I mean you are nice enough to take the time to send them in each and every week but, I never share. Well shame on me!
Today it's time for a change. Today I Larry Stanley of BigBadSportsDaddy.com AKA Professor L-Train will share an email with you in my Big Bad Blog. However I am just sharing one, but it's a good.
Dear Professor Infidel ,
You suck! Because of your bad picks last week I have to flee my country! I am being chased by an army of angry radicals. Don't let them fool you and tell you "It's a Revolution!" That army of rats all work for my pissed of bookie.
I lost a lot of money on your so-called "expert picks". Michigan over Michigan State! WTF were you thinking? Make a stupid pick like that again and I'll put a Jihad on your American Sports Loving Ass!
Until I figure out how to pay my bookie for your camel piss advice last week I will be hiding in a storm drain in my home country but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please don't tell anyone.
Muammar in Libya
Something tells me I may not have to worry about Muammar in Libya anymore.
Stay Classy America
If you are reading this on blogger.com My Featured school this week is OSU.

NFL vs. The Line
NCAAF vs The Line
This week
Oklahoma State-6.5 over Misou
TT + 28.5 over Boomer Sooner
Air Force +31 over Boise.
Green Bay -9 over Viking
Denver +1 over Dolphin.
Larry Stanley in Las Colinas on Facebook
@BigBadLarry on twitter
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