At 5 p.m CST on Tuesday, the powers that be of the college football world stood together at a press conference to officially announce the creation of a new system featuring a four-team seeded playoff, which will go into effect beginning in the 2014-15 season. The new playoff contract is set to last 12 years.
Is it better than the BCS?
Yes it is!
Is it a quick fix?
Yes it is!
Is it a permanent solution to a lifetime epidemic that has plagued college football fans since the beginning of time?
No it isn't!
I have two problems with the new system. The first is; only four teams make the playoffs. Baseball figured out this was garbage a long time ago.
The second is why a selection committee? The committee opens up all kinds of bribes and conspiracy theories that we will hear about all over ESPN as this thing plays out. The cold hard truth is College Football and corruption go hand in hand.
As my daddy always told me when I was young "Son, life isn't about problems, but about the solutions". In this case there happens to be an easy solutions.
Are you listening NCAA? Here is your solution for free!
All you have to do is raise the number of playoff teams to 8 and combine the selection committee with something else. For example have a selection committee,Some computer generated Power Rankings(like the BCS) and the AP Poll all count. Take all those polls and create a formula. Then you could shake it up and have a true college football national champion come out! Think about it for a second, A true COLLEGE FOOTBALL CHAMPION!
If you are #5 in the country you can probably make a convincing case to be in the top 4. If you are #9 then I don't want to hear it. If you were good enough to be there you should have been in the top 8 with no questions asked.
So what caused the NCAA to get off their collective arses and do something about the College Football National Champions this year? I mean the general public,Local NBA owners named Cuban,Politicians,the media and a BigBadSportsDaddy.com blogger named Larry have bitched for years about how things have been ran in the NCAA Football World. So what changed this year?
I think when two S.E.C. teams made the BCS Championship game 6 months ago the other conference stood up and said "Wait a freaking minute!". All of sudden the Big-10,Pac-10,and Big-12 said this isn't fair! Let's do something about it. When that many powers stand up and start moaning people should listen. IN this case they did.
In two years we will get our "precious" college football playoff we have been craving. This will last for 12 years. Through conference reallingmenst and the building of Super Conferences we will have this system. I just hope in 14 years around 2027 the NCAA actually gets it right!
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16 teams including all conference champions is the best option.