Dear Santa,
It's your pal old Tiger here? Are we still on to play 18 at the North Pole Country Club on the 28th?
I wanted to write you to give you a heads up my wife went through my phone and might be calling you soon! Can you please take your name off your voicemail? Huge favor! No one needs to know what we did with the elf's,reindeer, and girls on your naughty list. I know you warned me and I should of listen but i didn't!
Come on Santa baby do me a solid and help me out with my Christmas list will you?
First off i want Peace on Earth& Good Will to man and no more effn voicemails! Yours and that bitch's Jamie Grubbs is going to cost me my marriage to the hot gold digging slut i hate. GET FUCKING RID OF EM!
Next can you please give me my endorsements back? If I am not careful Elin is going to get half my shit! I need to start stashing some cash away. You Know what I'm saying!
And while your at it give me my career back too! A year off to work on my marriage my ass! Playing golf would be a great distraction from all this nonsense.
I also need a the industrail size box of trojans, a home aids test and hitman.
You the best pal ever Kringle
This is my old Sports blog, now I am just sharing my thoughts on things. Random as I want to be
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
How the BCS Grinch Stole Football Season
Every Football fan in College Football land liked college football a lot
but the BCS Grinch who lived in BCS Cyber Land did not
Now the BCS Grinch hated all football season please don’t ask why no one knows the exact reason.
It could be because he hated a good ball game or it might have been of his tiny BCS Grinch brain. “No one wants to see the best teams in the land; I would rather see a USC team with a record of 9-3.” The BCS Grinch proclaimed.
When it looked like a mighty team from the west might make a legitimate claim to the coveted BCS title The BCS Grinch’s tall long frame and vital organs started to violently shake! “They are not a media darling!”The evil Grinch said snarling “How could they play for what is at stake? There is no way they are the best team in BCS Cyberland! They are just a small school from the Lone Star State! They couldn’t be that great!” “I can see it now” the BCS Grinch did howl.” Football fans both young and old cheering on a team with a mascot of the toad.”
Cheering, Cheering, Cheering for a team with no national appeal. No sir this was not a good deal! The BCS Grinch thought to himself. He would have to come up with a dastardly plan to put these TCU Frogs on the college football land shelf. Yes indeed he would ruin this college football season! Then a light bulb went off above this evil creature’s head. It would be a cinch to pull off this treason. He must keep the purple klan away! Everything shall remain cookie cutter and the same in BCS Cyberland.
If the Frogs got to play for the national title all hell would then break lose. The next thing you know The Boise State Broncos would be giving the BCS Grinch the college football blues. Or maybe the Bearcats of Cincinnati would be the next team to play in his beloved BCS Cyberland! The BCS Grinch was going batty! This TCU problem must be nipped in the bud. The BCS Grinch would stop this team in cold blood
The BCS Grinch knew just what he would do! He would bribe a SEC official or two. A couple of bad calls who would notice? As long as The BCS Grinch kept Florida University a undefeated he didn’t care who he cheated. The Gators they are the team you see on ESPN and they are the ones that kept the money coming into BCS Cyberland. You see this BCS Grinch was a very greedy greedy brute
His despicable design went off without a hitch. Another off Season of listen to the masses of college football land bitch. TCU even though 12-0 didn’t get to the Championship Game in BCS Cyber Land! To the lowly Orange bowl the Frogs would go so they wouldn’t interrupt the flow of money that came in to BCS Grinch’s Cyber Land.
On January 5th the sinister BCS Grinch beast decided to sneak down to a bar and mingle with the fans in College Football Land. To his surprise the cheering didn’t cease! The beer was flowing and there was no crying and moaning. The Horned Frog Fans kept on yelling and screaming even though their team was playing in a nonsensical game. To the Grinch this was totally insane. He thought he had ripped out the heart and crushed the spirit from that little school from the Lone Star State. They just kept on playing with school pride, love, passion, mania and rage and for the fans of college football land.
The Grinch stood wondering and wondering how could this be so? He stood there and wondered until his wonder couldn’t wonder no more. The Grinch plan had backfired he didn’t ruin College Football season! The people had shown The BCS Grinch something that day and when he left he came to a conclusion that you shouldn’t rig a College Football season for your own selfish reasons! Who knows what happen next but the people say his tiny BCS brain grew three sizes that day. But the BCS Grinch would not let this go! He must let everyone know that this was a problem that had to be solved and he knew what would be involved. A press release would make the rounds and the top eight teams would be tournament bound! A playoff would start the very next year because it’s right and fair! The BCS Grinch then disappeared but he swore up and down that he would never again ruin a great team’s incredible football season.
but the BCS Grinch who lived in BCS Cyber Land did not
Now the BCS Grinch hated all football season please don’t ask why no one knows the exact reason.
It could be because he hated a good ball game or it might have been of his tiny BCS Grinch brain. “No one wants to see the best teams in the land; I would rather see a USC team with a record of 9-3.” The BCS Grinch proclaimed.
When it looked like a mighty team from the west might make a legitimate claim to the coveted BCS title The BCS Grinch’s tall long frame and vital organs started to violently shake! “They are not a media darling!”The evil Grinch said snarling “How could they play for what is at stake? There is no way they are the best team in BCS Cyberland! They are just a small school from the Lone Star State! They couldn’t be that great!” “I can see it now” the BCS Grinch did howl.” Football fans both young and old cheering on a team with a mascot of the toad.”
Cheering, Cheering, Cheering for a team with no national appeal. No sir this was not a good deal! The BCS Grinch thought to himself. He would have to come up with a dastardly plan to put these TCU Frogs on the college football land shelf. Yes indeed he would ruin this college football season! Then a light bulb went off above this evil creature’s head. It would be a cinch to pull off this treason. He must keep the purple klan away! Everything shall remain cookie cutter and the same in BCS Cyberland.
If the Frogs got to play for the national title all hell would then break lose. The next thing you know The Boise State Broncos would be giving the BCS Grinch the college football blues. Or maybe the Bearcats of Cincinnati would be the next team to play in his beloved BCS Cyberland! The BCS Grinch was going batty! This TCU problem must be nipped in the bud. The BCS Grinch would stop this team in cold blood
The BCS Grinch knew just what he would do! He would bribe a SEC official or two. A couple of bad calls who would notice? As long as The BCS Grinch kept Florida University a undefeated he didn’t care who he cheated. The Gators they are the team you see on ESPN and they are the ones that kept the money coming into BCS Cyberland. You see this BCS Grinch was a very greedy greedy brute
His despicable design went off without a hitch. Another off Season of listen to the masses of college football land bitch. TCU even though 12-0 didn’t get to the Championship Game in BCS Cyber Land! To the lowly Orange bowl the Frogs would go so they wouldn’t interrupt the flow of money that came in to BCS Grinch’s Cyber Land.
On January 5th the sinister BCS Grinch beast decided to sneak down to a bar and mingle with the fans in College Football Land. To his surprise the cheering didn’t cease! The beer was flowing and there was no crying and moaning. The Horned Frog Fans kept on yelling and screaming even though their team was playing in a nonsensical game. To the Grinch this was totally insane. He thought he had ripped out the heart and crushed the spirit from that little school from the Lone Star State. They just kept on playing with school pride, love, passion, mania and rage and for the fans of college football land.
The Grinch stood wondering and wondering how could this be so? He stood there and wondered until his wonder couldn’t wonder no more. The Grinch plan had backfired he didn’t ruin College Football season! The people had shown The BCS Grinch something that day and when he left he came to a conclusion that you shouldn’t rig a College Football season for your own selfish reasons! Who knows what happen next but the people say his tiny BCS brain grew three sizes that day. But the BCS Grinch would not let this go! He must let everyone know that this was a problem that had to be solved and he knew what would be involved. A press release would make the rounds and the top eight teams would be tournament bound! A playoff would start the very next year because it’s right and fair! The BCS Grinch then disappeared but he swore up and down that he would never again ruin a great team’s incredible football season.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Texas Motor Speedway is One Hell of a party!!!! Oh yeah there is a race here too
Before we shot our infamous Drunk Girls at Texas Motor Speedway video in April I never knew what NASCAR was about. Sure I have watched a lot of races on tv and have started a group that is secretly plotting that damn diggers death but I never got it. Once we started campsite crashing last spring I got it! Got it so much BBSd is camping out this fall! Hail Hail the the crew is all here!
We would like to thank our friends over at Anheuser Busch and Ricks in Fort Worth for making our site Kick ass.Ricks sent out a stripper pole! Yeah we stole the idea fair and square. Hey if you can't work in shameless plugs when you are talking about NASCAR when can you?
Imagine thousands of RVs all in open field. Each one unique but very similar. There is adult beverage consumption and grilling at everyone of them. As you walk down the rows the campers will offer you beer and food. If you are going hungry or thirsty at Texas Motor Speedway you are doing something wrong! The hospitality never ends.
The Flags of every racer are flown proudly above the RVS. There is redneck golf,a Mardi Gras parade, boobie corner, loud cars,beer drinking and a little hell raising but the good kind. No one comes out here to start trouble. It's the best parties ever.
If you have never camped our hung out in the camp area at a race you won't get it. You can talk the talk but you have to walk the walk to be a true NASCAR fan. For example as I am writing I am fighting off a three day hangover and have been living out of a 85 model RV for days. As miserable as that sounds there is no place I would rather be right now!
I have made some new friends this year too. Crazy Kenny and his crew 3 rvs down from me are wild ass and I mean wild ass! Bobby an older gentlemen in his 60s keeps on twisting my arm to eat everclear and rum soaked cherries. Kenny was cruising around the outside of the track and got cut off by another dirver last night. He got out of his truck fighting mad and wanted to know what the damn deal was. The other driver apologized then Kenny recognized the other driver. It was Clint Boywer one of his favorite NASCAR drivers.I am sure that is one of a thousand stories that are get made out here.
I am sure the race will be great on Sunday! Texas is one of the most exciting NASCAR races of the year. However I come from the party and stay for the race. BEER FRIENDS AND FUN! I heart NASCAR. Peace bishes
We would like to thank our friends over at Anheuser Busch and Ricks in Fort Worth for making our site Kick ass.Ricks sent out a stripper pole! Yeah we stole the idea fair and square. Hey if you can't work in shameless plugs when you are talking about NASCAR when can you?
Imagine thousands of RVs all in open field. Each one unique but very similar. There is adult beverage consumption and grilling at everyone of them. As you walk down the rows the campers will offer you beer and food. If you are going hungry or thirsty at Texas Motor Speedway you are doing something wrong! The hospitality never ends.
The Flags of every racer are flown proudly above the RVS. There is redneck golf,a Mardi Gras parade, boobie corner, loud cars,beer drinking and a little hell raising but the good kind. No one comes out here to start trouble. It's the best parties ever.
If you have never camped our hung out in the camp area at a race you won't get it. You can talk the talk but you have to walk the walk to be a true NASCAR fan. For example as I am writing I am fighting off a three day hangover and have been living out of a 85 model RV for days. As miserable as that sounds there is no place I would rather be right now!
I have made some new friends this year too. Crazy Kenny and his crew 3 rvs down from me are wild ass and I mean wild ass! Bobby an older gentlemen in his 60s keeps on twisting my arm to eat everclear and rum soaked cherries. Kenny was cruising around the outside of the track and got cut off by another dirver last night. He got out of his truck fighting mad and wanted to know what the damn deal was. The other driver apologized then Kenny recognized the other driver. It was Clint Boywer one of his favorite NASCAR drivers.I am sure that is one of a thousand stories that are get made out here.
I am sure the race will be great on Sunday! Texas is one of the most exciting NASCAR races of the year. However I come from the party and stay for the race. BEER FRIENDS AND FUN! I heart NASCAR. Peace bishes
Thursday, October 29, 2009
BCS mess is two less
Saturday evening while you are getting interrupted by annoying booger eaters trick or treating six college football teams will play games that will have a major impact on who goes to Pasadena on January 7th.
#3Texas vs #14 OSU sans Dez Bryant.
This weekend the Longhorn face their toughest challenge on the road to sunny Cali. OSU is ranked 14th in the BCS this weekend and get the mighty 3rd rank Horns at Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater. Even without Dez Bryant the Cowboys offense hasn't missed a beat. Texas O has looked very shaky at times in 09. It's safe to say Colt isn't the same QB he was a year ago. As bad as they have looked this year The Austin kids still win on the road for two reasons. One they have won 10 straight vs OSU. Although the last two games have been very close. The oldest rule in betting don't bet against a streak just ask The Undertaker! Macky has I'm a man I'm 40's number. Mizzou has played these two power houses in back to back weeks. OSU won 33-17 Texas won 41-7 yet antoher reason to pick UT. Expect this game to stay close all the way to until the end. Turn the front porch light off or make the wife pass out the candy after this one kicks off! It will be the best game of Halloween weekend!
#4USC us #12 Oregon
Wow! It's the #4 ranked media darlings USC Trojans going up The 5 to take on the #12 Green Ducks. In 08 USC killed Oregon 44-10 at home. This year the outcome will be different. Beside suspending their starting running back for doing a Mike Tyson impersonation and the opening night lost to Bosie State Oregeon has still looked like the best team in College Football in October. They have blown out everyone that has dared crossed their paths. USC on the other hand damn near lost their last two games. The Beaver State will be rocking like never before on Saturday Night! As long as the refs call a fair game The Ducks get their revenge and eliminate any and all chances of USC playing for a national title as they hand them their second loss of 09.
#7 Cincinnati vs Syracuse
USC will not be the only team the gets knocked out of The BCS Championship hunt this weekend! The Bearcats of Cincinnati will lose to the Oragemen of Syracuse. This one maybe out there and I may catch more hell from John & Eric(The John & Eric show heard every Thursday at 2pm on if I am wrong HOWEVER I am putting it in writing the Bearcats will say hello to the loss column this week! Cincinnati's starting QB Tony Pike is doubftul and will not play this week. Syracuse will be at home. Orange at home on Halloween. It's their day to shine. You can call it a long shot gut feeling but I am calling it one less team in the BCS mess.
#3Texas vs #14 OSU sans Dez Bryant.
This weekend the Longhorn face their toughest challenge on the road to sunny Cali. OSU is ranked 14th in the BCS this weekend and get the mighty 3rd rank Horns at Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater. Even without Dez Bryant the Cowboys offense hasn't missed a beat. Texas O has looked very shaky at times in 09. It's safe to say Colt isn't the same QB he was a year ago. As bad as they have looked this year The Austin kids still win on the road for two reasons. One they have won 10 straight vs OSU. Although the last two games have been very close. The oldest rule in betting don't bet against a streak just ask The Undertaker! Macky has I'm a man I'm 40's number. Mizzou has played these two power houses in back to back weeks. OSU won 33-17 Texas won 41-7 yet antoher reason to pick UT. Expect this game to stay close all the way to until the end. Turn the front porch light off or make the wife pass out the candy after this one kicks off! It will be the best game of Halloween weekend!
#4USC us #12 Oregon
Wow! It's the #4 ranked media darlings USC Trojans going up The 5 to take on the #12 Green Ducks. In 08 USC killed Oregon 44-10 at home. This year the outcome will be different. Beside suspending their starting running back for doing a Mike Tyson impersonation and the opening night lost to Bosie State Oregeon has still looked like the best team in College Football in October. They have blown out everyone that has dared crossed their paths. USC on the other hand damn near lost their last two games. The Beaver State will be rocking like never before on Saturday Night! As long as the refs call a fair game The Ducks get their revenge and eliminate any and all chances of USC playing for a national title as they hand them their second loss of 09.
#7 Cincinnati vs Syracuse
USC will not be the only team the gets knocked out of The BCS Championship hunt this weekend! The Bearcats of Cincinnati will lose to the Oragemen of Syracuse. This one maybe out there and I may catch more hell from John & Eric(The John & Eric show heard every Thursday at 2pm on if I am wrong HOWEVER I am putting it in writing the Bearcats will say hello to the loss column this week! Cincinnati's starting QB Tony Pike is doubftul and will not play this week. Syracuse will be at home. Orange at home on Halloween. It's their day to shine. You can call it a long shot gut feeling but I am calling it one less team in the BCS mess.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Can you Smell an upset brewing?
October is a strange wicked month and evil unpredictable things seem to happen on the gridiron. As the minions of the Antichrist prepare for their night the college football world is trying to avoid the nasty upset demon. We have the 1st BCS poll coming out this Sunday but before it does at least one of the top 5 NCAA football teams will loose! Which one will it be? Here look at the schedule with me.
Arkansas at Florida(1)
South Carolina(22) at Alabama(2)
Oklahoma(18) vs Texas(3)
Virginia Tech(4) at Georgia Tech(20)
Southern California(5) at Notre Dame(25)
It will not be Florida. Arkansas is the best 3-2 team in the nation!
The Razorbacks will give Florida a game. However traveling to Gainesville will be to much for the Fayetteville boys. Arkansas +24.5 does look good at the Sportsbook as well as over 54. Hogs fan sing your blues away if you have $34 that's ok.
#2 Alabama and the Game Cocks of South Carolina get it on Saturday night. Two of the best D's in the country go head to head. Alabama defense should give the Spurrier offense fits and playing in Tuscaloosa is always rough. Roll tide Roll you should avoid the upset this weekend. BBSD Tip of the week DONT WATCH THE GAME WITH THIS GUY
The best rivalry in college football is definitely The Red River Shoot Out. When Texas and OU lock up at the great State Fair of Texas who knows what is going to happen. On a side note I will be at this game yelling Texas fight! Vegas must know something we don't because they only have Texas as a 3 point favorite. Neither of these teams have looked dominant this year. Texas has looked better then OU though even with Bradford back. Expect it to be close for a while but Texas wins by 10+ in the end. Hook Em! Oh by the way OU Sucks
My upset alarm goes off with the Hokies. Atlanta will be rocking Saturday night when they roll in to play GT. The Georgia Tech Yellowjacks haven't lost at home this year and it doesn't happen here either. My psychics crystal ball said so! Although on paper this game looks to favor the Hookies but it's not by much. When you factor in the home fans and this William Wallace like speach
then you can see why Tech wins.
The Trojans and Irish also square off this weekend in Southbend. All you need to know is Irish hasn't won since 01 and this game hasn't been close since 05. SC wins and covers the 10 point spread. Hey Notre Dame "You're dead yet"
Arkansas at Florida(1)
South Carolina(22) at Alabama(2)
Oklahoma(18) vs Texas(3)
Virginia Tech(4) at Georgia Tech(20)
Southern California(5) at Notre Dame(25)
It will not be Florida. Arkansas is the best 3-2 team in the nation!
The Razorbacks will give Florida a game. However traveling to Gainesville will be to much for the Fayetteville boys. Arkansas +24.5 does look good at the Sportsbook as well as over 54. Hogs fan sing your blues away if you have $34 that's ok.
#2 Alabama and the Game Cocks of South Carolina get it on Saturday night. Two of the best D's in the country go head to head. Alabama defense should give the Spurrier offense fits and playing in Tuscaloosa is always rough. Roll tide Roll you should avoid the upset this weekend. BBSD Tip of the week DONT WATCH THE GAME WITH THIS GUY
The best rivalry in college football is definitely The Red River Shoot Out. When Texas and OU lock up at the great State Fair of Texas who knows what is going to happen. On a side note I will be at this game yelling Texas fight! Vegas must know something we don't because they only have Texas as a 3 point favorite. Neither of these teams have looked dominant this year. Texas has looked better then OU though even with Bradford back. Expect it to be close for a while but Texas wins by 10+ in the end. Hook Em! Oh by the way OU Sucks
My upset alarm goes off with the Hokies. Atlanta will be rocking Saturday night when they roll in to play GT. The Georgia Tech Yellowjacks haven't lost at home this year and it doesn't happen here either. My psychics crystal ball said so! Although on paper this game looks to favor the Hookies but it's not by much. When you factor in the home fans and this William Wallace like speach
then you can see why Tech wins.
The Trojans and Irish also square off this weekend in Southbend. All you need to know is Irish hasn't won since 01 and this game hasn't been close since 05. SC wins and covers the 10 point spread. Hey Notre Dame "You're dead yet"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Scattershooting While Wondering through the Wonderful World of Football
Scattershooting while wondering what ever happen to David Klingler.
Do the Cowboys and T O need each other? Now that this nasty divorce is over and both parties have moved on we have to ask if they were better together. After watching Romo try to throw to Sam Hurd twice with the game on the line last week I had to wonder would TO have got one of those throws? Would he of caught the ball? Does Dallas beat Denver if T O is still here? Did you know T O only has 8 catches in a Bills uniform this year? Do you think he's happy about that? How long until he helps implode that team? Also if T O was still in Dallas he might be able to provide that spark,fire desire to win and leadership this team is missing.
Are the Broncos that good or really lucky?
Who is the worst team in the NFL? Detroit? Cleveland? KC? They all stink!
MC Hammer is the worst agent ever! Ask Michael Crabtree.
Michael Singletary is a miracle worker.
The Pittsburgh Stealers will get it together and win the AFC North
Minnesota will fall off late in the Season and D Bears win the NFC North.
The NCAA decided to suspend Dez Bryant for a year. Why was he hanging out with Deion Sanders? Why did he lie to the NCAA? Who really cares? Why is this an issue? Reggie Bush moves his family to a mansion in SO Cal while attending USC and no questions are asked or actions are taking. Dez Bryant hangs out with Neon and gets tossed for the year. Totally fair NCAA! Just like the BCS. Why did OU play for the national title last year agin?
As far as the Heisman goes two of the top contenders were eliminated due to injury early. Slinging Sammy ended his back to back campaign in week 1 this year. He hit the turf at Jerry World and injured his shoulder and hasn't returned. Tebow got knocked silly against Kentucky and really hasn't looked like a Heisman candidate this year. Neither has Colt McCoy if you can handle the truth. The top contender for the Heisman should be Notre Dame's Jimmy Clausen.
Jevan Snead is the # 1 QB taking in the 2010 draft.
Do the Cowboys and T O need each other? Now that this nasty divorce is over and both parties have moved on we have to ask if they were better together. After watching Romo try to throw to Sam Hurd twice with the game on the line last week I had to wonder would TO have got one of those throws? Would he of caught the ball? Does Dallas beat Denver if T O is still here? Did you know T O only has 8 catches in a Bills uniform this year? Do you think he's happy about that? How long until he helps implode that team? Also if T O was still in Dallas he might be able to provide that spark,fire desire to win and leadership this team is missing.
Are the Broncos that good or really lucky?
Who is the worst team in the NFL? Detroit? Cleveland? KC? They all stink!
MC Hammer is the worst agent ever! Ask Michael Crabtree.
Michael Singletary is a miracle worker.
The Pittsburgh Stealers will get it together and win the AFC North
Minnesota will fall off late in the Season and D Bears win the NFC North.
The NCAA decided to suspend Dez Bryant for a year. Why was he hanging out with Deion Sanders? Why did he lie to the NCAA? Who really cares? Why is this an issue? Reggie Bush moves his family to a mansion in SO Cal while attending USC and no questions are asked or actions are taking. Dez Bryant hangs out with Neon and gets tossed for the year. Totally fair NCAA! Just like the BCS. Why did OU play for the national title last year agin?
As far as the Heisman goes two of the top contenders were eliminated due to injury early. Slinging Sammy ended his back to back campaign in week 1 this year. He hit the turf at Jerry World and injured his shoulder and hasn't returned. Tebow got knocked silly against Kentucky and really hasn't looked like a Heisman candidate this year. Neither has Colt McCoy if you can handle the truth. The top contender for the Heisman should be Notre Dame's Jimmy Clausen.
Jevan Snead is the # 1 QB taking in the 2010 draft.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
3 Weeks in and I know who will play for the BCS
3 weeks into the college football season and I already know who is going to be playing for the BCS Championship! How? My crazy mother would swear it's because her whole side of the family is physic. By the way her telling the girlfriends I bring home that story has sent more of them running for the hills then my supernumerary nipple. Me on the other hand I would say it's because I was blessed with an Einstein size brain and I choose to fill the extra gray matter with college football stats and facts.
Let's start off with eliminating the teams that already have one loss. OU,USC,Virginia Tech,Ohio State and just to give them a thrill we will cross off Oklahoma State(like they really had a shot anyway).
Next we can cross off the pretty good teams that don't have a chance to get into the title game for whatever reason. See you Miami! Strength of schedule will do you in. Michigan will drop two games this year. Look for Iowa to beat them at home in a couple of weeks. Better luck next year Wolverines. Bosie State and TCU one of you have a chance to bust into a BCS game but you are not going to be playing for the Championship. Let's get Bosie into the Pac 10 and the Frogs into the Big 12! Cincinnati is this years Ball State. You can catch them in the Meineke Car Care Bowl if they make it past Pitt. If Houston out scores Tech this week they have a chance to run the table. That is a big IF. But it's not going to be enough to get them to Pasadena January 7th 2010.
That leaves us with 7 teams with a legit shot. Florida,Texas,Alabama,Mississippi,Penn State,California,and LSU. Florida will drop one game between weeks 6-11. Then the Gators are looking the SEC championship. Who will they play? LSU and Albama both have to go to Mississippi and play. The swine flu will stop Ole Miss and Bama wins. After they knock off the team from Gainesville the Tide will head to the BCS .
Then there was 3. Let's just say the PAC 10 will work itself out and mark Cali off the list shall we? The fun bar debates start here! Joe Pa's team vs The Mighty Longhorns of Texas. If the Longhorns take care of business the only tough game they should have is November
26th at Kyle Field. Strange things happen in Aggie land. Strange things!
However I do think Penn State's trip to the Big House proves a little to much. Plus I think playing for a national title might give Joe Paterno a heart attack. This will sway the human vote to go the Texas way. Which leads me to believe once again we will see the Big 12 vs the SEC in the big game. At least it's fresh blood!
Hey Pasadena do you remember what happen the last time the Longhorns came to town? I'm just saying!
Let's start off with eliminating the teams that already have one loss. OU,USC,Virginia Tech,Ohio State and just to give them a thrill we will cross off Oklahoma State(like they really had a shot anyway).
Next we can cross off the pretty good teams that don't have a chance to get into the title game for whatever reason. See you Miami! Strength of schedule will do you in. Michigan will drop two games this year. Look for Iowa to beat them at home in a couple of weeks. Better luck next year Wolverines. Bosie State and TCU one of you have a chance to bust into a BCS game but you are not going to be playing for the Championship. Let's get Bosie into the Pac 10 and the Frogs into the Big 12! Cincinnati is this years Ball State. You can catch them in the Meineke Car Care Bowl if they make it past Pitt. If Houston out scores Tech this week they have a chance to run the table. That is a big IF. But it's not going to be enough to get them to Pasadena January 7th 2010.
That leaves us with 7 teams with a legit shot. Florida,Texas,Alabama,Mississippi,Penn State,California,and LSU. Florida will drop one game between weeks 6-11. Then the Gators are looking the SEC championship. Who will they play? LSU and Albama both have to go to Mississippi and play. The swine flu will stop Ole Miss and Bama wins. After they knock off the team from Gainesville the Tide will head to the BCS .
Then there was 3. Let's just say the PAC 10 will work itself out and mark Cali off the list shall we? The fun bar debates start here! Joe Pa's team vs The Mighty Longhorns of Texas. If the Longhorns take care of business the only tough game they should have is November
26th at Kyle Field. Strange things happen in Aggie land. Strange things!
However I do think Penn State's trip to the Big House proves a little to much. Plus I think playing for a national title might give Joe Paterno a heart attack. This will sway the human vote to go the Texas way. Which leads me to believe once again we will see the Big 12 vs the SEC in the big game. At least it's fresh blood!
Hey Pasadena do you remember what happen the last time the Longhorns came to town? I'm just saying!
Friday, September 4, 2009
College Picks for 9/5
Ok I went 1-2-1 Thursday night. What do I say about betting early in the season? Buyer Beware!! Here are some safe or safe as they get bets for the weekend
Navy at Ohio State-21.5 (6) Ohio State has to get ready for USC next week. They will bring their A game and cover this spread easy. Don't look for Navy to have the same success running the ball as they had last year.
Pick Ohio State-21.5
Georgia(13) at Oklahoma State-5 (11) Here we go Bowl Game week1! The Dogs have a new QB. The Dogs have a new RB. The Dgs have to play in a hostile invorment. The Cowboys have Dez Bryant and Zac Robinson. Bet Cowboys and lay the points.
Pick OK State -5
Virginia Tech(7) vs Alabama-6.5 (5)at the Georgia Dome
Bowl Game # 2 Week 1. This is why I love College Football! Alabama looked like one of the best teams in the country last year. VTech a good team but one tier down. Roll Tide Roll and you will cover the spread
Pick Alabama -6.5
Brigham Young(24) vs Oklahoma-22(3) Not a Bowl game! Big Game Bob and the Sooners cover easy.
Pick Ou -22
Mississippi(10)-17 at MemphisOle Miss is looking good this year. Look for them to make a deep run in the top ten. Can you say Cake Walk?
Pick Ole Miss -17
Navy at Ohio State-21.5 (6) Ohio State has to get ready for USC next week. They will bring their A game and cover this spread easy. Don't look for Navy to have the same success running the ball as they had last year.
Pick Ohio State-21.5
Georgia(13) at Oklahoma State-5 (11) Here we go Bowl Game week1! The Dogs have a new QB. The Dogs have a new RB. The Dgs have to play in a hostile invorment. The Cowboys have Dez Bryant and Zac Robinson. Bet Cowboys and lay the points.
Pick OK State -5
Virginia Tech(7) vs Alabama-6.5 (5)at the Georgia Dome
Bowl Game # 2 Week 1. This is why I love College Football! Alabama looked like one of the best teams in the country last year. VTech a good team but one tier down. Roll Tide Roll and you will cover the spread
Pick Alabama -6.5
Brigham Young(24) vs Oklahoma-22(3) Not a Bowl game! Big Game Bob and the Sooners cover easy.
Pick Ou -22
Mississippi(10)-17 at MemphisOle Miss is looking good this year. Look for them to make a deep run in the top ten. Can you say Cake Walk?
Pick Ole Miss -17
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's College Football Season. Let's win Some Money
Thursday night officially starts the 2009 College football season. Thank God! In 2008 was a documented 68% against the line in NCAA football! That's pretty good. Something you probably didn't know is I anonymously did the picks for bbsd. There it's out there in the open! I'm glad too. This year all my picks will be for free. I'll just ask you to shoot me an email if you are a winner this year and maybe take me out for a beer.
We have a slate full games on Thursday with the best of which being Oregon(14) at Boise State(16). Always remember to use a lot of caution in betting early in the season. The trends haven't been set yet. We really don't know what are betting on just yet. We can think we know all we want to but we really don't. Below are my picks for Thursday Night. Good Luck and Bet Smart
Utah State (0-0) at No. 18 Utah -20 (0-0). This is my favorite bet of the night. Utah won this game last year 58-10. The line is Utah -20. The Over/Under is 52. Did you watch the Sugar Bowl? Better yet did you watch any of the 3-9 Utah State Aggies games last year? Take Utah and if you want to parlay it with the over that looks safe too. Utah might take care of the 52 themselves.
North Texas (0-0) at Ball State-16.5 (0-0). Ball State won 12 in a row last year and were in the top 25 most of the year. If you total up the North Texas wins from the past 5 years you still don't come up with 12 wins. Take Ball State to cover at home. Both these teams like the over too. It's set at 59.5. Bet it at your own risk
And now to the only game that matters.
No. 14 Oregon (0-0) at No. 16 Boise State +4.5 (0-0). Oregon's offense looked great the end of the season against some decent teams. Boise State has shown us over and over they know how to win football games. It's opening night at home and they are a 4.5 point dog. I am going win Boise to cover and probably win out right.
Can I hit 68% again this year? You betcha! Saturday's pick will be posted early Friday Morning .
Happy College Football season. What a wonderful joyous time of the year!
We have a slate full games on Thursday with the best of which being Oregon(14) at Boise State(16). Always remember to use a lot of caution in betting early in the season. The trends haven't been set yet. We really don't know what are betting on just yet. We can think we know all we want to but we really don't. Below are my picks for Thursday Night. Good Luck and Bet Smart
Utah State (0-0) at No. 18 Utah -20 (0-0). This is my favorite bet of the night. Utah won this game last year 58-10. The line is Utah -20. The Over/Under is 52. Did you watch the Sugar Bowl? Better yet did you watch any of the 3-9 Utah State Aggies games last year? Take Utah and if you want to parlay it with the over that looks safe too. Utah might take care of the 52 themselves.
North Texas (0-0) at Ball State-16.5 (0-0). Ball State won 12 in a row last year and were in the top 25 most of the year. If you total up the North Texas wins from the past 5 years you still don't come up with 12 wins. Take Ball State to cover at home. Both these teams like the over too. It's set at 59.5. Bet it at your own risk
And now to the only game that matters.
No. 14 Oregon (0-0) at No. 16 Boise State +4.5 (0-0). Oregon's offense looked great the end of the season against some decent teams. Boise State has shown us over and over they know how to win football games. It's opening night at home and they are a 4.5 point dog. I am going win Boise to cover and probably win out right.
Can I hit 68% again this year? You betcha! Saturday's pick will be posted early Friday Morning .
Happy College Football season. What a wonderful joyous time of the year!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Shaq vs is good!
OK Shaq vs is fun. It's ABC new show where Shaq goes around and challenges other athletes at their sports. The first episode he went with Big Ben Roethlisberger. It ran on a little long but watching him and Big Ben go at it was very entertaining.
The show starts with Shaq puling up to Ben's house to get to know him. The trash talk starts asap. Then a game of horse breaks out in Ben's backyard. Have to show you follow Shaq doing his football training with Charlie Batch. This would of been a great time for an 80's music montage. They announce the rules it's going to be a 7 on 7 game with Shaq and Been both
quarterbacking a team.
Game ON!
Some Shaq haters like JCall will not like the show very much. There was plenty of cheese from the production trucks . Like the goofballs sitting at the desk like it was a legit sporting event. Overall it left you with a smile on your face. If ABC would of made it a half hour show and it would of been better. They drug it out just a little to much. If you missed it you can check it out on now
The show starts with Shaq puling up to Ben's house to get to know him. The trash talk starts asap. Then a game of horse breaks out in Ben's backyard. Have to show you follow Shaq doing his football training with Charlie Batch. This would of been a great time for an 80's music montage. They announce the rules it's going to be a 7 on 7 game with Shaq and Been both

Game ON!
Some Shaq haters like JCall will not like the show very much. There was plenty of cheese from the production trucks . Like the goofballs sitting at the desk like it was a legit sporting event. Overall it left you with a smile on your face. If ABC would of made it a half hour show and it would of been better. They drug it out just a little to much. If you missed it you can check it out on now
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Vick is an Eagle. That's great for Cowboys Fans
So Vick signed with the Eagles. The national media is all over this! Some even have the Eagles to the Super Bowl now. Ridiculous! Let's stop and think about it for a sec shall we? If you listened to the Racket last week on Radio you know I called Vick to Philly. Now I am saying this will have no impact on the standings in NFC East!
Why no impact? He is a BACK UP QB that hasn't played in two years! That is why. I've read Andy Ried will find ways to get him on the field. Good luck with all that. Is he going to be your WR? How about the wildcat? How about the guy that holds the clip board. The latter is probably the best place for him. If you get lucky he's Jeff Hostetler. More then likely he's Kordell Stewart.
Has everyone forgot Vick wasn't that good before he was arrested? He is fast and has a good arm but he can't read a defense and is inaccurate. What do you want your QB to do run or throw on target? I don't care if you can throw 75 yards if you cant hit your wide receivers you are not going to win many games no matter how fast you are. He isn't a player to be scared of and hasn't been since college. 29 of the NFL teams knew this. One didn't.
Now Vick has been out of the league for two years and all of sudden he is supposed to be better? Am I missing something here? But wait if you listen to the National Media he is Philly's Savior.
Why did the Eagles sign Vick? For some reason they have been trying to get rid of McNabb for years. Why would you want a proven quarterback that knows how to win football games as your commander on the field? As a die hard Cowboys fan I hate to say it but McNabb is good, real good. Philly seems to hate him again for no reason. He has handled every bit of crap they can throw at him and still shows up and does his job well.
As soon as Vick was able to trade that orange jump suit for his Armani the Eagles were on the phone to his agent. Now that they have him it's over ESPN. Good for them. Aww that's cute. I was actually at a bar with a Eagles fan when the news broke and she got pissed. As she should.
Dear Andy Reid Please start Vick in both games against the Cowboys this year. Thank you!
The Eagles record before Vick 9-7. Their record after 9-7.
Why no impact? He is a BACK UP QB that hasn't played in two years! That is why. I've read Andy Ried will find ways to get him on the field. Good luck with all that. Is he going to be your WR? How about the wildcat? How about the guy that holds the clip board. The latter is probably the best place for him. If you get lucky he's Jeff Hostetler. More then likely he's Kordell Stewart.
Has everyone forgot Vick wasn't that good before he was arrested? He is fast and has a good arm but he can't read a defense and is inaccurate. What do you want your QB to do run or throw on target? I don't care if you can throw 75 yards if you cant hit your wide receivers you are not going to win many games no matter how fast you are. He isn't a player to be scared of and hasn't been since college. 29 of the NFL teams knew this. One didn't.
Now Vick has been out of the league for two years and all of sudden he is supposed to be better? Am I missing something here? But wait if you listen to the National Media he is Philly's Savior.
Why did the Eagles sign Vick? For some reason they have been trying to get rid of McNabb for years. Why would you want a proven quarterback that knows how to win football games as your commander on the field? As a die hard Cowboys fan I hate to say it but McNabb is good, real good. Philly seems to hate him again for no reason. He has handled every bit of crap they can throw at him and still shows up and does his job well.
As soon as Vick was able to trade that orange jump suit for his Armani the Eagles were on the phone to his agent. Now that they have him it's over ESPN. Good for them. Aww that's cute. I was actually at a bar with a Eagles fan when the news broke and she got pissed. As she should.
Dear Andy Reid Please start Vick in both games against the Cowboys this year. Thank you!
The Eagles record before Vick 9-7. Their record after 9-7.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Entourage is back
Sunday Night HBO got it's summer schedule into full swing with the return of Entourage. Here's the Synopsis from
On the eve of the 'Gatbsy' premiere, Eric's been on a hot streak, Vince is about to take his driving test (in preparation for playing Enzo Ferrari), Turtle's going strong with Jamie-Lynn and Drama's still hanging around Vince's mansion in spite of having his own place. Sloan calls Eric and urges him to check out a house her friend is subletting, and while he's afraid to leave Vince stranded, he decides it's time to live on his own. At Miller Gold, Andrew is signing top show runners — and Lloyd confronts Ari about a promotion. Not one to be strong-armed, Ari informs Lloyd he's putting him through a hundred-day hazing to prove his readiness. Vince passes his driving test, and the story gives him something to talk about on Leno. But with Eric moving out, Turtle spending time with Jamie-Lynn and Drama working, Vince is left to kick around his mansion solo.
Now for thoughts. It looks like season six is getting back to what Entourage should be which is fun. Season five was a tough one to take. Watching our fictional movie star hero Vinnie Chase hit rock bottom was tough. Then it ended on high note and boom goes the dynamite here we are.
Season six's looks like the boys are going to be successful,maybe to successful. E has a hot management company and is about top move out of what Solan called "A Frat House" . Drama is TV star now and has his on condo. Turtle has hooked up with Jamie-Lynn Sigler and now is out her place. This leaves with Vin back on top but it looks like he will be alone. As the opener ends Vince steps into his mansion and no one is there so he settles down and watches TV alone. Alone Alone Alone. Looks like the boys are growing up and apart.
The great subplot is Lloyd wants to be promoted. Super Agent Ari Gold says no! The Lylod strong arms him and Ari comes up with a 100 days hazing plan. If Llyod can stick it out then he gets his promotion. This will lead to the funniest scenes in the sixth season guaranteed!
I am excited for Season six!!! It looks both Vinnie Chase and Entourage will be back on top
On the eve of the 'Gatbsy' premiere, Eric's been on a hot streak, Vince is about to take his driving test (in preparation for playing Enzo Ferrari), Turtle's going strong with Jamie-Lynn and Drama's still hanging around Vince's mansion in spite of having his own place. Sloan calls Eric and urges him to check out a house her friend is subletting, and while he's afraid to leave Vince stranded, he decides it's time to live on his own. At Miller Gold, Andrew is signing top show runners — and Lloyd confronts Ari about a promotion. Not one to be strong-armed, Ari informs Lloyd he's putting him through a hundred-day hazing to prove his readiness. Vince passes his driving test, and the story gives him something to talk about on Leno. But with Eric moving out, Turtle spending time with Jamie-Lynn and Drama working, Vince is left to kick around his mansion solo.
Now for thoughts. It looks like season six is getting back to what Entourage should be which is fun. Season five was a tough one to take. Watching our fictional movie star hero Vinnie Chase hit rock bottom was tough. Then it ended on high note and boom goes the dynamite here we are.
Season six's looks like the boys are going to be successful,maybe to successful. E has a hot management company and is about top move out of what Solan called "A Frat House" . Drama is TV star now and has his on condo. Turtle has hooked up with Jamie-Lynn Sigler and now is out her place. This leaves with Vin back on top but it looks like he will be alone. As the opener ends Vince steps into his mansion and no one is there so he settles down and watches TV alone. Alone Alone Alone. Looks like the boys are growing up and apart.
The great subplot is Lloyd wants to be promoted. Super Agent Ari Gold says no! The Lylod strong arms him and Ari comes up with a 100 days hazing plan. If Llyod can stick it out then he gets his promotion. This will lead to the funniest scenes in the sixth season guaranteed!
I am excited for Season six!!! It looks both Vinnie Chase and Entourage will be back on top
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
In Fantasy Baseball sometimes you just have to say WTF.
The great Joel Goodsen said "Sometimes you just have to say WTF." Well after I looked over my Fantasy baseball keeper league team I decided to do just that this week. After watching the one time fantasy haus Alfonso Soriano slump and struggle this year I decided it was time to deal.
This is a keeper league that is in it's sixth year. Sori has been on my squad since 05. I hate to say it but I am little attached. How could you not be? Sori has been in the top 10 of all fantasy players consistently over the years . He has been a big part of the mighty power house in the Big South League known as Lone Star. Now after many sleepless nights and his lack of productivity midway through the 09 MLB season I decide a deal had to be made.
Like most players I want to shop I put them on my trading block so the whole league can see. Just in case a potential trade partner over looks this I like posting on the league message board too. Now I have got everybodys attention! The mighty Alfonso Soriano is on the trading block.
My plan was to get younger. I would like to get a nice young arm and an young infielder with some upside. If not maybe a player that can contribute. My plan is simple just sit back let the offers come in and take the best one. The next afternoon I can't wait to start clicking and surfing and see what some sucker had offered me. I look in my inbox and nada, zip,zilch! Ok maybe it's mid afternoon and no one has checked the league that day that must be it. I'll just check in later in the evening. Around 9pm I open my inbox and there it is in all it's glory an email from YSports. I know what this is! Time to click and make a deal. What is it? WTF (in bad way) ! Veron Wells and Gil Meche for Sori? You have to be smoking crack. That's a big hell no good buddy. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow and see what kind of online correspondence was waiting for me.
Day two of shopping Sori. He went 0-4 last night and is only hitting .180 in his last 40 games! This deal is going to have to get done and fast. When players at Sori's age slump for half a season there is usually no coming back. Inbox nothing again S#!T!!! Now it's time to take matters in to my on hands. Adam Lind and Jordan Zimmerman seems like a great deal for both teams. I'll offer it up and I'm sure this will be a deal tomorrow. I was wrong a big fat decline! How about Joe Mauer and Max Scherzer ? Nope! Did I wait to long? Has Alfonso lost all his value
? Am I asking to much? I still had one last trick up my sleeve. I have one friend in the league that I can always work a deal with. This guy has a talented OF but they are all injured except ManRam who season got put on hold. But it's deal time.
When you know this guy like I do I know I wouldn't get the value I wanted but a deal could be made. ManRam who still at the time had two weeks left would be my asking price. I called and we talked about it and he said NO! Moving on to my second choice Josh Hamilton. Back and fourth we went for a week. A week of calls no hello,no how are you! All I would say when he picked up was "ManRam let's do it!" His response" I just can't right now" "How about Josh?" "I can't trade my Rangers" In the mean time Sori has been sitting games out and moved down in the order this is not good. Then my phone rang and the deal was waiting on the other end.
From the familiar voice I heard"Would you do Nelson Cruz for Sori?" No I said Nelly Cruz no way! I hung up went online and declined the trade. Then I started looking at Cruz's stats. He is better then Sori in every category. Hmmm? He's younger and he has 20 Hr's and 14 Sbs before the all star break. He plays in Texas and has lots of protection in the line up. This might not be so bad. Now it's time to say WTF and gamble. I went back to and clicked on the fantasy sports link and sent it back over. Picked up the phone made the call and there it is! Alfonso Soriano straight up for Nelson Cruz.
Am I going to get burned bad on this trade? Did i find a diamond in the rough in Cruz? Will Sori bounce back the second half of the season? Is Cruz playing over his head? All legit questions and we'll know in October. This is just one of the times you had to say WTF and pull the trigger.
Would you have done this trade? Email me and let me know
This is a keeper league that is in it's sixth year. Sori has been on my squad since 05. I hate to say it but I am little attached. How could you not be? Sori has been in the top 10 of all fantasy players consistently over the years . He has been a big part of the mighty power house in the Big South League known as Lone Star. Now after many sleepless nights and his lack of productivity midway through the 09 MLB season I decide a deal had to be made.
Like most players I want to shop I put them on my trading block so the whole league can see. Just in case a potential trade partner over looks this I like posting on the league message board too. Now I have got everybodys attention! The mighty Alfonso Soriano is on the trading block.
My plan was to get younger. I would like to get a nice young arm and an young infielder with some upside. If not maybe a player that can contribute. My plan is simple just sit back let the offers come in and take the best one. The next afternoon I can't wait to start clicking and surfing and see what some sucker had offered me. I look in my inbox and nada, zip,zilch! Ok maybe it's mid afternoon and no one has checked the league that day that must be it. I'll just check in later in the evening. Around 9pm I open my inbox and there it is in all it's glory an email from YSports. I know what this is! Time to click and make a deal. What is it? WTF (in bad way) ! Veron Wells and Gil Meche for Sori? You have to be smoking crack. That's a big hell no good buddy. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow and see what kind of online correspondence was waiting for me.
Day two of shopping Sori. He went 0-4 last night and is only hitting .180 in his last 40 games! This deal is going to have to get done and fast. When players at Sori's age slump for half a season there is usually no coming back. Inbox nothing again S#!T!!! Now it's time to take matters in to my on hands. Adam Lind and Jordan Zimmerman seems like a great deal for both teams. I'll offer it up and I'm sure this will be a deal tomorrow. I was wrong a big fat decline! How about Joe Mauer and Max Scherzer ? Nope! Did I wait to long? Has Alfonso lost all his value
? Am I asking to much? I still had one last trick up my sleeve. I have one friend in the league that I can always work a deal with. This guy has a talented OF but they are all injured except ManRam who season got put on hold. But it's deal time.
When you know this guy like I do I know I wouldn't get the value I wanted but a deal could be made. ManRam who still at the time had two weeks left would be my asking price. I called and we talked about it and he said NO! Moving on to my second choice Josh Hamilton. Back and fourth we went for a week. A week of calls no hello,no how are you! All I would say when he picked up was "ManRam let's do it!" His response" I just can't right now" "How about Josh?" "I can't trade my Rangers" In the mean time Sori has been sitting games out and moved down in the order this is not good. Then my phone rang and the deal was waiting on the other end.
From the familiar voice I heard"Would you do Nelson Cruz for Sori?" No I said Nelly Cruz no way! I hung up went online and declined the trade. Then I started looking at Cruz's stats. He is better then Sori in every category. Hmmm? He's younger and he has 20 Hr's and 14 Sbs before the all star break. He plays in Texas and has lots of protection in the line up. This might not be so bad. Now it's time to say WTF and gamble. I went back to and clicked on the fantasy sports link and sent it back over. Picked up the phone made the call and there it is! Alfonso Soriano straight up for Nelson Cruz.
Am I going to get burned bad on this trade? Did i find a diamond in the rough in Cruz? Will Sori bounce back the second half of the season? Is Cruz playing over his head? All legit questions and we'll know in October. This is just one of the times you had to say WTF and pull the trigger.
Would you have done this trade? Email me and let me know
Monday, June 29, 2009
15 Years and Still No Real Killer?
Can you believe it has been 15 years since the murders of Nicole brown Simpson and Ron Goldman? This being the case I went through my closet and picked up a book I had read in 2000. The title is OJ Simpson is Guilty but Not Of Murder. A Dallas based P.I. named William C Dear is the author. After rereading the book I have came to this conclusion he is 100% right!
You, I am sure like most people are thinking OJ did it period. Let me tell you why he didn't. The first question is how did blood get in his car and to his front door? Simple he was at the crime scene after the murders. Did you know OJ is squeamish and can't stand the site of blood? If he was the killer why would he use a knife? Did you know no bloody clothes were ever found at OJ's house on Rockingham? Also no blood in the drain pipes. The only blood that was found was a few small drops in his bronco and on his carpet. OJ had no physical bruise. Someone that had been in a knife fight the night before with a karate expert probably would of got a little banged up. Ron Goldman's knuckles where bruised which is evidence that he had hit someone with an impact. Also OJ's kids where asleep just feet away from where the murders happen. OJ did pride himself on being a family man and would never take the risk of them waking and seeing such a brutal act. I'm not trying to make OJ out to be a saint. He is far from it! He has history of mental and physical abuse to his wives and children. But he is not a murder.
Mr.Dear's book starts with anyone and everyone that could be a suspect. Then he goes through and eliminates them by checking alibis and doing research. Then he discovers one man with a history of mental problems and physical violence was in the area the night Nicole lost her life. He also had a history with Nicole and a reason to be upset with her. The same man was required to carry sharp knifes with him for his work as a chef. This man was OJ's son Jason.
Two people lost their lives in cold blood on June 12, 1994 and the LAPD thought they had their guy. When it turned out their sloppy police work and evidence proved they had the wrong guy they buried the case. The Killer is still free! A man with no outside interest in the case has done all of the Law Enforcement's homework for them. Can someone please verify the facts and go get the killer?
Something should be done about this. I know there are unsolved murder cases everyday but when you have the solution to one slapping you in the face high profile or not solve it. Thus being one of the highest profile murder cases ever should make the LA DA more eager to solve. I don't know if OJ has connections or if the LAPD is going with the out of sight out mine theory but something has to be done! Justice needs to be served and the families of the departed deserve the truth. Below or the facts about Jason that Mr. Dear's research and investigation turned up. I'll ask you to read and decide.
1. As an adolescent, Jason performed poorly in school and demonstrated many antisocial behaviours.
2. Considered a "problem child" at an early age. Documented in articles of interviews given by OJ.
3. Jason overdosed on drugs and alcohol at age 14 and was rushed to hospital.
4. Jason reportedly had difficulty communicating with his mother and at an early age moved in OJ and Nicole because Marguerite could not control him.
5. As a teenager Jason flew into a fit of rage and attacked a statue of his father with a baseball bat.
6. Jason stole his father's car and was turned in by Nicole.
7. Ronald Shipp stated Jason began being physically abused by his father at a young age.
8. Ronald Shipp described him as having psychological problems, along with abusing drugs and alcohol.
9. Jason was treated at the UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric Institute for a mental condition, later being diagnosed as "Intermittent Rage Disorder" accompanied by seizures. He was prescribed Depakote, a drug frequently prescribed to individuals suffering from rage.
10. Jason dropped out or flunked out of USC.
11. According to Shipp, Jason had possibly stalked Nicole Simpson while she lived at Gretna Green.
12. According to Shipp, Jason and Nicole would go out dancing and partying together.
13. On more than one occasion Jason left or was fired from his job as a prep chef. Indications were he was unable to get along with people of authority.
14. Jason attempted suicide by stabbing himself with a pair of scissors.
15. Jason, in a fit of rage, assaulted his girlfriend Jackie where in he nearly breaks her back by throwing her into an empty bathtub.
16. Jason attacked his girlfriend Jackie with a chef's knife and cuts off her hair.
17. Jason attempted suicide by cutting his wrists with a shard of broken glass.
18. Jason attempted suicide a second time. This time by overdosing on Depakote. He was committed to the psychiatric ward at Saint John's hospital.
19. Jason had repeatedly been warned not to use drugs and alcohol while taking medication, because it could further complicate his existing neurological condition but continued to do so.
20. Jason was arrested for assaulting his former employer, Paul Goldberg, with a kitchen knife. At the time of the murders, Jason was still on probation for this earlier offense on Paul Goldberg.
21. Just prior to the murders, Jason felt he was "going to rage," and checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital. Previously, when he was about to rage, he claimed to hallucinate by hearing voices of people who weren't there.
22. Two months prior to the murders Jason, in a blind rage, assaulted his girlfriend, Jennifer Green, at his birthday party. Later that night, according to an article, he tried to strangle her.
23. Two months prior to the murders Jason was known to have stopped taking his Depakote because, as he was reported to have said, "It's f**king with my head."
24. On the night before the murders, Nicole had arranged to eat at Jackson's restaurant, where Jason was the chef, but she failed to show up the next night.
25. At 7pm on the night of the murders, Nicole and her family ate at Mezzaluna's restaurant instead of at Jackson's, where Jason was the chef.
26. According to Jennifer Green, and a waiter at Jackson's, Jason left the restaurant where he worked at around 9:45pm, approximately 45 mins to an hour prior to the murders.
27. Jason's civil deposition indicated he did not spend the evening with Jennifer Green as she indicated, but went directly home after he dropped Jennifer off at her apartment.
28. Jason had no alibi after 10pm, he claimed to watch TV until 3am.
29. Supposedly Jason had an "air-tight" alibi that he was cooking for 200 people at Jackson's restaurant. On that particular night there were less than 40 patrons at the restaurant the entire night. Jason left before it closed.
30. Experts established that the probable murder weapon was a chef's knife.
31. Jason had his own chef knives and kept them with him.
32. Jason had in his possession a set of chef knives when he left Jackson's restaurant at approximately 9:45pm on the night of the murders.
33. Jason was allegedly upset that Nicole and her party did not come to Jackson's as arranged on the night of June 12, 1994.
34. Jason's blood chemistry is supposed to have similar genetic characteristics as OJ's.
35. OJ and Jason have approximately the same size feet. Jason also had access to OJ's clothes closet and is known to have taken items of clothing from his dad at will.
36. James G. Cron, crime scene expert, has studied the investigative material and determined that Jason Simpson should have been considered a major suspect in the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
37. England crime scene experts, Tery Merston and his partner, Peter Harpur, stated OJ is not the killer of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman but in all probability, was at the crime scene after the murders. They both felt Jason Simpson should have been considered a major suspect.
38. Dr. Harvey Davisson, Dr. William Flynn, Dr. William Tedford and Dr. Charles Keller reviewed Jason's records and felt that Jason Simpson is psychologically disturbed and in need of help.
39. Robert Shapiro, OJ's attorney, has indicated that Jason was his first suspect expect for his "air-tight" alibi. The air-tight alibi has now proven to be false.
40. Jason was never interviewed by any of the LA Police Law Enforcement Agencies nor the Prosecutor's Office. Nor was he asked to furnish an alibi for the evening of Sunday, June 12th, 1994 in conjunction with the killings. Nor, according to sources, were Jason's fingerprints examined in comparison to the unidentified fingerprints at the crime scene.
41. Jason's psychiatrist shredded all of Jaosn's medical records after the murders.
42. On the day after the murders, June 13, 1994, OJ hired a well-known criminal attorney to represent Jason. This was prior to OJ's arrest for the murders.
43. Jason breaks through the police line to reach his father at the conclusion of the slow-speed car chase.
44. Jason wouldn't give Jackie any straight answers about the murders.
45. Marcia Clark and the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office considered this to be a "rage killing by an amateur."
46. Jason bolted from the funeral home, visibly upset, at the time of Nicole Simpson's funeral, not wanting to view Nicole's body.
47. Jason was arrested for hit and run during OJ's trial.
Some people are so closed minded that they will never think anyone but OJ did it. As a open minded person I ask you with the facts presented above do you think OJ is still guilty
Email me your thoughts!
You, I am sure like most people are thinking OJ did it period. Let me tell you why he didn't. The first question is how did blood get in his car and to his front door? Simple he was at the crime scene after the murders. Did you know OJ is squeamish and can't stand the site of blood? If he was the killer why would he use a knife? Did you know no bloody clothes were ever found at OJ's house on Rockingham? Also no blood in the drain pipes. The only blood that was found was a few small drops in his bronco and on his carpet. OJ had no physical bruise. Someone that had been in a knife fight the night before with a karate expert probably would of got a little banged up. Ron Goldman's knuckles where bruised which is evidence that he had hit someone with an impact. Also OJ's kids where asleep just feet away from where the murders happen. OJ did pride himself on being a family man and would never take the risk of them waking and seeing such a brutal act. I'm not trying to make OJ out to be a saint. He is far from it! He has history of mental and physical abuse to his wives and children. But he is not a murder.
Mr.Dear's book starts with anyone and everyone that could be a suspect. Then he goes through and eliminates them by checking alibis and doing research. Then he discovers one man with a history of mental problems and physical violence was in the area the night Nicole lost her life. He also had a history with Nicole and a reason to be upset with her. The same man was required to carry sharp knifes with him for his work as a chef. This man was OJ's son Jason.
Two people lost their lives in cold blood on June 12, 1994 and the LAPD thought they had their guy. When it turned out their sloppy police work and evidence proved they had the wrong guy they buried the case. The Killer is still free! A man with no outside interest in the case has done all of the Law Enforcement's homework for them. Can someone please verify the facts and go get the killer?
Something should be done about this. I know there are unsolved murder cases everyday but when you have the solution to one slapping you in the face high profile or not solve it. Thus being one of the highest profile murder cases ever should make the LA DA more eager to solve. I don't know if OJ has connections or if the LAPD is going with the out of sight out mine theory but something has to be done! Justice needs to be served and the families of the departed deserve the truth. Below or the facts about Jason that Mr. Dear's research and investigation turned up. I'll ask you to read and decide.
1. As an adolescent, Jason performed poorly in school and demonstrated many antisocial behaviours.
2. Considered a "problem child" at an early age. Documented in articles of interviews given by OJ.
3. Jason overdosed on drugs and alcohol at age 14 and was rushed to hospital.
4. Jason reportedly had difficulty communicating with his mother and at an early age moved in OJ and Nicole because Marguerite could not control him.
5. As a teenager Jason flew into a fit of rage and attacked a statue of his father with a baseball bat.
6. Jason stole his father's car and was turned in by Nicole.
7. Ronald Shipp stated Jason began being physically abused by his father at a young age.
8. Ronald Shipp described him as having psychological problems, along with abusing drugs and alcohol.
9. Jason was treated at the UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric Institute for a mental condition, later being diagnosed as "Intermittent Rage Disorder" accompanied by seizures. He was prescribed Depakote, a drug frequently prescribed to individuals suffering from rage.
10. Jason dropped out or flunked out of USC.
11. According to Shipp, Jason had possibly stalked Nicole Simpson while she lived at Gretna Green.
12. According to Shipp, Jason and Nicole would go out dancing and partying together.
13. On more than one occasion Jason left or was fired from his job as a prep chef. Indications were he was unable to get along with people of authority.
14. Jason attempted suicide by stabbing himself with a pair of scissors.
15. Jason, in a fit of rage, assaulted his girlfriend Jackie where in he nearly breaks her back by throwing her into an empty bathtub.
16. Jason attacked his girlfriend Jackie with a chef's knife and cuts off her hair.
17. Jason attempted suicide by cutting his wrists with a shard of broken glass.
18. Jason attempted suicide a second time. This time by overdosing on Depakote. He was committed to the psychiatric ward at Saint John's hospital.
19. Jason had repeatedly been warned not to use drugs and alcohol while taking medication, because it could further complicate his existing neurological condition but continued to do so.
20. Jason was arrested for assaulting his former employer, Paul Goldberg, with a kitchen knife. At the time of the murders, Jason was still on probation for this earlier offense on Paul Goldberg.
21. Just prior to the murders, Jason felt he was "going to rage," and checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital. Previously, when he was about to rage, he claimed to hallucinate by hearing voices of people who weren't there.
22. Two months prior to the murders Jason, in a blind rage, assaulted his girlfriend, Jennifer Green, at his birthday party. Later that night, according to an article, he tried to strangle her.
23. Two months prior to the murders Jason was known to have stopped taking his Depakote because, as he was reported to have said, "It's f**king with my head."
24. On the night before the murders, Nicole had arranged to eat at Jackson's restaurant, where Jason was the chef, but she failed to show up the next night.
25. At 7pm on the night of the murders, Nicole and her family ate at Mezzaluna's restaurant instead of at Jackson's, where Jason was the chef.
26. According to Jennifer Green, and a waiter at Jackson's, Jason left the restaurant where he worked at around 9:45pm, approximately 45 mins to an hour prior to the murders.
27. Jason's civil deposition indicated he did not spend the evening with Jennifer Green as she indicated, but went directly home after he dropped Jennifer off at her apartment.
28. Jason had no alibi after 10pm, he claimed to watch TV until 3am.
29. Supposedly Jason had an "air-tight" alibi that he was cooking for 200 people at Jackson's restaurant. On that particular night there were less than 40 patrons at the restaurant the entire night. Jason left before it closed.
30. Experts established that the probable murder weapon was a chef's knife.
31. Jason had his own chef knives and kept them with him.
32. Jason had in his possession a set of chef knives when he left Jackson's restaurant at approximately 9:45pm on the night of the murders.
33. Jason was allegedly upset that Nicole and her party did not come to Jackson's as arranged on the night of June 12, 1994.
34. Jason's blood chemistry is supposed to have similar genetic characteristics as OJ's.
35. OJ and Jason have approximately the same size feet. Jason also had access to OJ's clothes closet and is known to have taken items of clothing from his dad at will.
36. James G. Cron, crime scene expert, has studied the investigative material and determined that Jason Simpson should have been considered a major suspect in the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
37. England crime scene experts, Tery Merston and his partner, Peter Harpur, stated OJ is not the killer of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman but in all probability, was at the crime scene after the murders. They both felt Jason Simpson should have been considered a major suspect.
38. Dr. Harvey Davisson, Dr. William Flynn, Dr. William Tedford and Dr. Charles Keller reviewed Jason's records and felt that Jason Simpson is psychologically disturbed and in need of help.
39. Robert Shapiro, OJ's attorney, has indicated that Jason was his first suspect expect for his "air-tight" alibi. The air-tight alibi has now proven to be false.
40. Jason was never interviewed by any of the LA Police Law Enforcement Agencies nor the Prosecutor's Office. Nor was he asked to furnish an alibi for the evening of Sunday, June 12th, 1994 in conjunction with the killings. Nor, according to sources, were Jason's fingerprints examined in comparison to the unidentified fingerprints at the crime scene.
41. Jason's psychiatrist shredded all of Jaosn's medical records after the murders.
42. On the day after the murders, June 13, 1994, OJ hired a well-known criminal attorney to represent Jason. This was prior to OJ's arrest for the murders.
43. Jason breaks through the police line to reach his father at the conclusion of the slow-speed car chase.
44. Jason wouldn't give Jackie any straight answers about the murders.
45. Marcia Clark and the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office considered this to be a "rage killing by an amateur."
46. Jason bolted from the funeral home, visibly upset, at the time of Nicole Simpson's funeral, not wanting to view Nicole's body.
47. Jason was arrested for hit and run during OJ's trial.
Some people are so closed minded that they will never think anyone but OJ did it. As a open minded person I ask you with the facts presented above do you think OJ is still guilty
Email me your thoughts!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
What if Brett Favre and Michael Vick were Pen Pals?
It might go something like this:
Dear Michael:
As far as I know, I'm retired. (Not!) No, seriously, bro, I'm just down here watching Oprah, cutting grass, mending fences. I spend more time at Home Depot than Bob Vila. Call me if you want to play catch.
Dear Brett:
They got me under house arrest here in Hampton for two months; all I can say is: Thank God for Tyler Perry's House of Payne. TBS, man, very funny. Anyway, they fitted me with an electronic monitor -- I think the government's making me wear it, but it might be my fiancée Kijafa's doing.
Dear Michael:
Looked in the mirror today and said to myself, "You are retired." (Not!) Sure, I have a partially torn biceps muscle, but like I was telling my agent, Bus Cook -- I can throw spectacular interceptions with or without a good arm. Hell, it's not as if lives are at stake, I'm just putting some fans in the stands; hopefully, they're all wearing Wranglers.
Dear Brett:
People wonder if I still got pep in my step. I got a one-word answer for that: Sure do! Heck, Martha Stewart came out of prison better than ever, so did O.J. Simpson and Nelson Mandela. I'm under 30 and my legs are fresh -- at Leavenworth, I had a desk job in the prison laundry. Hey, I can still run from here to the bank; by the way, can you help me with endorsements?
Dear Michael:
I just told Bus -- you keep telling them I'm fishin' in Mississippi, I'll keep driving the jeep to the Twin Cities.
Dear Brett:
For show, I'm starting a $10-an-hour construction job next week. This one I'm mailing in -- they'd have to add a zero to that hourly wage before Michael Vick does any heavy lifting.
Dear Michael:
Didn't we have a ball in that Packers-Falcons playoff game Jan. 4, 2003? Well, you had a ball -- you owe me one, buddy.
Dear Brett:
The commissioner says I have to show remorse. What, the NFL moved its offices from New York City to Vatican City? I did some bad [expletive] with dogs, but there are a whole lot of players in this league that do some bad [expletive] with people every single week. How come they don't have to go kiss Roger Goodell's royal butt?
Dear Michael:
My throwing shoulder's getting worse, but the bottom line is -- Deanna wants me OUT OF THE HOUSE. Trust me, bro: I could be in a full body cast come September and I will still be in a Vikings uniform, chucking it. P.S. I hate to sound cold, but if I'm Tarvaris Jackson or Sage Rosenfels, I'd be practicing how to hold a clipboard.
Dear Brett:
You know, I was in the joint for only 18 months, and when I get out, Madden and Jay Leno are gone? Dang.
Dear Michael:
You just reminded me -- I wonder if it's too late to get on the cover of Madden NFL 10.
Dear Michael:
As far as I know, I'm retired. (Not!) No, seriously, bro, I'm just down here watching Oprah, cutting grass, mending fences. I spend more time at Home Depot than Bob Vila. Call me if you want to play catch.
Dear Brett:
They got me under house arrest here in Hampton for two months; all I can say is: Thank God for Tyler Perry's House of Payne. TBS, man, very funny. Anyway, they fitted me with an electronic monitor -- I think the government's making me wear it, but it might be my fiancée Kijafa's doing.
Dear Michael:
Looked in the mirror today and said to myself, "You are retired." (Not!) Sure, I have a partially torn biceps muscle, but like I was telling my agent, Bus Cook -- I can throw spectacular interceptions with or without a good arm. Hell, it's not as if lives are at stake, I'm just putting some fans in the stands; hopefully, they're all wearing Wranglers.
Dear Brett:
People wonder if I still got pep in my step. I got a one-word answer for that: Sure do! Heck, Martha Stewart came out of prison better than ever, so did O.J. Simpson and Nelson Mandela. I'm under 30 and my legs are fresh -- at Leavenworth, I had a desk job in the prison laundry. Hey, I can still run from here to the bank; by the way, can you help me with endorsements?
Dear Michael:
I just told Bus -- you keep telling them I'm fishin' in Mississippi, I'll keep driving the jeep to the Twin Cities.
Dear Brett:
For show, I'm starting a $10-an-hour construction job next week. This one I'm mailing in -- they'd have to add a zero to that hourly wage before Michael Vick does any heavy lifting.
Dear Michael:
Didn't we have a ball in that Packers-Falcons playoff game Jan. 4, 2003? Well, you had a ball -- you owe me one, buddy.
Dear Brett:
The commissioner says I have to show remorse. What, the NFL moved its offices from New York City to Vatican City? I did some bad [expletive] with dogs, but there are a whole lot of players in this league that do some bad [expletive] with people every single week. How come they don't have to go kiss Roger Goodell's royal butt?
Dear Michael:
My throwing shoulder's getting worse, but the bottom line is -- Deanna wants me OUT OF THE HOUSE. Trust me, bro: I could be in a full body cast come September and I will still be in a Vikings uniform, chucking it. P.S. I hate to sound cold, but if I'm Tarvaris Jackson or Sage Rosenfels, I'd be practicing how to hold a clipboard.
Dear Brett:
You know, I was in the joint for only 18 months, and when I get out, Madden and Jay Leno are gone? Dang.
Dear Michael:
You just reminded me -- I wonder if it's too late to get on the cover of Madden NFL 10.
Monday, May 25, 2009
What is Galveston like Now? After Ike
Sometimes you have to get away from everything and forget about your troubles for a while. This Memorial Day Weekend I thought I would do just that and like most Americans head to a large body of water. My choice Galveston Island.
Just a little back story I wasted a lot of my youth on that Island. I've slept out in the sand so many times I can't remember! My first memory was camping on Stewart beach with my mom and cousins at five years old. You can't even put tents on that beach anymore! Even though my mother would think it was funny to put a bloody t-bone necklace on me and tell me to go play with the nice big fish with the dorsal fins. I survived and was a tougher manchild for it. As a teenager my friends and I would head down there parent-free every chance we got looking for some debauchery. As an adult I haven't been back that much. The stars aliened just right and this weekend was get away time.
I have heard different things about Galveston since Hurricane Ike hit. It hasn't even been a year yet! I couldn't believe it! Driving across the bay bridge on 45 I noticed nice new decor letting you know you were in Galveston,Texas. Then I hit the Island and notice so many homes still sit in ruins. There was a massive amount of garbage still in piles on the side of the roads. As I cruised around the island looking for my hotel at first I thought this might be a mistake, I was wrong.
After I checked in to the Hotel it was time to really see the Island and what Ike had did. Quick side note I stayed the Harbor House at Pier 21 and it is a first class place. You are not on the SeaWall but it's worth the three minute drive to get there to stay here. Two Thumbs up to the great service and staff at the Harbor House!
The first place I wanted to see was the Seawall. I drove up and down the beachfront street and was shocked. The Balinese Room Pier was gone. The Flagship Hotel still stood but it was sporting battle scars. You could still see furniture in a room of the hotel through a hole ripped in the side of the massive building over the gulf. Anything that was on the Seawall and went out in to the water was gone. It was obvious the "storm of the century" had destroyed the old Seawall.
Traffic was light on Friday and the Beach wasn't crowded. Strange for a Holiday weekend. I don't know if this is due to the economy or people being scared of what the island might look like. The first noticeable positive difference was Friday Night. There were families walking around the Seawall and playing at midnight. All I can tell you is ten years ago if you were on the Seawall after midnight you were up to no good. For example if I was on the Seawall I was buying pot, or underage drinking,or huffing gasoline out of plastic bags you get the picture. I sure didn't see families out riding bikes and kids out playing at night! This was a great sign of what the Island is trying to do. As a grown up I loved to see this and all the cops out cruising the streets. I spent all hours on the beach this past weekend and never one time did I not feel safe.
Crystal Beach is THE PARTY Beach of The Texas Coast. Suckers go to Mustang Island. Crystal Beach was family oriented this weekend as well. Lots of families camping. Some rebel rousers and hell raisers out there too trying to keep it old school but nothing like the Crystal Beach I remember . For example I lost my virginity to a harry man named Buba after a night of X back in 8o. Yes I was only two years old but it was a wild time in my life. Now Crystal Beach has became the perfect place to wind down a day of play on the island. It's one of the few beaches you can still drink on. It's not girls gone wild crazy like it use to be. Now it's just a good time! However I was a witness to a guy getting a DWI for acting like a jack ass on his golf cart on Crystal Beach this weekend. True Story! They brought a flatbed wrecker out to the beach and everything.
The Crab Hunting was great this weekend too. My overall record for the weekends night beach safaris was 22 jelly fish, six blue crabs(insert pubic lice joke here), and a Texas rockbottom lobster that i got into a nasty sword fight with using a plastic shovel. EnGuard you little red devil! I won and got that little s.o.b into my manly pink plastic pale! Who cares if he was only three inches long(that's what she said)
Traffic only got bad on Sunday. In my past experiences Galveston has been jammed from the day before a holiday weekend to the day after. There was not to many people on the island but enough to keep it festive. Even though I made a few jokes in this blog Galveston has dealt with a very serious situation and dealt with it well. You still see the evidence of Ike everywhere you look. The bums and lowlifes seem to have vanisished or drowned. The scum is gone and good riddance ! The night beach life is safe again.
Galveston is still healing from the devasation. It will never be the same . I think this change is for the better. Five years from now when the rubles gone and the houses are rebuilt or demolished I hope the town stays this clean and friendly. Bottom line Galveston right now at this moment post Ike is a great get a way destanation! Take a weekend and hit up before the Summer of 09 is over!
PS Mom payback is a bitch! I can't wait to take you to the beach throw you out of your wheel chair and throw chex mix on top you and watch the sea gulls go to town. I mean Mom do you have plans for the fourth of July? How does a nice family vacation sound? Yes I forgot all about the T-Bone necklace
Just a little back story I wasted a lot of my youth on that Island. I've slept out in the sand so many times I can't remember! My first memory was camping on Stewart beach with my mom and cousins at five years old. You can't even put tents on that beach anymore! Even though my mother would think it was funny to put a bloody t-bone necklace on me and tell me to go play with the nice big fish with the dorsal fins. I survived and was a tougher manchild for it. As a teenager my friends and I would head down there parent-free every chance we got looking for some debauchery. As an adult I haven't been back that much. The stars aliened just right and this weekend was get away time.
I have heard different things about Galveston since Hurricane Ike hit. It hasn't even been a year yet! I couldn't believe it! Driving across the bay bridge on 45 I noticed nice new decor letting you know you were in Galveston,Texas. Then I hit the Island and notice so many homes still sit in ruins. There was a massive amount of garbage still in piles on the side of the roads. As I cruised around the island looking for my hotel at first I thought this might be a mistake, I was wrong.
After I checked in to the Hotel it was time to really see the Island and what Ike had did. Quick side note I stayed the Harbor House at Pier 21 and it is a first class place. You are not on the SeaWall but it's worth the three minute drive to get there to stay here. Two Thumbs up to the great service and staff at the Harbor House!
The first place I wanted to see was the Seawall. I drove up and down the beachfront street and was shocked. The Balinese Room Pier was gone. The Flagship Hotel still stood but it was sporting battle scars. You could still see furniture in a room of the hotel through a hole ripped in the side of the massive building over the gulf. Anything that was on the Seawall and went out in to the water was gone. It was obvious the "storm of the century" had destroyed the old Seawall.
Traffic was light on Friday and the Beach wasn't crowded. Strange for a Holiday weekend. I don't know if this is due to the economy or people being scared of what the island might look like. The first noticeable positive difference was Friday Night. There were families walking around the Seawall and playing at midnight. All I can tell you is ten years ago if you were on the Seawall after midnight you were up to no good. For example if I was on the Seawall I was buying pot, or underage drinking,or huffing gasoline out of plastic bags you get the picture. I sure didn't see families out riding bikes and kids out playing at night! This was a great sign of what the Island is trying to do. As a grown up I loved to see this and all the cops out cruising the streets. I spent all hours on the beach this past weekend and never one time did I not feel safe.
Crystal Beach is THE PARTY Beach of The Texas Coast. Suckers go to Mustang Island. Crystal Beach was family oriented this weekend as well. Lots of families camping. Some rebel rousers and hell raisers out there too trying to keep it old school but nothing like the Crystal Beach I remember . For example I lost my virginity to a harry man named Buba after a night of X back in 8o. Yes I was only two years old but it was a wild time in my life. Now Crystal Beach has became the perfect place to wind down a day of play on the island. It's one of the few beaches you can still drink on. It's not girls gone wild crazy like it use to be. Now it's just a good time! However I was a witness to a guy getting a DWI for acting like a jack ass on his golf cart on Crystal Beach this weekend. True Story! They brought a flatbed wrecker out to the beach and everything.
The Crab Hunting was great this weekend too. My overall record for the weekends night beach safaris was 22 jelly fish, six blue crabs(insert pubic lice joke here), and a Texas rockbottom lobster that i got into a nasty sword fight with using a plastic shovel. EnGuard you little red devil! I won and got that little s.o.b into my manly pink plastic pale! Who cares if he was only three inches long(that's what she said)
Traffic only got bad on Sunday. In my past experiences Galveston has been jammed from the day before a holiday weekend to the day after. There was not to many people on the island but enough to keep it festive. Even though I made a few jokes in this blog Galveston has dealt with a very serious situation and dealt with it well. You still see the evidence of Ike everywhere you look. The bums and lowlifes seem to have vanisished or drowned. The scum is gone and good riddance ! The night beach life is safe again.
Galveston is still healing from the devasation. It will never be the same . I think this change is for the better. Five years from now when the rubles gone and the houses are rebuilt or demolished I hope the town stays this clean and friendly. Bottom line Galveston right now at this moment post Ike is a great get a way destanation! Take a weekend and hit up before the Summer of 09 is over!
PS Mom payback is a bitch! I can't wait to take you to the beach throw you out of your wheel chair and throw chex mix on top you and watch the sea gulls go to town. I mean Mom do you have plans for the fourth of July? How does a nice family vacation sound? Yes I forgot all about the T-Bone necklace
Monday, May 4, 2009
Hi my name is Larry and I'm a Kyle Bush Fan
I know it's not popular to say. I may even have to change my name and join the witness protection program. But my name is Larry Stanley and I'm a KYLE BUSH FAN!
Everyone hates this kid but the bottom line is Nascar has had a need for a Kyle Bush for years. He's Nascar version of a heel(heel-A bad guy in the wrestling world). The fans boo him and he eats it up. Even his post race celebration where he bows to the crowds is another way to antagonize the mindless sheep that despise him. (mindless sheep- A Dale JR fan)
Kyle Bush walks the walk and talks the talk. Bush is young,cocky and the best racer to hit nascar since Jeff Gordon. Don't believe me? Here's some Bush quotes
"He's the only driver I know who can go three-wide all by himself...He's hoppin' around down there like a little league shortstop." - Darrell Waltrip
"That's the way dad raced and Kyle has that same style—very aggressive." - Dale Earnhardt Jr. (May 8, 2008)
"You think I'm a pretty good race car driver? Wait until you see my brother. He's the best driver in the family." - Kurt Busch (2001)
I would like to draw the mindless sheep's attention to the middle quote. Junior says he drives just like his daddy. So why Boo the guy? Why not cheer him on? Because he's honest.
"I'm not out there to be No. 1," Busch said. "We all know who No. 1 is and forever will be."
That's Dale Earnhardt Jr.
"I go out there to win races, to be No. 1 on the racetrack," Busch said. "That's where I feel like I win, where my benefit is.
"For me, I don't think I would enjoy having the most fans out there. I actually like the way I am, the role I portray. And I think that there's probably too much pressure on one guy's shoulders who doesn't seem to win very often.
Kyle Bush gets booed because he's good. He is a talented young aggressive driver that is fun to watch. He's not Matt Kenseth out there racing for 10th place every week. He's out there to win and win he does. Does he have some growing up to do? Sure! Does he deserve all the hate? No! Has he found his place in this world as the Nascar AntiChrist? Yes!
As I pick up the phone to call security to guard my front door let me ask you a question. Who is the better race car driver? The guy who got his car because of his last name or the guy that earned it?
Larry Stanley
Everyone hates this kid but the bottom line is Nascar has had a need for a Kyle Bush for years. He's Nascar version of a heel(heel-A bad guy in the wrestling world). The fans boo him and he eats it up. Even his post race celebration where he bows to the crowds is another way to antagonize the mindless sheep that despise him. (mindless sheep- A Dale JR fan)
Kyle Bush walks the walk and talks the talk. Bush is young,cocky and the best racer to hit nascar since Jeff Gordon. Don't believe me? Here's some Bush quotes
"He's the only driver I know who can go three-wide all by himself...He's hoppin' around down there like a little league shortstop." - Darrell Waltrip
"That's the way dad raced and Kyle has that same style—very aggressive." - Dale Earnhardt Jr. (May 8, 2008)
"You think I'm a pretty good race car driver? Wait until you see my brother. He's the best driver in the family." - Kurt Busch (2001)
I would like to draw the mindless sheep's attention to the middle quote. Junior says he drives just like his daddy. So why Boo the guy? Why not cheer him on? Because he's honest.
"I'm not out there to be No. 1," Busch said. "We all know who No. 1 is and forever will be."
That's Dale Earnhardt Jr.
"I go out there to win races, to be No. 1 on the racetrack," Busch said. "That's where I feel like I win, where my benefit is.
"For me, I don't think I would enjoy having the most fans out there. I actually like the way I am, the role I portray. And I think that there's probably too much pressure on one guy's shoulders who doesn't seem to win very often.
Kyle Bush gets booed because he's good. He is a talented young aggressive driver that is fun to watch. He's not Matt Kenseth out there racing for 10th place every week. He's out there to win and win he does. Does he have some growing up to do? Sure! Does he deserve all the hate? No! Has he found his place in this world as the Nascar AntiChrist? Yes!
As I pick up the phone to call security to guard my front door let me ask you a question. Who is the better race car driver? The guy who got his car because of his last name or the guy that earned it?
Larry Stanley
Dale Earnhardt jr,
Jeff Gordon,
Kurt Bush,
Kyle Bush,
Matt kenseth,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Mavs Win!!! Now What?
A few short hours ago the Dallas Mavericks demolished the Spurs in game five off their playoff series. The Mavs who have struggled all year long and are the sixth seed in the west go 2-1 on the road and 2-0 at home to wrap it up in five! Awesome great GO MAVS! Now What? The Denver Nuggets is what!
The Denver Nuggets who have owned the Dallas Mavericks in the regular season is what. Matter of fact their record is 4-0 against the Mavs this year. The Denver Nuggets who took a 3-1 lead in their series by blowing out the Hornets by 50+ points is what. The Denver Nuggets the #2 seed in the West is what! Make no mistake about Denver wraps up their opening round match against the Big Easy Friday night.
Not to rain on the Mavs fans parade but three weeks ago no one in Dallas thought the Mavs would make the playoffs. Then OMG they will have to go in as the 8th seed and Face the mighty Lakers. Everything went Cuban's boys way in the final weeks and the Mavs snag the 6th seed. Not bad for a team full of under achievers who have lallygagged all season.
I will tune into Sports Radio tomorrow and hear all about how the Mavs got hot at the right time. I will hear about how great they looked against the Spurs. I will how this might be lighting in the bottle but it's not. The fact of the Matter is the Dallas Mavericks had one great series against a beat up old team. Now it's time to pay the Piper and call this team what it is and that's done. I hope they prove me wrong and I have to eat my words at the end of The Western Conference Semis but they won't. Just like I called the Mavs in 5 against the Spurs I'm calling Denver in 5 vs the Mavs. Prove me wrong!
I am as happy as any Dallasite tonight but as one of the few Dallasite looking ahead already I wanted to point out how bleak our basketball teams future is. For example if I was a Vegas odds maker I would put the Mavericks at 200-1 to reach the NBA Finals. I would put them at 50-1 to get out of the next round.Sorry die hard fans but facts are facts and stats are stats. They both tell me the Mavericks run is over.
Larry Stanley
The Denver Nuggets who have owned the Dallas Mavericks in the regular season is what. Matter of fact their record is 4-0 against the Mavs this year. The Denver Nuggets who took a 3-1 lead in their series by blowing out the Hornets by 50+ points is what. The Denver Nuggets the #2 seed in the West is what! Make no mistake about Denver wraps up their opening round match against the Big Easy Friday night.
Not to rain on the Mavs fans parade but three weeks ago no one in Dallas thought the Mavs would make the playoffs. Then OMG they will have to go in as the 8th seed and Face the mighty Lakers. Everything went Cuban's boys way in the final weeks and the Mavs snag the 6th seed. Not bad for a team full of under achievers who have lallygagged all season.
I will tune into Sports Radio tomorrow and hear all about how the Mavs got hot at the right time. I will hear about how great they looked against the Spurs. I will how this might be lighting in the bottle but it's not. The fact of the Matter is the Dallas Mavericks had one great series against a beat up old team. Now it's time to pay the Piper and call this team what it is and that's done. I hope they prove me wrong and I have to eat my words at the end of The Western Conference Semis but they won't. Just like I called the Mavs in 5 against the Spurs I'm calling Denver in 5 vs the Mavs. Prove me wrong!
I am as happy as any Dallasite tonight but as one of the few Dallasite looking ahead already I wanted to point out how bleak our basketball teams future is. For example if I was a Vegas odds maker I would put the Mavericks at 200-1 to reach the NBA Finals. I would put them at 50-1 to get out of the next round.Sorry die hard fans but facts are facts and stats are stats. They both tell me the Mavericks run is over.
Larry Stanley
Sunday, April 19, 2009
What is a True Fan
OK Saturday having a few pops with Jcall and the O Dog a debate busted out. What is a true fan? I state that they only way you are a true die hard fan is if you were born and raised where the team you live and die with plays. TRUE FANS DON'T PICK & CHOOSE! A true fan also roots every team in your city. I was born in Dallas Texas and I am a Cowboys,Rangers,Mavs,Stars and UT fan. Why? Because it is my birth right!
Now Jcall is from Iowa. He was born and raised there. He is a fan of The Oakland Raiders and the San Antonio Spurs. He has never even been to either city. I have a major problem with this. One they are from different States! Two you have never been to those cities and have no good reason to Cheer for those teams. Even if you watch ever game you have no actual rights to cheer for these teams. Get it?
If one grows up in Iowa he should cheer for the nearest geographically located pro team. Which in this case would be KC or Minnesota. Sorry about your bad luck Jcall but these should be your teams. Real fans live where they play(or near it).
Is there an exception to the rule? OF course there is! I say if you move from a city to another city and stay there five years you can become a fan. But and this a big BUT you will never be a true die hard!
Googleing true Fans I found some rules and they make sense to me here they are
If you live in a city that has fielded a professional team since your formative years, you have to root for that team. None of this, "The Bengals weren't very good when I was growing up in Cincy, so I became a Cowboys fan" crap. Also, you can't start rooting for a team, back off when they're in a down cycle, then renew the relationship once the team starts winning again. All those Cowboys fans who jumped off the bandwagon in the late-'80s, jumped back on during the Emmitt/Aikman Era, then jumped back off in the late-'90s ... you know who you are. You shouldn't even be allowed out in public(There's nothing worse than a Bandwagon Jumper. If sports were a prison and sports fans made up all the prisoners, the Bandwagon Jumpers would be like the child molesters -- everyone else would pick on them, take turns beating them up and force them to toss more salads than Emeril Lagasse.)
Once you choose a team, you're stuck with that team for the rest of your life ... unless one of the following conditions applies: -Your team moves to another city. All bets are off when that happens. In fact, if you decided to turn off that sport entirely, nobody would blame you. -You grew up in a city that didn't field a team for a specific sport -- so you picked a random team -- and then either a.) your city landed a team, or b.) you moved to a city that fielded a team for that specific sport. For instance, one of my Connecticut buddies rooted for the Sixers during the Doctor J Era, then happened to be living in Orlando when the Magic came to town. Now he's a Magic fan. That's acceptable. -One of your immediate family members either plays professionally or takes a relevant management/coaching/front office position with a pro team. -
You follow your favorite college star (and this has to be a once-in-a-generation favorite college star) to the pros and root for his team du jour ... like if you were a UNC fan for the past 20 years, and you rooted for the Bulls (because of MJ) and then the Raptors (because of Vince). Only works if there isn't a pro team in your area. -The owner of your favorite team treated his fans so egregiously over the years that you couldn't take it anymore -- you would rather not follow them at all then support a franchise with this owner in charge. Just for the record, I reached this point with the Boston Bruins about six years ago. When it happens, you have two options: You can either renounce that team and pick someone else, or you can pretend they're dead, like you're a grieving widow. That's what I do. I'm an NHL widow. I don't even want to date another team. -
If you're between the ages of 20-40, you're a fan of the Yankees, Cowboys, Braves, Raiders, Steelers, Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, or Spurs, and you're not actually from those one of those cities ... well, you better have a reason that goes beyond "When I was picking a favorite team as a kid, they were the best team, so I picked them." At least give me a reason like "Reggie Jackson was my favorite player growing up," or "I always liked the red Bulls uniforms," or even "Everyone in my gang wore Raiders colors." Do you really want to be known as a bona fide Bandwagon Jumper?
Now Jcall is from Iowa. He was born and raised there. He is a fan of The Oakland Raiders and the San Antonio Spurs. He has never even been to either city. I have a major problem with this. One they are from different States! Two you have never been to those cities and have no good reason to Cheer for those teams. Even if you watch ever game you have no actual rights to cheer for these teams. Get it?
If one grows up in Iowa he should cheer for the nearest geographically located pro team. Which in this case would be KC or Minnesota. Sorry about your bad luck Jcall but these should be your teams. Real fans live where they play(or near it).
Is there an exception to the rule? OF course there is! I say if you move from a city to another city and stay there five years you can become a fan. But and this a big BUT you will never be a true die hard!
Googleing true Fans I found some rules and they make sense to me here they are
If you live in a city that has fielded a professional team since your formative years, you have to root for that team. None of this, "The Bengals weren't very good when I was growing up in Cincy, so I became a Cowboys fan" crap. Also, you can't start rooting for a team, back off when they're in a down cycle, then renew the relationship once the team starts winning again. All those Cowboys fans who jumped off the bandwagon in the late-'80s, jumped back on during the Emmitt/Aikman Era, then jumped back off in the late-'90s ... you know who you are. You shouldn't even be allowed out in public(There's nothing worse than a Bandwagon Jumper. If sports were a prison and sports fans made up all the prisoners, the Bandwagon Jumpers would be like the child molesters -- everyone else would pick on them, take turns beating them up and force them to toss more salads than Emeril Lagasse.)
Once you choose a team, you're stuck with that team for the rest of your life ... unless one of the following conditions applies: -Your team moves to another city. All bets are off when that happens. In fact, if you decided to turn off that sport entirely, nobody would blame you. -You grew up in a city that didn't field a team for a specific sport -- so you picked a random team -- and then either a.) your city landed a team, or b.) you moved to a city that fielded a team for that specific sport. For instance, one of my Connecticut buddies rooted for the Sixers during the Doctor J Era, then happened to be living in Orlando when the Magic came to town. Now he's a Magic fan. That's acceptable. -One of your immediate family members either plays professionally or takes a relevant management/coaching/front office position with a pro team. -
You follow your favorite college star (and this has to be a once-in-a-generation favorite college star) to the pros and root for his team du jour ... like if you were a UNC fan for the past 20 years, and you rooted for the Bulls (because of MJ) and then the Raptors (because of Vince). Only works if there isn't a pro team in your area. -The owner of your favorite team treated his fans so egregiously over the years that you couldn't take it anymore -- you would rather not follow them at all then support a franchise with this owner in charge. Just for the record, I reached this point with the Boston Bruins about six years ago. When it happens, you have two options: You can either renounce that team and pick someone else, or you can pretend they're dead, like you're a grieving widow. That's what I do. I'm an NHL widow. I don't even want to date another team. -
If you're between the ages of 20-40, you're a fan of the Yankees, Cowboys, Braves, Raiders, Steelers, Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, or Spurs, and you're not actually from those one of those cities ... well, you better have a reason that goes beyond "When I was picking a favorite team as a kid, they were the best team, so I picked them." At least give me a reason like "Reggie Jackson was my favorite player growing up," or "I always liked the red Bulls uniforms," or even "Everyone in my gang wore Raiders colors." Do you really want to be known as a bona fide Bandwagon Jumper?
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