Being A Dallas Sports fan has been painful for the last few years. Hell to tell you the truth it's been the past decade. The last championship any Metroplex team won was in 1999 when The Stars beat the Buffalo Sabres in the NHL Stanley Cup finals. Other then that Thank God for the Longhorns or it would really have sucked to be a sports fan in Tejas.
It is a shame but in Dallas pretty good is getting to be the norm. The Dallas Cowboys are pretty good,The Dallas Mavericks are pretty good, The Texas Rangers are pretty good, the Dallas Stars well let's face it none cares about the Dallas Stars. The Dallas Teams are all just good enough to make the playoffs then exit early.
As a Dallas fan I have accepted the fact our teams are pretty good. Believe me it's hard to go through a season knowing that your team is good but not quite good enough to be great. Matter of fact it's torture.
The only reason I bring this up is because I am hearing a lot of Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl talk. As much as I hate to admit it The Dallas Cowboys are not going to the Super Bowl. I am not even 100% sure The Cowboys are the best team in the NFC EAST. What I am sure of is the Eagles will be the worst. I know cheap shoot but man I hate those Eagles! I really hope they go 0-16! Suck it Eagles Fan.
As long as Wade and Jason are here the Cowboys will not even sniff the big game. Wade is a great Defensive Coordinator but not a Head Coach. I think it's safe to say his place is the world is running a defense not being the man.
Jason Garrett damn! Why didn't he go to Baltimore when he had the chance? I think we can all agree he has worn out his welcome here in Dallas yet again! Sorry Princeton Man but it's true. Does anyone else have visions of Madden when watching a Cowboys game? Next thing we know they will cut their punter and go for it on ever 4th down. Really Jason Garrett maybe to smart to run a offense. Instead of keeping it simple he insist on tricking everything up. I think he out thinks himself more so then gets out coached. It's not the worst problem to have but still a problem.
With these two knuckleheads in place on the Dallas Coaching Staff I have accepted the fact that in 2010 The Dallas Cowboys will be pretty good. Yes, I will still be upset and pissed when they lose but none the less I know what they are and that's a pretty good team. Even though the talent is there the coaching isn't and that means The Cowboys are a what? Pretty Good!
Shame on you Texas Rangers! Back in late May I wrote a blog saying that I didn't think this was your year. However during the dog days of summer I bought into what you were selling. I was drinking the Red Kool-Aide you were serving up by the gallons. It was helping me stay cool in this Texas heat! I think it's safe to say The Rangers had the whole entire DFW area fooled and most of Baseball America. They looked like they were legitimate contenders to represent the American League in the World Series in 2010. Now in Early September with injuries and bad play they look like a pretty good team. I know baseball is streaky sport but you don't want to be on a losing streak going into the playoffs. With no way to avoid a strong team from the East in the playoffs it is time to accept the fact that the 2010 Texas Rangers are nothing more then a pretty good team. Once again they got us to football season.
After the 2006 & 2007 season I think we all learned that these Mavericks will be nothing more then a pretty good basketball team. Once again Dallas Fans must suffer that just not quite good enough disappointment.
After watching Dallas Sports failures over and over again for the past 10 years the Dallas Sports fan has went to expecting Championships to expecting pretty good. And expecting pretty good with no hope for a championship is just well pretty sad.
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It's about damn time you figured this all out. I've been saying for years you won't jack crap with Phillips. Stop drinking the Flavor-Aid and sip on something I've been drinking for years, the truth.