewhere besides Wrestlemania on Sunday.
Let me hear you TWD Season Six Finale thoughts:
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All of what you said is completely logical. However, one thing I have learned after almost 6 complete seasons is there is not much logic to what these writers will do!
ReplyDeleteLogic is as Logic does!
DeleteCarl!! Negan made his statement to Jesus' group by killing off the teenager in front of everyone, maybe that's his M.O.
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