This week I caught up with MPX Wrestling WASP before this weekend's MPX King of The Beach.
King of the Beach is Saturday Night @ Metroflex Gym MidCities in Bedford. You can find all the detalis on King of the Beach at Not to mention for you wrestling geeks & autograph seekers former WWE & TNA Superstar Brain Kendrick will be in action at King of the Beach.
Singles Match with MPX's WASP

LS: Why did you get into Wrestling?
WASP:I wanted to do something athletic, I've never really been much for sports but I have always loved wrestling, I saw some indy shows and really believed that I could do it. I believed I had the drive and determination to become a wrestler and I did.
LS: Which Wrestlers did you look up to growing up?
WASP: I was a huge fan of the gimmick age of wrestling, Doink, Duke the Dumpster Droese. But as far as looking up to, Shawn Michaels for his charisma and skill and the big men, like Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader, guys who didn't fit the "bodybuilder" mold but were still able to do what they love.
LS: Who did you learn the most from watching?
WASP: Everyone, everyone has something to teach, even those who people consider "bad" can teach you what not to do. It is an art form, there is no right or wrong way, you take everything you see and you learn and you create a style that works for you.
LS: How did your family and friends react to you when you told them you were going to become a wrestler?
WASP: Surprised, but not too surprised. They knew I had always loved wrestling, but I don't think they ever thought I would actually do it.
LS: What is the difference between the Indy circut and the guys you see on TV?
WASP: Budget... if the Indies had budgets like TV you would see a whole lot of different things than what you do. Indies generally have really good ideas but lack execution or the funds to create that execution. Talent and drive is very similar... also body styles, not everyone on the indies is cut and looks like a body builder, which I don't think is a bad thing.
LS: What made you come to MPX?
WASP:The atmosphere and the management.
LS: Who imperess you the most in MPX and why?
WASP: Gregory James, he is not what you think of when you think professional wrestler, but his drive, determination, creativity and skill are unmatched in any company I have seen or worked for.
LS: What makes MPX Stand out from other Indy Wrestling Organzations?
WASP: They care, they've lasted and they put thought into what they are doing.
LS: If you could face one wrestler (dead or alive) in a dream match who would you wrestle?
WASP: Easy, Bam Bam Bigelow, hands down.
LS: Do you watch WWE or TNA? If so what do you think?
WASP: I have watched WWE and TNA for years... it's harder now due to a lack of cable TV in our house (personal choice) but I catch it when I can. As always there are good things and bad things about any product. I wish focus was elsewhere at times but they make the big bucks, they obviously know what they are doing.
LS: What do you see in the future for MPX?
WASP: Growth and more opportunity, every show MPX gets bigger and better, eventually the Metroflex Gym won't be able to contain all of the fans who come out and see us.
LS: What are your predictions for this weekend's MPX King of the Beach?
WASP: Pay Day is my tag partner, so despite Kenny's skill, I have to say Pay Day is going to retain the Prospect Championship. Obviously I believe I am going to DESTROY Carrion Arcane, I don't put challenges out very often but when I do, I plan on making the most of it. I have been virtually winless in MPX in 2012, and I aim to change that. Brian Kendrick versus Gregory James, everyone wins, the fans especially, it will be a GREAT match. And Frankie Fisher loses his title to Jerome, no doubt.
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