Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Old Folks League

First and foremost the votes are in and the craziest celebrity in Hollywood is drum roll please............................................................................
Mel Gibson! Thanks to everyone who voted! Read my blog from last week if you don't know what I am talking about.

You know sometimes you are driving around in your car and a great idea hits you. Like yesterday when I heard Tiki Barber was coming out of retirement I thought WTF?

Then I thought you know there is a place in sports for the older athlete. Why doesn't someone start an old folks league? It would be a lot more entertaining then the UFL! Who wants to see some second rate spares compete in game where they are obviously not good enough to play with the best of the best? Not this guy! Now if you had an old folks league of aging great stars I would watch.

This idea is radical and out there but go with me for a minute. Let's say someone started a football league for guys ages 35-50. Now this wouldn't be your weekend warrior flag league,no,no,no. This would be your former NFLers playing again with guys their age. This league would be for your Tikis,Herschels and Bretts of the world.

You would have to change the rules and limit the contact a bit but I think it would be fun. Here's the great thing you could play it Spring so us football junkies could get a quick fix before the real season starts.

I'm not saying this would be the best thing since the McRib. I'm just saying it would be fun. Think about watching your favorite atheltes play in to their twilights. Think about a second fantasy football season. Think about not being annoyed by the 35 year old athlete announcing his big come back only to fall flat on his face.

I think the idea is brilliant but I'm a little biased. What do you think? Would you watch a NFL Old Folks leage?

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