I am sick of hearing about Lockouts! The NFL is in the middle of one and the NBA is about to have one. Can you guys just cut out the petty bickering-bitching and just play? Please for the love of God Shut up and play!
Do you remember when sports was fun for everyone? Back in a time before Deion Sanders would make "Business Decisions" on the field. Back when the players hatred towards other team's players was so much it created rivalries? Yes kids Rivalries are almost extinct but it is still a word. Look it up if you don't believe me.
I myself think it is us the fan who is going to get screwed in the end. Yes sir we will wind up paying for the sins of the owners and players.
Example: Let's say The Owners and Players put a new CBA in place. That would mean the owners are paying the players' union more money. Which in turn means prices at the stadium go from way to high to astronomical!. Do you want to pay $15 for a beer at the game? I bet you money you will in the next five years. Joe $32,500 gets to spend more of his hard-earned money to watch these millionaires play and put more in the billionaires pocket. Real classy NFL.
I know the players are fighting for guys past,present and future and that is commendable. My questions is why should the owners have to pay for that? The Players make enough money if they all would agree to hold 2% out of their checks for ( lack of a better term)an old timers fund. Then we they retire they would be eligible for said fund. When you are making $150,000 a game no one is going to be sorry for you if they hold an extra 2% out. Sorry Players.
The thing that gets me is there is plenty of money to go around between players and owners. How rich do you have to get? They are both going to start losing money because they are stubborn jack asses and won't budge an inch.
Are you ready for a logical all be far fetched solution? A solution that would make the game better as well. You know what screw you NFL you don't deserve this solution! IF the USFL or another league wants to take this and run with it,HAVE AT IT!
My solution goes a little something like this,each owner has to put up a prize purse before the game. In each and every game each team has to put up an equal amount. The amount would be set before the season started. After that it is winner take all! They can then divide that amongst the team based on performances of that game. It is simple and it is fair.
It's kind of like Rodeo. In Rodeo If the Cowboy doesn't win; The Cowboy doesn't get paid. It would provide players more incentives to play harder. No more " Buissness Decisions" out there. It would make the game more exciting for the fans,players and owners. It looks like win! win! win! to me~
Do you have a better solution? If so let me hear from you. Or if you got big boobs let me hear from you too!

It's larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com or catch me on facebook or hit me on twitter @bigbadlarry! Until next time Cheers
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