I was thinking on my car ride over to the office in the pouring rain what I should blog about. Then it hit me! I should combine my psychic powers with my sports knowledge and let you know where Peyton Manning will wind up.
I do kind of have a track record with these sorts of things. I mean in this very blog I correctly predicted where Michael Vick and LeBron James would call home months before they inked.
Like we did with the past two precedents we will start by eliminating the obvious. We have 32 NFL Teams and The Colts are out. Now that leaves us with 31 teams that could bring Peyton in.
Out of those 31 we can cross off another 16 easy. Peyton's brotherly love towards Eli(I have twice as many rings as he does) Manning will not allow him to come over to the NFC. No Cane and Able stuff here. Adios NFC you can have fun with the RG III race. Then there were 15.
We can cross off New England,Pittsburgh and San Diego as well, They all have franchise Signal Callers already in place. 12 AFC Teams on the Wall, 12 AFC Teams lalala......
Balt,Houston and Raider all have serviceable Quatermen at the helm. They won't make that move. That brings us to 9.
Cincy and Buffalo have young QBs they are committed to. We are down to the magnificent 7.
I'm going to go ahead and cross off Denver and the Dog Pound too. I'm taking Denver out of the mix because they are selling way to many Tebow jersey's at the moment. After all football is a business. Cleveland is out because they said they were out. They are eyeing RG III and still have Colt .45 if they don't land him.
Tennessee & Jack both used 1st rounders on their field generals last year. They are Kenny Powers and F'N out!
Deep down inside the Jets are still committed to Mark Sanchez. They don't want to tell the world yet but he is their guy. It's kind of like dating a hippo. Your lonely and you need company so you sacrifice your Friday Night to stay home and "watch movies with her" but you don't want to be seen with her in public in this lifetime. That's just gross. (Not, that I would know anything about that).
So we are left with Miami or Kansas City. Drum Roll Please..............................
Peyton Manning will sign with the Kansas City Chiefs.

They have a nice offense with Dwayne Bowe and Jamal Charles coming back from Injury. Add a healthy Peyton Manning to that mix and you have an instant AFC contender. Not to mention former NFL greats Steve Deberg,Dave Krieg,Jo Mo,Warren Moon and Brodie Croyle all wrapped up there NFL careers there. Then you throw on the fact that the Chiefs were so desperate last year they traded for Kyle Orton. Not to mention Miami smells like cuban farts, and is home to the biggest D-Bag athletes on the planet. K.C. is the only logical place for a nice guy like Peyton that makes sense.
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