All I have read or heard since the Jerry Jones Dallas Cowboys lost to the New York Giants on New Years Day is Jerry needs to hire a GM. As much as I agree with the popular opinion, I've accepted the fact it is never going to happen. So I am moving on and I suggest you do the same. Yes I am calling for a Cowboys Boycott.
I can not take the Cowboys wallowing in mediocrity anymore! It's been this way for years now and we need a change that is not going to happen. So here's the deal, I am not going to support them anymore. I'm not going to games,I'm not going to buy merch,I'm not even going to watch them on tv unless it has some impact to my fantasy team. It's tough love at its roughest. I feel like I am going through a divorce after 33 years. I am using irreconcilable differences as my reason. I want to see the Cowboys win a Super Bowl and Jerry just wants to make more money.
Now separation is always tough. I put a lot of thought and consideration into this before I made my decision. I finally came up with if Jerry Jones isn't committed to winning then I'm not committing to be a Cowboys fan any longer. It's a New Year time for a fresh start. Sorry Jerry in the words of the great Kenny Powers " You are F'N out!"
I do realize if I ever want to see the Cowboys win again we as Cowboys fans have to hit the egotistical narcissist that runs them where it hurts. That would be his pride and in his checkbook. Can you imagine how embarrassed he would be if there was a national televised game at the billion dollar big green house and the audience looked like a Dallas Stars crowd? It would get a point across.
Now if you listen to Jerry he'll tell you he won 3 Super Bowls as GM. I think we all know that's not true. When I hear him spit out that garbage it makes me want to vomit! It reminds of that scene in the movie Waiting where Justin Long's character quits.
As tempting as it maybe I'm not going to just jump in bed with the next team that comes along. I just got back from New Orleans and the Saints did their best to court me. However I am just not ready for anything new yet. I need some alone time. It's not the Saints, it's me.
Now you may not see me wearing another NFL team's gear in 2012 but you damn sure will not see me sporting any Cowboys gear either. Matter of fact I may use all my Dallas Cowboys stuff to start a huge bonfire. Sorry Jerry, but this is where this Cowboys fan rides away!
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