With the Rangers’ season in it’s infant stage I felt the need to pass along some advice to you new baseball fans. I know some of you are like me and go back to Pete O’Brien, Scooter Fletcher and Larry Parish. Some may go back even farther. This article isn’t directed at you. You could actually stop reading now if you fall into this category. However, if you are in this category and have some annoyances at the old Ballpark in Arlington, you may want to read on.
With the success of any team, a lot of new fans come in. Some people may call these folks bandwagon jumpers, but I will not. More fans may sound good at first, but there are pros and cons to this new popular choice. Yes it is good that the team is getting more support from the community. However, it is bad when the new fans irate the old fans! Like for example the guy who questions everything Ron Washington does. Hey guy...in Ron we trust. How many teams have you managed to a World Series? Score board!
One thing is for sure in the Metroplex right now - everyone and I mean everyone wants to talk Rangers Baseball. Whether I am walking my dog, sitting at The Cellar on Monday Night getting ready to watch The Larry Stanley Show on bigbadsportsdaddy.com from 7-9 pm (shameless plug), or hiking around Lake Carolyn, Rangers Baseball is the topic everyone wants to chat it up about. There apparently are lots of new Ranger fans these days!
The new fans however still lack the knowledge to carry on an in-depth conversation about baseball. For instance if someone tells you they have been following the Texas Rangers for a long time, but they don’t know who Kevin Kennedy or Johnny Oats is, I wouldn’t waste a lot of breath on them. Your fraud alarm should be going off like a tornado siren in a trailer park! There is no way you could debate the 2010 Texas Rangers or 1997 Texas Rangers with them.
I’ve already attended a few games this year so far and I am putting a few of you novices on notice. Yes I have seen you out there looking like a jackass! Please take these tips if you are not familiar with Ballpark etiquette.
It is the worst thing ever in sports! Don’t contribute. If for some reason you give in to the Idiocracy, don’t do it while The Rangers are batting! It is supposed to be distracting to hitters. If you are going to do the stupid thing make sure you get your timing right.
2) Wear The Right Gear
When you head to the ballpark you should wear your Rangers gear! It really is cool to see that much gear out at the ballpark. However when you do wear your gear, don’t mix and match it. I don’t want to see a Rangers jersey and Mets hat. You look like a baseball Lady Gaga. Rangers gear only if you are a Rangers fan.
3) Heckling
Heckling is a fun part of the game! When you do it please keep in mind to not get carried away, and keep it fun and clean. The best heckles are minor league references. Example: Holland I hope you haven’t missed the bus back to Round Rock.
Whether you are a new fan or old fan please use these tips. The Ballpark will be a much better place for everyone.
Whether you are a new fan or an old fan there is one thing we can all agree on and that is The Cotton Eyed Joe played during the 7th Inning Stretch sucks! We need to start a petition to get it replaced! Matter of fact, we have on the Sports Daddy’s podcast heard every Monday, Thursday and Friday on BigBadSportsDaddy.com (shameless plug #2 if you are counting along at home)! That song is an embarrassment to all Texas Rangers fans and has to go! We have suggested some possible replacements on the SD podcast. We like Tush, Life In The Fast Lane, and Fly like an Eagle as possible replacements. If you got a suggestion sound off! You can get a hold of me larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com or on twitter @bigbadlarry.
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