Wither you are Hook Em or Boomejavascript:void(0)r this is the biggest football weekend of the year for a Texan or Okie. The Texas and OU rivalry is one of the last great rivalries in all of sports. For these two schools and their fans this game is a bowl game. Bragging Rights for the entire year are on the line and the stakes couldn't be any higher.
If you grew up in DFW like I did you know the battle lines are drawn early. You either sport the Burnt Orange or the Crimson and Cream. The only exceptions are a few Red Raiders,Cowboys and Ags who could give a s#!t about this game. For the most part both states stop down for 3 hours each every fall to watch the Red River Shootout. Yes Professor L-Train is old school and still says shootout.

Me personally, I have attended several of these Texas-OU games. I have to say out of all the insane sporting events I have been to, none are louder or crazier then this. I can't put into words what the atmosphere is like at The Texas State Fair on game day.
When you pack 90,000 into the Cotton Bowl the decimal level is ear drum popping. You have to scream just to hear the person next to you. Forget about texting your buddies because the cell phone towers can't handle the traffic.
There is no question what side you are sitting on either. The Burnt Orange and Crimson border is clearly defined. It is freaking Texas-OU or OU-Texas depending on where you are from. Not to mention this year there is even more hype than normal as both of these teams come in undefeated once again.
I will give you my pick later in this blog. This is the only time I will give you advice on Texas all year. Remember Rule # 3 in Sports Betting : #3 Never bet on or against your team. You can't be unbiased no matter how hard you try.
Now even if Oklahoma wins this game they still lose because they have to go back to Oklahoma! HaHa
What is Texas-OU without a couple of jokes? Here are some of my favorite
It was reported that Oklahoma head football coach Bob Stoops will only
be dressing twenty players for the Texas game. The rest of the players will have to get dressed by themselves.
Austin News Report: Football practice in Austin was delayed on Monday
for nearly two hours. One of the offensive players, while on his way
to the locker room, happened to look down and notice a suspicious
looking, unknown, white powdery substance on the practice field. The
head coach, Mack Brown, immediately suspended practice while the FBI
was called in to investigate. After a complete field analysis, the FBI
determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the
goal line. Practice was resumed when the FBI decided that the team
would not be likely to encounter the substance again.
A United States General was walking through the middle east during the Gulf
War when he found a lamp on the ground. He picked it up, rubbed, and
out came a genie. The genie said to the General, "I will grant you one wish."
The General replied, "I wish that we will win this war. Here is a map
of the desert and all the war parties. Please make us win the war." The genie responded, "I'm not that powerful of a genie. I cannot grant you that wish." "Well," the General responds, "then can you have Oklahoma win a bowl game this year?" The genie thinks for a moment, then says, "Let me see that map again."
Last week I told you I had some good Karma picks and boy did karma pay us off. I went 2-1 in College and 2-0 in the NFL for a total of 4-1 vs the line.Is that good? Did I break it? My College should have been 3-0 but LSU gave up a garbage TD to Kentucky and blew that 30 point spread. I don't want to talk to much smack because I want karma to pay us off again.
Here are my Texas-OU Weekend Picks.
Check my Stats
@Kansas State +3 over Missouri
Michigan-7 over @ Northwestern
Auburn +10 @ Arkansas
San Diego -4 over @ Denver
Oakland+6 @ Houston
Green Bay -5.5 @ ATL
@Detroit-5.5 over Chicago
and the pick everyone is waiting for drum roll please.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Texas +10 over Oklahoma! I think Texas sneaks up on OU and wins out right but take the 10 just in case.
Happy Betting! Class is dismissed

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