If you are Internet savy at all you know that means What the Hell. I don't want to bust my fellow Internet Geeks buble but in this blog it stands for White Trash Heaven. I know your thinking wait a second Larry where are you going with this? As you very well know there are a few sports that come with a stigmita of being labeled White Trash Sports. Some Exaples are Nascar,Profesinal Wrestling(for purposes of this artcle we will call it a sport) and Roller Derby. I happen to be a fan of all 3! Does that make me the biggest redneck hillbily in Las Colinas? Well,Maybe? However I beg to differ.
Just the other day I was wearing my Kyle Busch hat sitting at Champps. The lady next to me struck a conver asked me who #18 was. When I told her it was a Nascar driver it was conversation over. She said "Oh well nice hat anyway". WTH (In this case What the Hell) does that mean? I do have to give her credit for inspiring me to write this article though.
You see like most good USA, Americans my friends and I share similar interest. So most of my friends all like these WTH sports too. Would it suprise you if I told you most of my friends are college educated with six figure jobs? I know it would shock my gold digging judgmental friend from Champps. It's true, damn true. WTH?
The thing I don't understand is why are these Sports so taboo? I think most people turn their noses up at these sports without even thinking about it. I bet most people that "don't like" these sports have never even watched them! Do you think my gal pal from Champs has ever sit through a 500 race? Or ever watched one episode of Monday Night Raw? How are you going to make an opion based soley on unfair sterotypes? WTH?
Let's take Profesinal Wrestling for example. Is it chesey over dramitic high school B.S with a touch of Howard Stern humor? Of course! Is it the male equivilent to day time Soap Operas? Absolutley? Thinking about it. They both have terrible acting,never ending storylines and crank out more bad episodes then good ones. Yet the loyal fans of both keep coming back for more. Why? Becuse it is entertaining brian candy! Wrestling is considered White Trash but Soap Operas aren't? WTH?
Nascar is next on my list. The sports popularity has grown with HD television but still has that good old boy sport label. I have seen some things at Texas Motor Speedway that what shock and amaze you! Matter of fact I have seen some things out there that my not be fit to write about in this article. Like the hairy ape like gentleman that the state of Texas shaved in his back hair. I've seen a man name buba take out his teeth to do a beer bong. I've seen grown women driving around on a golf cart with the peter meter. I've seen stripper poles at camp sites and people go to jail. I know these things don't defend the stero type but I just wanted to brag a little bit ;). WTH?
Now let's take one my favorites Roller Derby. No you can't watch it on TV but you can check out my favorite derby girls The Dallas Derby Devils @ derbydevils.com. When ever the subject of ROller Derby comes up people think of that 60's chesee that was scripted and on TV. It is nothing like that anymore. Roller Derby is quickly becoming a legimite sport. Then are planning a World Cup later this year. Not to mention everyone I know from Adam to Eve from William Aaron Sebastian Petterson III to Ray Earnhardt Junior jr everyone loves this sport! WTH? Go check Roller Derby out with an open mind and you'll have a grand old time.
So just remember not to judge the next time you see someone wearing a Jimmy Johnson hat or a John Cena tee shirt. You may think WTH look at the WT. Chances are that so called WT is living in WTH and might just write about you on BBSD.
PS Doesn't this Nascar Party look like fun?
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