It’s March so let the madness begin! Besides the NFL’s potential lock out there is not much going on in the Sport World right now. Is there anything could I possibly write or say about the lock out you haven’t heard 2,000 times already? Today is the day the madness starts! Today we throw all of the Hollywood crazies into a bracket and crown the Nation’s biggest Celebrity whack job! It’s the March Madness of Crazy!
Round 1: The Insane 8
1 Charlie Sheen
8 Christian Bale
Let’s face it this is a no contest. Due to recent events Uncle Charlie scores a first round knock out. Sure Bale may of made a deeper run if this had been a biggest A-Hole or D-Bag bracket, but it’s not! Sorry Bale you are out! Now go yell at some poor under paid PA on your movie set Jack Ass.
Charlie Sheen
4 Gary Busey
5 Tom Crusie
Man this is a tough one. Those 4/5 match ups could go either way. On one hand you have crazy Gary who even embraced his lunacy on the HBO Show Entourage. Then there is the sofa dancing Scientologist. Busey did fracture his skull so that may add to his crazy. Tom Crusie believes we are the off spring of a giant alien overlord. In a mad house crazy finish Cole Trickle pulls the upset
Tom Cruise
3 Lindsay Lohan
6 John Conner (Big Bad Sports Daddy’s own)
Lindsay Lohan likes to party so I guess that makes here crazy. Now the love bug may be a klepto too. I think she was just born to be bad. Now you may not be as familiar with John Conner as I am, but that dude is nuts! Just this past he walked out on the John and Eric Show, made some very off color remarks about an imaginary Wings waitress on the ShowStoppers podcast, then called me all drunk and slurring and he said and I quote” I am about to have some disgusting monkey sex with my female friend here” The guy is abrasive and over the top! In our second upset in a row Lohan gets terminated
John Conner
2 Mel Gibson
7 Courtney Love
Now this is our first round heavy weight match up! Both of these Celebs are totally off their rocker. Who knew Martin Riggs would eventually relapse and go back to Lethal Weapon 1 crazy? Courtney Love is clinically insane. Mel Gibson is a trailblazers for Celebs wanting to go on crazy rants. He also is the creator of the “I’m sorry, I’m an alcoholic defense”. This was just a bad draw for Love. As crazy as she is she is not Braveheart crazy
Mel Gibson
Round 2 The Best of The Best
Charlie Sheen
Tom Crusie
This would make one hell of a celebrity death match! Does Charlie show up sober? Is it against Cruise’s religion to fight? Top Gun meets Young Guns, Major League vs. Days of Thunder, Men at Work need a Cocktail. How can you possibly judge who is crazier here? Well you can. What’s the determining factor? If you ever had a Gucci bag full of cocaine delivered to your house while you are slamming vodka with a 19 year old porn star while calling in to a national radio show and telling them you don’t have a problem right after you went on a drug and alcohol bender that lead you to trash a New York City hotel room in a style that would make rock star jealous while yet another porn star hid in the bathroom while your ex wife and kids were across the hall you might be crazy enough to advance one more round in this March Madness of Crazy Tournament. I’m just saying
Charlie Sheen
John Conner
Mel Gibson
John Conner is the bad boy of Big Bad Sports Daddy but Mel is Mad Max. John Conner may get a little handsy with the girls of the Dallas Derby Devils during the pregame show but Mel goes on Jew rants. John Conner may drop a little cash in the nudity bar but Mel tells his ex that she is going to be ganged banged by a pack of apes. Little Johnny Conner isn’t Big enough,Bad enough or crazy enough to take down the Patriot
Mel Gibson
Round 3 The Crazy Finals
Charlie Sheen
Mel Gibson
This rarely happens. A #1 seed vs #2 seed in the finals but here we are. Who is crazier? Mel Gibson or Charlie Sheen? Honestly I think that is much to big of decision for me to make by myself. Why don’t you help us decide the winner of the March Madness of Crazy tournament! Email me or post on the bigbadsportsdaddy.com facebook page and I’ll announce the winner next week in my blog.
Emails go to larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com
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