This is my old Sports blog, now I am just sharing my thoughts on things. Random as I want to be
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Twas the night before Tip-OFF
Twas the night before Tip-OFF, when all through the land
Not a creature was stirring, not even one Mavs fan.
The uniforms were hung in the lockers with care,
In hopes that St Dirk soon would be there.
The fans were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of LeBron crying after game 6 still dancing in their heads.
And the fans in 31 Jett shirts , and I in my MFFL cap,
Had just settled our brains for the end of the long winter’s Lock Out.
When on ESPN there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
To the flat screen I flew in a flash,
I went to the backroom and turned up the volume .
A familiar blue glare filled the late night air.
The illumination of sports figures was everywhere.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a St Dirk and his magic step away jump shot.
With a little J-Kidd, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be Basketball Season.
To my eyes this was synthetically pleasing.
And the whistle blew, and Rick Carlisle shouted, and called them by name!
"Now On St. Dirk! now, Jett now, Kidd and Odom!
On, Haywood! On, Marion! on Mahinmi and Carter!
To the top of the key! to the top of the rim!
Now shoot away! Shoot away! Shoot 3’s all day!"
I spoke not a word, but went straight to my fridge,
And grabbed a cold one, then some beef with a jerk.
And then back to my lazy chair I did go,
And giving a nod, up to the Basketball Gods I rose for the anthem!
Miami and then big 3 had arrived and were ready to play
What a way to Kick off this Christmas Day.
Then I heard Mark Cuban exclaim, as he jumped into sight
"Lets Go Mavs! Lets Go Mavs win it all again in the 2012 season!"
Merry Christmas from your friends at
Dallas Mavericks,
Lamar Odom,
Mavericks vs Heat
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Larry's Blog: Football Jesus
Larry's Blog: Football Jesus: Up until now I have taking the attitude of if I just ignore him then he will go away. He shouldn't be a big news story anyway. When that did...
Football Jesus
Up until now I have taking the attitude of if I just ignore him then he will go away. He shouldn't be a big news story anyway. When that didn't happen I took the attitude of he can't keep it up. After my buddy Dan O'Dell sent me a text with this link yesterday I decided I need to address this whole "Football Jesus" situation.
SI's cover boy this week is Tim Tebow. Tebow is the most controversial figure in the NFL since Rae Carruth. You either love or hate this guy. There is no in between on Tebow. Like my co-host Andre on The Sports Daddys Podcast (heard every Monday & Friday on puts it Tebow is his football Kryptonite.
I will go on record of saying I like Tebow as a person. At this point in history the kids need a good role model to look up to. Someone who isn't all about the bitches and the bling, like so many athletes are. Tebow definitely provides that positive hero for our youth. He is man whose faith comes first and the game comes second (As it should be). For that he has to be commended and deserves all the praise he gets. However make no mistake about it, he isn't the only devoted Christian in the NFL just the most publicized one. Why don't you ask Aaron Rogers about that?
Now let's get to "Football Jesus" on field performance. I am about to go all Marcellus Wallace on you, and give you the cold hard truth. The cold hard truth is he sucks as a NFL quarter-man. That's a hard fact of life,but that's a fact of life we have to be realistic about.
How can I say that when he has won 6 straight? It's simple watch him play. He is not good! There is a reason why he is pulling off all of these come from behind victories. The reason is because he plays horrible for 3 quarters then gets lucky and pulls something out of his holy ass in the end. His luck will run out and he will be exposed eventually.I beg of you to please stop fooling yourself into thinking he is good football player, because he isn't.
The Tim Tebow story is all about religion and not about football. If Tim Tebow wasn't so religious and in your face about it then he would never have been this big of deal. There is nothing wrong with being religious. There is nothing wrong with talking about religion publicly. There is a problem with the way the media over exposes Tebow's Christian believes.
This guy is a devoted Christian, case closed. I don't care about his religion! Not becaus I am Godless heathen either. I don't care because, I watch football to watch football games. I don't watch for a religious debate. Which all of the Tebow talk turns into sooner or later. Should he pray or shouldn't he pray? Should he be so in the face with his love for Christ? etc.etc...
Tebow's believes are his believes. We all should be so lucky to have such strong values. If he wants to thank the Father,Son and Holy Ghost after each game I think he should. That's his business, not ours.
I don't think the media should shove the fact he is a devoted Christian down our throats ever chance they get. The camera doesn't have to zoom in on him every time he is kneeling down on one knee. I don't think the fact that he is on the field praying so much should ever come up in a sports conversation!
The entire world knows his faith. We get it let's move on! Hey CBS & ESPN I know this might sound crazy but could we please just focus on his on field performance
and not his religion? Or is that to radical for your NFL brodcast?
I heard this rumor that there are these secret places called Churches around America. Rumor has it that you can go talk all the religion you want on Sunday mornings at these places. Here's an idea if you want to show Tebow praying how about you follow him to one of these "Churches". You can even build a reality show around it. You could call the show Tebow Tebowing.
The bottom line Tim Tebow aka "Football Jesus" is a Great Christian, a good role model, but he his a bad, bad football player.
follow me on twiiter
Email Me
SI's cover boy this week is Tim Tebow. Tebow is the most controversial figure in the NFL since Rae Carruth. You either love or hate this guy. There is no in between on Tebow. Like my co-host Andre on The Sports Daddys Podcast (heard every Monday & Friday on puts it Tebow is his football Kryptonite.
I will go on record of saying I like Tebow as a person. At this point in history the kids need a good role model to look up to. Someone who isn't all about the bitches and the bling, like so many athletes are. Tebow definitely provides that positive hero for our youth. He is man whose faith comes first and the game comes second (As it should be). For that he has to be commended and deserves all the praise he gets. However make no mistake about it, he isn't the only devoted Christian in the NFL just the most publicized one. Why don't you ask Aaron Rogers about that?
Now let's get to "Football Jesus" on field performance. I am about to go all Marcellus Wallace on you, and give you the cold hard truth. The cold hard truth is he sucks as a NFL quarter-man. That's a hard fact of life,but that's a fact of life we have to be realistic about.
How can I say that when he has won 6 straight? It's simple watch him play. He is not good! There is a reason why he is pulling off all of these come from behind victories. The reason is because he plays horrible for 3 quarters then gets lucky and pulls something out of his holy ass in the end. His luck will run out and he will be exposed eventually.I beg of you to please stop fooling yourself into thinking he is good football player, because he isn't.
The Tim Tebow story is all about religion and not about football. If Tim Tebow wasn't so religious and in your face about it then he would never have been this big of deal. There is nothing wrong with being religious. There is nothing wrong with talking about religion publicly. There is a problem with the way the media over exposes Tebow's Christian believes.
This guy is a devoted Christian, case closed. I don't care about his religion! Not becaus I am Godless heathen either. I don't care because, I watch football to watch football games. I don't watch for a religious debate. Which all of the Tebow talk turns into sooner or later. Should he pray or shouldn't he pray? Should he be so in the face with his love for Christ? etc.etc...
Tebow's believes are his believes. We all should be so lucky to have such strong values. If he wants to thank the Father,Son and Holy Ghost after each game I think he should. That's his business, not ours.
I don't think the media should shove the fact he is a devoted Christian down our throats ever chance they get. The camera doesn't have to zoom in on him every time he is kneeling down on one knee. I don't think the fact that he is on the field praying so much should ever come up in a sports conversation!
The entire world knows his faith. We get it let's move on! Hey CBS & ESPN I know this might sound crazy but could we please just focus on his on field performance
and not his religion? Or is that to radical for your NFL brodcast?
I heard this rumor that there are these secret places called Churches around America. Rumor has it that you can go talk all the religion you want on Sunday mornings at these places. Here's an idea if you want to show Tebow praying how about you follow him to one of these "Churches". You can even build a reality show around it. You could call the show Tebow Tebowing.
The bottom line Tim Tebow aka "Football Jesus" is a Great Christian, a good role model, but he his a bad, bad football player.
follow me on twiiter
Email Me
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Larry's Blog: Spare Bowls II
Larry's Blog: Spare Bowls II: Last year around this time I went on a rant (in this very blog) about how there are to many Bowl games. I pointed out the ones I would eli...
Spare Bowls II
Last year around this time I went on a rant (in this very blog) about how there are to many Bowl games. I pointed out the ones I would eliminate because no one cares,or watches,or attends the games etc..etc..
I thought about finding some way to repackage that but, then I realized there is no point. You can't change stupid! Make no mistake having 34 Bowl games is stupid.
Since I am not going on a big rant this year I thought I would have a little fun with these pointless bowls and the few meaningful ones. I Larry Stanley aka Professor L-Train will pick with my legendary accuracy every single Bowl Game this year! I have no problem putting my hard-earned 16-14 2011 NCAA picks record on the line in this blog.
I know this may seem pointless to you. However there is a logic to my madness. If I can somehow pick these sorry excuses of games, then it gives me a purpose to watch/care. If I screw up my picks then I am sure I'll hear from you or @bigbadlarry on twitter. Either way now I am sure we all will be entertained!
Come on Spare Bowls, Bring It!
This year it's Spare Bowls vs Professor L-Train in the steel cage main event grudge match. Two of us enter and one of us walk out. If you want to force me to watch garbage,then I am going to find some way to regurgitate it. Two words for you Spare Bowls! Suck it!
Don't worry I didn't forget about the NFL. Scroll all the way down if you want those picks.
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here
Listen to my Podcast on here
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Cowboy +6.5 over Temple
Ohio +3 over Utah State
Surfs Up State -5 over Cajun
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Flint -4.5 over We are Marshall
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Frog -11 over LTech
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Crying Bronco - 14 over AZ State
Saturday, December 24, 2011
So Miss over Wolfpack Pick Em
Monday, December 26, 2011
Mizzo Tiger -4 over North Carolina
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Boilermaker -2.5 over Some School I have never heard of
NCState -2.5 over Slugger
Toledo -3 over Air Force
Horn -3.5 over Golden Bear (Hook EM!)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
ND + 3.5 over FSU
RG3 Bears -9 over Wash
Friday, December 30, 2011
BYU -2.5 over Tulsa Time
Rutg-2 over OSU Cowboy Killer
Wake Forest +6.5 over Miss State
Iowa +14 over Boomer
Saturday, December 31, 2011
NorthWest +10 over Ag
G Tech -3.5 over Utah
ILL -3 over Aikman's Alma Mater
Cincy +2.5 over Van
Auburn -1.5 over Virgin
Monday, January 02, 2012
Houston -5 over Pedifiles
Bulldog -3.5 over Mich State
So. Car - 1 over Cornhusk
Buckeye +2 over Gator
Duck -6.5 over Badger
Cowboy-3.5 over Tree
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Virginia Tech -2.5 over we shouldn't be in a BCS game
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Clem-3 over The Wonderful Whites
Friday, January 06, 2012
Hog over KSTate
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Pony over Pitt
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Arkansas State over Northern Illinois (Honestly I flipped a coin here)
Monday, January 09, 2012
Roll Tide Roll -1 over LSU
NE -9 over Redskin
SD-7 over Buff
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Larry's Blog: My Christmas Wish.
Larry's Blog: My Christmas Wish.: I'll let you wish for Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men and all that jazz beacuse I have another wish on my Big Bad Christmas List . All...
My Christmas Wish.
I'll let you wish for Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men and all that jazz beacuse I have another wish on my Big Bad Christmas List . All I want for Christmas is for the Bulldogs of Athens,GA to beat LSU in the SEC Championship game this Saturday.
I have nothing against LSU personally. To me LSU has always just been a school that is there. I don't dislike them like other SEC Universities. However my Christmas wish is based solely on The BCS getting into mess that they can't get out of.
If a Christmas miracle happens and Georgia wins what happens next? It's time to play the feud. Show me, The BCS gets put into a no win situation, Ray!
Should LSU still play for the National Title even though they didn't win their conference? Or should one of the other one loss teams jump them?
No matter how the BCS plays it if the Tigers fall there will be a lot of upset fans across this great land. When the uproar comes from major players in the football world then something will have to be done. It could lead us to (dare I type it?) Playoffs. Which I think everyone in the country besides Nick Saban wants.
I hope the spirits of Herschel Walker,Matthew Stafford,AJ Green,Rannulph Junuh, and Bagger Vance fill that Bulldogs locker room and give them the power to crush the boys of Batton Rouge. However this is not a very likely scenario. Tis the season for miracles.
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here
Listen to my Podcast on here
and you can follow me on twitter @bigbadlarry
Mich State +9.5 over Badger
OU +3.5 over OSU Cowboy
Falcon -3.5 over Texan
Andy Dalton's Tigers + 6.5 over Steel
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Larry's Blog: 10 years ago
Larry's Blog: 10 years ago: This last week has been very challenging for me. It seems like everyone and their dogs have tried to push my angry button. If this would ...
10 years ago
This last week has been very challenging for me. It seems like everyone and their dogs have tried to push my angry button. If this would have happen 10 years ago I know exactly how I would have handled this situation. I would have cranked up my mic on that 100,000 watt blow torch known as 105.3 FM Talk in Dallas and started blasting folks. I would have flipped that switch and went scorched earth until whoever was pissing me off called me crying out of pure embarrassment. I was just a kid back then 10 years ago. What the hell did I know?
Even when my old boss tried to talk sense to me & warn me about karma, not talking bad about people etc.etc.... He got an on air tongue lashing too. I guess looking back it is no wonder why I got "laid off" from that place. Oh well,live and learn. Now that I am 10 years older and all grows up I would never ever dream of bashing people like that ever again.
For example: I would never mention in this blog how my non psycho ex girlfriend showed up on my door step wanting to do her laundry at 5am one day this week. In her defense she did text me in the middle of the night to let me know what her intentions were. Then like any other sane person on this planet she reached the next logical conclusion. Since I didn't respond to her text, nor have I talked to her in weeks she decided in her non crazy brain it would be ok to just show up and wait outside my door for me to wake up. Surprise! Basket of dirty laundry and all there she was when I went to leave for my morning work out. (I'm just glad I locked the dead bolt that night!) 10 years ago you better believe this would have got an on-air segment. I could have taken calls and probably found some way of getting a free restraining order. Now I think I will just let it go like it never happen.
Then there is the captain of my former dart team. I was on his team until Friday Night. Friday Night is when a casual game of darts turned Fox and Hound in Dallas into a War Zone. After I beat our mighty captain (throwing my way not his) he stormed out of the bar throwing a fit like a five-year old child. 10 years ago this jack ass would have had an on-air bit dedicated to him too. You know one of those bits where I am telling the story and there is a crying baby sound effect in the background. These days I don't feel that story should be told in a public forum.
Then there is the Facebook over commenter. Look, I love social media as much as the next guy does. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to comment on my post but, you really,really,really don't have to comment on every post I make. 10 years ago the over commenter would have got some comments from me he couldn't delete with a click of the mouse. I'm glad I have matured though.
I don't want to forget about the midget at work. This mighty mouse size guy is very comparable to a yippee yappee (that little s.o.b just interrupted me while I was typing this to ask me about a DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince Song. Seriously! WTF?) little dog. He just barks nonsense, non stop all morning long. Yip-Yap!Yip-Yap! Back in 2001 I can hear myself doing a midget being beat to death bit. Today I'll just turn the proverbial other cheek.
I guess this blog is proof that I have calmed down in my advanced age. What can I say? I'm older and wiser! The one thing that hasn't changed is; I can still pick football games! BOOOOYOOO
Make sure you check out my new movie An Innocent Hell on facebook here
Listen to my Podcast on here
and you can follow me on twitter @bigbadlarry
NFL 17-6-2
NCAA 15-14
Overall 32-20-2
Razorbacks -13 over Miss State
Neb +3.5 over Mich
Oak -1 over Minn
Buff +1 over Dolph
Det-7 over Car
Happy Betting!
2011 NFL Season,
College Football Betting,
college football picks,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Football
Friday, November 11, 2011
Larry's Blog: Angry Blog: Death Penalty!
Larry's Blog: Angry Blog: Death Penalty!: I have been sitting in front of my laptop for the past hour preparing to write this blog. My mind keeps on drifting and I can not focus. I h...
Angry Blog: Death Penalty!
I have been sitting in front of my laptop for the past hour preparing to write this blog. My mind keeps on drifting and I can not focus. I have what they call in the biz "writers block"!
Trying to come up for a topic for this blog my mind has raced from everything to how much better Country Music was in the 70's and 80's than it is now to the upcoming Margarita Ball to The Blast Jeremy,Will and I had the NASCAR Race last Sunday (but what happens at NASCAR stays at NASCAR) to my $700 starter bill for my car to just throwing my picks up and calling it a day. Well in the end I did come up with something and it's not good.
I have been unintentionally, intentionally ignoring the Sports World. As I explained last week I still have a touch of Rangers hangover but that's not it. This Penn State garbage is the sickest story that has ever came out of the Sports World and it flat-out disgust me. As long is story is dominating the headlines I want no Part of ESPN or Sports.
Where is the death penalty talk in all this? I'm sorry but nothing Miami or SMU or USC did compares to this. This is the dirtiest scandal in the dirtiest sport in the world!
NCAA if you do not kill Penn State's Football program for covering up child rape you are no better than the Asian Sex traffickers! Now there is this new story coming out that Penn State's staff where child sex traffickers. What now? What's next? This is unbelievable and unimaginable.
Save the bullsh cop-out about it will devastate the economy up there. I don't care. There is no defense in this world for what went on and got covered up on the Penn State campus.
NCAA two words: Death Penalty
I have never wanted to vomit more while typing a blog than I do right now!
NFL 15-6-2
NCAA 14-12
Overall 29-18-2
Razorbacks-14 over Tenn
Clemson -16 over Wake
Stan -3.5 over Ducks
Pats +1 over JETS
Pitt-3 over Cin
Trying to come up for a topic for this blog my mind has raced from everything to how much better Country Music was in the 70's and 80's than it is now to the upcoming Margarita Ball to The Blast Jeremy,Will and I had the NASCAR Race last Sunday (but what happens at NASCAR stays at NASCAR) to my $700 starter bill for my car to just throwing my picks up and calling it a day. Well in the end I did come up with something and it's not good.
I have been unintentionally, intentionally ignoring the Sports World. As I explained last week I still have a touch of Rangers hangover but that's not it. This Penn State garbage is the sickest story that has ever came out of the Sports World and it flat-out disgust me. As long is story is dominating the headlines I want no Part of ESPN or Sports.
Where is the death penalty talk in all this? I'm sorry but nothing Miami or SMU or USC did compares to this. This is the dirtiest scandal in the dirtiest sport in the world!
NCAA if you do not kill Penn State's Football program for covering up child rape you are no better than the Asian Sex traffickers! Now there is this new story coming out that Penn State's staff where child sex traffickers. What now? What's next? This is unbelievable and unimaginable.
Save the bullsh cop-out about it will devastate the economy up there. I don't care. There is no defense in this world for what went on and got covered up on the Penn State campus.
NCAA two words: Death Penalty
I have never wanted to vomit more while typing a blog than I do right now!
NFL 15-6-2
NCAA 14-12
Overall 29-18-2
Razorbacks-14 over Tenn
Clemson -16 over Wake
Stan -3.5 over Ducks
Pats +1 over JETS
Pitt-3 over Cin
college football picks,
Death Penalty,
Joe Pa,
NFL Picks,
Penn State
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Larry's Blog: Sports Hangover Road Trip
Larry's Blog: Sports Hangover Road Trip: After the heartbreaking Texas Rangers World Series lost last weekend I was suffering from the worst Sports Hangover of my life. Last weekend...
Sports Hangover Road Trip
After the heartbreaking Texas Rangers World Series lost last weekend I was suffering from the worst Sports Hangover of my life. Last weekend was very tough for me as a big bad sports fan. I knew I had to pick myself off the floor and get out of that damn fetal position. My body was cramping up in all kinds of strange ways. I had only been laying motionless for the past 10 hours. I had to do something, but what?
For the first time in a long time I had absolutely zero interest in what was going on in the football world. My sports nerves were broken and I wanted no part of this college game day. I wasn't feeling like myself and I definitely wanted to get away!
I decided I would take a drive down to the Texas Hill Country just to clear my head. You know a little of that back road driving with a little of that old top down.
On this scenic trip there was no sports talk blaring from my car radio speakers as normal. No this trip it was all about my favorite Texas Country Music of yesterday. It was nothing but the road, Pat Green and myself heading down that black top highway. When Pat Green's I like Texas (the song they play at the end of Texas Rangers wins) came up in the rotation, I almost started to sports cry again. I did manage to keep it together.
At this point I wanted a little break from driving and some food in my belly. That's when I saw the Cindy Lou's Cafe sign. It looked like the perfect dive to hide out in for a while. Boy I have to tell you they didn't disappoint.
If you are ever in the area I highly recommend stopping by Cindy Lou's Home Cooking Cafe in Itasca, Texas. That place made my road trip. I made a pit stop there to grab lunch on Saturday. When I walked in the door of the small cafe I found friendly service, a great atmosphere that screams small Texas Town, and great grub. Thanks Cindy Lou's. Dinners & Dives take note of this.
After Cindy Lou's the rest of my day was spent reflecting at Lake Whitney. Staring at the water and cliffs. I was fighting my urge to jump off the highest rocky hilltop I could find and yell "Remember the Texas Rangers!" For me some how that seemed appropriate. I mean I could never love another baseball team like I loved this one. I was 33 and starting my baseball life over again.
I was sitting there wondering what went wrong for the Texas Rangers. I was asking myself "How could God let this happen?" The image of Nelly Cruz miss judging that ball in game 6 played over and over in my head. I was searching for my sports inner peace and it wasn't working. It was getting late and I knew I had to get back inner peace or not.
When I returned home Saturday night my phone rang. It was my hedro sports soul mate Duck. I knew I was about to get bitch slapped back into reality. As I listen to him go on and on about all of the games that I missed my escape had ended. Then to my shock we had a 15 minute long conversation and didn't talk Texas Rangers baseball. After we disconnected that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks! Our Rangers did what they always do. The Texas Rangers they got us to football season.
This week my focus is 100% back on the great sport of football. The Eyes of Texas and the rest of the nation will be on Tuscaloosa as the real National Championship Game is played on Saturday night. Make no mistake about it Bama & LSU are the two best teams in the United States of America. Game on Holmes!
My Featured School this week is Alabama!
NFL 13-6-2
NCAA 12-11
Overall 25-17-2
KState +20.5 over OSU
Houston-27.5 over UAB
and in the national championship game give me
Bama -4.5 over LSU
Green Bay-5.5 over San Diego
Denver+9 over Oakland
Happy Betting
For the first time in a long time I had absolutely zero interest in what was going on in the football world. My sports nerves were broken and I wanted no part of this college game day. I wasn't feeling like myself and I definitely wanted to get away!
I decided I would take a drive down to the Texas Hill Country just to clear my head. You know a little of that back road driving with a little of that old top down.
On this scenic trip there was no sports talk blaring from my car radio speakers as normal. No this trip it was all about my favorite Texas Country Music of yesterday. It was nothing but the road, Pat Green and myself heading down that black top highway. When Pat Green's I like Texas (the song they play at the end of Texas Rangers wins) came up in the rotation, I almost started to sports cry again. I did manage to keep it together.
At this point I wanted a little break from driving and some food in my belly. That's when I saw the Cindy Lou's Cafe sign. It looked like the perfect dive to hide out in for a while. Boy I have to tell you they didn't disappoint.
If you are ever in the area I highly recommend stopping by Cindy Lou's Home Cooking Cafe in Itasca, Texas. That place made my road trip. I made a pit stop there to grab lunch on Saturday. When I walked in the door of the small cafe I found friendly service, a great atmosphere that screams small Texas Town, and great grub. Thanks Cindy Lou's. Dinners & Dives take note of this.
After Cindy Lou's the rest of my day was spent reflecting at Lake Whitney. Staring at the water and cliffs. I was fighting my urge to jump off the highest rocky hilltop I could find and yell "Remember the Texas Rangers!" For me some how that seemed appropriate. I mean I could never love another baseball team like I loved this one. I was 33 and starting my baseball life over again.
I was sitting there wondering what went wrong for the Texas Rangers. I was asking myself "How could God let this happen?" The image of Nelly Cruz miss judging that ball in game 6 played over and over in my head. I was searching for my sports inner peace and it wasn't working. It was getting late and I knew I had to get back inner peace or not.
When I returned home Saturday night my phone rang. It was my hedro sports soul mate Duck. I knew I was about to get bitch slapped back into reality. As I listen to him go on and on about all of the games that I missed my escape had ended. Then to my shock we had a 15 minute long conversation and didn't talk Texas Rangers baseball. After we disconnected that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks! Our Rangers did what they always do. The Texas Rangers they got us to football season.
This week my focus is 100% back on the great sport of football. The Eyes of Texas and the rest of the nation will be on Tuscaloosa as the real National Championship Game is played on Saturday night. Make no mistake about it Bama & LSU are the two best teams in the United States of America. Game on Holmes!
My Featured School this week is Alabama!
NFL 13-6-2
NCAA 12-11
Overall 25-17-2
KState +20.5 over OSU
Houston-27.5 over UAB
and in the national championship game give me
Bama -4.5 over LSU
Green Bay-5.5 over San Diego
Denver+9 over Oakland
Happy Betting
Friday, October 28, 2011
Larry's Blog: UGGHH
Larry's Blog: UGGHH: Rangers lost Hungover Short Blog Featured School Kansas State Stats Stats NFL vs. The Line 13-5-2 NCAAF vs The Line 12-9 Overall 2...
Rangers lost
Short Blog
Featured School
Kansas State
NFL vs. The Line
NCAAF vs The Line
KState +13 over Boomer Sooner
Clemson -3.5 over GTECH
New Orleans -13 over STL
Short Blog
Featured School
Kansas State
NFL vs. The Line
NCAAF vs The Line
KState +13 over Boomer Sooner
Clemson -3.5 over GTECH
New Orleans -13 over STL
Friday, October 21, 2011
Larry's Blog: Shhh! Don't Tell where I am hiding
Larry's Blog: Shhh! Don't Tell where I am hiding: Did you know that I have been a blogger at for 3 years now? While I was working out today I realized that in said 3 ye...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Shhh! Don't Tell where I am hiding
Did you know that I have been a blogger at for 3 years now? While I was working out today I realized that in said 3 years I have never shared any of my emails with you.
I mean you are nice enough to take the time to send them in each and every week but, I never share. Well shame on me!
Today it's time for a change. Today I Larry Stanley of AKA Professor L-Train will share an email with you in my Big Bad Blog. However I am just sharing one, but it's a good.
Dear Professor Infidel ,
You suck! Because of your bad picks last week I have to flee my country! I am being chased by an army of angry radicals. Don't let them fool you and tell you "It's a Revolution!" That army of rats all work for my pissed of bookie.
I lost a lot of money on your so-called "expert picks". Michigan over Michigan State! WTF were you thinking? Make a stupid pick like that again and I'll put a Jihad on your American Sports Loving Ass!
Until I figure out how to pay my bookie for your camel piss advice last week I will be hiding in a storm drain in my home country but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please don't tell anyone.
Muammar in Libya
Something tells me I may not have to worry about Muammar in Libya anymore.
Stay Classy America
If you are reading this on My Featured school this week is OSU.
NFL vs. The Line
NCAAF vs The Line
This week
Oklahoma State-6.5 over Misou
TT + 28.5 over Boomer Sooner
Air Force +31 over Boise.
Green Bay -9 over Viking
Denver +1 over Dolphin.
Larry Stanley in Las Colinas on Facebook
@BigBadLarry on twitter
I mean you are nice enough to take the time to send them in each and every week but, I never share. Well shame on me!
Today it's time for a change. Today I Larry Stanley of AKA Professor L-Train will share an email with you in my Big Bad Blog. However I am just sharing one, but it's a good.
Dear Professor Infidel ,
You suck! Because of your bad picks last week I have to flee my country! I am being chased by an army of angry radicals. Don't let them fool you and tell you "It's a Revolution!" That army of rats all work for my pissed of bookie.
I lost a lot of money on your so-called "expert picks". Michigan over Michigan State! WTF were you thinking? Make a stupid pick like that again and I'll put a Jihad on your American Sports Loving Ass!
Until I figure out how to pay my bookie for your camel piss advice last week I will be hiding in a storm drain in my home country but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please don't tell anyone.
Muammar in Libya
Something tells me I may not have to worry about Muammar in Libya anymore.
Stay Classy America
If you are reading this on My Featured school this week is OSU.
NFL vs. The Line
NCAAF vs The Line
This week
Oklahoma State-6.5 over Misou
TT + 28.5 over Boomer Sooner
Air Force +31 over Boise.
Green Bay -9 over Viking
Denver +1 over Dolphin.
Larry Stanley in Las Colinas on Facebook
@BigBadLarry on twitter
College Football Betting,
college football picks,
muammar gaddafi,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Lines
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Larry's Blog: Hottest NFL Handicapper in U.S. America!
Larry's Blog: Hottest NFL Handicapper in U.S. America!: Who has two thumbs and is the Hottest NFL Handicapper in America? ^^^^^^^^^This Guy ^^^^^^^ Yup that's me BigBadSportsDaddy's own P...
Hottest NFL Handicapper in U.S. America!
Who has two thumbs and is the Hottest NFL Handicapper in America?
^^^^^^^^^This Guy ^^^^^^^
Yup that's me BigBadSportsDaddy's own Professor L-Train! Last week my picks where direct from Heaven above as I went 4-0 vs the line in the NFL. Did Bob Akmens or Johnathan Stone (two so-called experts) do that? I didn't think so!
I woke up this morning with the Texas Rangers on my mind so I'll keep this blog short & sweet. How about Nelly Freaking Cruz & his boomstick? POW! POW!
I do need to address one thing before I get to picking. Some of you have asked me about the changes coming to BBSD on our social networking pages. I can't say anything just yet but, this will be the biggest change in's history! That's a Professor L-Train guarantee
Hello Clemson! Welcome to Sports Daddy University
Check my Stats
Michigan+2.5 @ Michigan State
Baylor +9.5 @ Texas A&M
LSU-17 @ Tennessee
GA Tech -7 @ Virgina
Clemson-7.5 @ Maryland
Houston +9 @ Baltimore
New Orleans -4.5 @ Tampa Bay
Buffalo +3 @ NY Giants
Happy Betting and GO RANGERS!!!
Class is dismissed
^^^^^^^^^This Guy ^^^^^^^
Yup that's me BigBadSportsDaddy's own Professor L-Train! Last week my picks where direct from Heaven above as I went 4-0 vs the line in the NFL. Did Bob Akmens or Johnathan Stone (two so-called experts) do that? I didn't think so!
I woke up this morning with the Texas Rangers on my mind so I'll keep this blog short & sweet. How about Nelly Freaking Cruz & his boomstick? POW! POW!
I do need to address one thing before I get to picking. Some of you have asked me about the changes coming to BBSD on our social networking pages. I can't say anything just yet but, this will be the biggest change in's history! That's a Professor L-Train guarantee
Hello Clemson! Welcome to Sports Daddy University
Check my Stats
Michigan+2.5 @ Michigan State
Baylor +9.5 @ Texas A&M
LSU-17 @ Tennessee
GA Tech -7 @ Virgina
Clemson-7.5 @ Maryland
Houston +9 @ Baltimore
New Orleans -4.5 @ Tampa Bay
Buffalo +3 @ NY Giants
Happy Betting and GO RANGERS!!!
Class is dismissed
Clemson Tigers Football,
college football picks,
college football spreads,
College football tips,
Football Betting,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Football,
NFL Picks
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Larry's Blog: It's Texas - OU Weekend
Larry's Blog: It's Texas - OU Weekend: Wither you are Hook Em or Boomer this is the biggest football weekend of the year for a Texan or Okie. The Texas and OU rivalry is one of ...
It's Texas - OU Weekend
Wither you are Hook Em or Boomejavascript:void(0)r this is the biggest football weekend of the year for a Texan or Okie. The Texas and OU rivalry is one of the last great rivalries in all of sports. For these two schools and their fans this game is a bowl game. Bragging Rights for the entire year are on the line and the stakes couldn't be any higher.
If you grew up in DFW like I did you know the battle lines are drawn early. You either sport the Burnt Orange or the Crimson and Cream. The only exceptions are a few Red Raiders,Cowboys and Ags who could give a s#!t about this game. For the most part both states stop down for 3 hours each every fall to watch the Red River Shootout. Yes Professor L-Train is old school and still says shootout.
Me personally, I have attended several of these Texas-OU games. I have to say out of all the insane sporting events I have been to, none are louder or crazier then this. I can't put into words what the atmosphere is like at The Texas State Fair on game day.
When you pack 90,000 into the Cotton Bowl the decimal level is ear drum popping. You have to scream just to hear the person next to you. Forget about texting your buddies because the cell phone towers can't handle the traffic.
There is no question what side you are sitting on either. The Burnt Orange and Crimson border is clearly defined. It is freaking Texas-OU or OU-Texas depending on where you are from. Not to mention this year there is even more hype than normal as both of these teams come in undefeated once again.
I will give you my pick later in this blog. This is the only time I will give you advice on Texas all year. Remember Rule # 3 in Sports Betting : #3 Never bet on or against your team. You can't be unbiased no matter how hard you try.
Now even if Oklahoma wins this game they still lose because they have to go back to Oklahoma! HaHa
What is Texas-OU without a couple of jokes? Here are some of my favorite
It was reported that Oklahoma head football coach Bob Stoops will only
be dressing twenty players for the Texas game. The rest of the players will have to get dressed by themselves.
Austin News Report: Football practice in Austin was delayed on Monday
for nearly two hours. One of the offensive players, while on his way
to the locker room, happened to look down and notice a suspicious
looking, unknown, white powdery substance on the practice field. The
head coach, Mack Brown, immediately suspended practice while the FBI
was called in to investigate. After a complete field analysis, the FBI
determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the
goal line. Practice was resumed when the FBI decided that the team
would not be likely to encounter the substance again.
A United States General was walking through the middle east during the Gulf
War when he found a lamp on the ground. He picked it up, rubbed, and
out came a genie. The genie said to the General, "I will grant you one wish."
The General replied, "I wish that we will win this war. Here is a map
of the desert and all the war parties. Please make us win the war." The genie responded, "I'm not that powerful of a genie. I cannot grant you that wish." "Well," the General responds, "then can you have Oklahoma win a bowl game this year?" The genie thinks for a moment, then says, "Let me see that map again."
Last week I told you I had some good Karma picks and boy did karma pay us off. I went 2-1 in College and 2-0 in the NFL for a total of 4-1 vs the line.Is that good? Did I break it? My College should have been 3-0 but LSU gave up a garbage TD to Kentucky and blew that 30 point spread. I don't want to talk to much smack because I want karma to pay us off again.
Here are my Texas-OU Weekend Picks.
Check my Stats
@Kansas State +3 over Missouri
Michigan-7 over @ Northwestern
Auburn +10 @ Arkansas
San Diego -4 over @ Denver
Oakland+6 @ Houston
Green Bay -5.5 @ ATL
@Detroit-5.5 over Chicago
and the pick everyone is waiting for drum roll please.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Texas +10 over Oklahoma! I think Texas sneaks up on OU and wins out right but take the 10 just in case.
Happy Betting! Class is dismissed
college football picks,
Football betting tips.,
NFL Picks,
Texas OU Weekend,
Texas vs Oklahoma
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Larry's Blog: Get Your Free Picks Here
Larry's Blog: Get Your Free Picks Here: Well, did you listen to the old Professor L-Train last week? If you did then you made out like a Smokey-less Bandit and took my advice all ...
Get Your Free Picks Here
Well, did you listen to the old Professor L-Train last week? If you did then you made out like a Smokey-less Bandit and took my advice all the way to the bank. Maybe I should change my name to Professor Cash Register, Cha-Ching!
Did I mention all of my picks are absolutely free? NO BS! Like per say Jonathan Stone who runs ads on a local DFW Sports Talk radio station advertising his free picks for Monday Night's game.
Now when I think betting advice I think of cheesy stumpy guys in cheap pinstriped suits and gold watches, rings, necklaces, (the more gold the better baby), screaming bull**** into a microphone with the urgency of an oncoming apocalypse. There is no doubt that is exactly what I got on the other end of the line when I called Jonathan Stone for his "Free Monday Night Football pick". Why would Professor L-Train need to do such a thing? One I was bored and two I wanted to know what the catch was.
After listening to a prerecorded message I was then giving the option to talk to one of the "experts" for my free pick. I chose to move along with the call and get my free pick. Once what I figure to be the "expert's lackey" picked up I was asked "how much do you bet a game?" and then informed someone would call me back with pick.
When the return call came less than 5 minutes later a guy assured me he had the winners for Monday Night and would give them to me for free if I signed up for Jonathan Stone's advice at $250 per month. There's the rub! When I said I wasn't interested he went into a Boiler Room like hard sell and that's when I decided to end the call and quit wasting my time by simply hanging up.
Now not only am I giving you the best damn free picks on the net, I am watching out for my fellow degenerates. All I ask in return is that you give us a few clicks on each and every week and maybe check out some of the podcast. For example like the new and improved Larry Stanley Show set to relaunch next Tuesday with Eric the Mingler Ringler in the co-host chair.
Now I'll give you what you really want which is this week's picks:
Last week I went 1-1 in NCAAF and 2-0 in the NFL bringing my 2011 record totals to 2-1-1 in College and 2-2 in the NFL.
Virgina Tech -21 @ Marshall
Virgina Tech has dominated Marshall in their last 3 meetings. Nothing I have seen this year makes me think this one will be any different! Bet VTech
San Diego State @ Michigan -10.5
Looks like double money to the Professor
The NFL lines are very meh this week. My advice is Kramer like, diversify and bet a little on a lot and hope for the best. I'm going to play these 5 thinking I'll at least hit 3
Give me
@Buffalo + 9 over New England
Det -3 @ Minneosta
Baltimore-4 @ St. Louis
ATL- 1.5 @ Tampa Bay
and my upset pick of the week
@Oakland +3.5 over NY Jets
Happy Betting! Class is dismissed!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Larry's Blog: Bet...Bet..Bet.....
Larry's Blog: Bet...Bet..Bet.....: OK I am a natural-born gambler pure and simple, however I think my gambling degeneracy hit a new low last night when i made a bet on wheth...
OK I am a natural-born gambler pure and simple, however I think my gambling degeneracy hit a new low last night when i made a bet on whether or not someone's debit card was going to get declined at a local pub. It was declined and I lost the bet! Stupid me I thought if someone ran up a $300 tab and they stuck around they had enough cash to cover it. As my cousin Missy pointed out to me on facebook They were just too drunk to give a shit. Lesson learned never bet against a bartender
Gambling is fun just ask the City of Las Vegas. I love a 7 on the come out roll in craps, I love getting an ace as my first card in blackjack, I love a tight ball game and I love to just! One of my favorite things to do in Vegas is going to the top of Stratosphere and yelling at the top of my lungs "I love to gamble!"
Although today when my buddy called me wanting some lighting action on LSU vs Mississippi State I had to respectfully decline. This line and game looks ex girlfriend fishy to me. How is the spread only 4? I learned a long time ago when you see a spread that makes no sense at all you better leave it alone!
Last week was so-so if you listened to me. We went 1-0-1 in College and 0-2 in the NFL. Hey just remember it was week 1 , so you can stop with the hate mail already! If the Broncos would have played Tebow we would have won that bet @BeauregardHagen on twitter.
Before we get to picks let's get some shameless plugs out-of-the-way; make sure you check out our Sports Daddys podcast on New Shows are posted on Monday and Friday. If you dig the WWE join the ShowStoppers and Wings in Euless,Texas this Sunday for Night of Champions. Thanks for the clicks on this Blog and
This Week
Oklahoma State(7) -13.5 at Tulsa
OSU = Free Money! This should be a blow out
Troy at Arkansas(13)-22.5
Bet Hogs big! Soooooooooooieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Baltimore -5 at Tennessee
Did you see what the Ravens did to a good team last week? What do you think is going to happen when they get their hands on Tennessee? Bet Ravens
San Diego at New England -6.5
Pats should cover this.
College Football Betting,
college football picks,
college football spreads,
NFL Lines
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Larry's Blog: Beavers and Cocks! It's Football Season
Larry's Blog: Beavers and Cocks! It's Football Season: It is that time of year again where I put on my glasses and tie and assume my alter ego aka Professor L-Train of Now...
Beavers and Cocks! It's Football Season
It is that time of year again where I put on my glasses and tie and assume my alter ego aka Professor L-Train of Now you may of heard some nasty rumors coming out of the Big Easy last weekend that the old Football Professor started the college season 0-3. That is simply not true I did lose two opening weekend bets but I always preach lay off weak 1 because you never know. This is a simple case of do as I say not as I do and to much Voodoo Juice during Tropical Storm Lee. I don't want to call anyone out but thanks Beavers and the Tadpoles for not handling your business. You guys are out!
Let's kick off the season with some winners!
#12 South Carolina-3 at Georgia
Give me the Fighting Game Cocks here @ Athens. I am hearing that Georgia starting Quarter man Aaron Murray has broken ribs and if that is the case the Bulldogs are in big trouble.
Oregon State at #9 Wisconsin -21
Lets drink double shots of Whiskey all the way to the bank here! Take the badgers and lay the points!
Detroit at Tampa Bay -1
Love the Bucs at home to just win baby!
Oakland at Denver -3
The Broncos have got this all day and all night
If I wasn't such a die hard Cowboys fan I would say take the Jets -4.5 on Sunday Night. Dallas is grabbing some guys off the street to play corners which will be bad news bears for Polks fans.
Go make some bank kids!
Professor LT
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Larry's Blog: I'm not a Cowboys Hater but
Larry's Blog: I'm not a Cowboys Hater but: I'm not a Cowboys hater as Marie the publisher of The Burb called me in this month's issue. I am a Cowboys realist. The s...
I'm not a Cowboys Hater but
I'm not a Cowboys hater as Marie, the publisher of The Burb, calls me in this month's issue. I am a Cowboys realist. The sad reality is that Jerry Jones is making it harder and harder to be a Cowboys fan these days. I grew up in a suburb of Dallas, Texas and could not imagine ever rooting for another NFL team...but damn that Jerry for making it harder to stay loyal to my team. We should have seen the writing on the wall when he fired Jimmy years ago. Then came one of the most embarrassing moments in franchise history...when he snatched the Lombardi Trophy out of Barry Switzer's hands in the Super Bowl XXX Post-Game Show. Smiling egotistically, Jerry Jones aka the Anti-Christ of football, is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys. Every year we are fed false promises and lies about what this team is, and has been. Jerry is one of the most narcissistic owners ever in sports, and he is our owner.
This franchise was once great, but now it's just a shell of its former self, and there is no one to blame but Jerry Jones. As kids, we were all taught how great the Cowboys were in the 70's, and we watched with our own eyes as they won three Super Bowls in the 90's. That's when we had to start watching Jerry make one wrong move after another, thinking other NFL Franchises would just lay down for America's Team. Of course, it didn't quite happen that way.
Jerry brought in great coaches like Barry Switzer, Chan Gailey, and my favorite Dave Campo, to piss all over Tom Landry's legacy. Jerry let us, the tried and true Cowboys fans, suffer while he kept his eye on the prize. That prize being the Billion Dollar Green House in Arlington. He has gotten drunk with power and has said the only reason he brought in a real coach, aka Bill Parcells, is so that he could get the deal approved. Case-in-point, as soon as the Big Tuna is gone, we get Wade "golly gee" Phillips.
The bottom-line here is that Jerry doesn't care about us, us being the die-hard Cowboys fans I've been speaking of, or the product his team puts out on the field. He only cares about the bottom-line dollar, and that leaves all of us Cowboys fans suffering in the meantime.
As I have warned you in previous blogs, you should prepare yourself for 6-10 in 2011! Guess what? Jerry couldn't care less...just make sure you go see the team lose live at Jones World.
I look at myself in the mirror everyday as a Cowboys fan and I ask myself why is it that I'm still a fan. It's just getting tougher and tougher to come up with an answer now. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, and that the Cowboys win the Super Bowl in 2012, but history says that's not going to happen folks. History also says I will keep buying Cowboys' merch and cheering them on even if I don't know why.
The reason why I support an owner who doesn't support me escapes me, but I do. Go Cowboys... Suck it Jerry Jones!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Stand back...there is a hurricane coming through!
There used to be this horrible professional wrestler named Gregory Helms a.k.a. "The Hurricane" whose catchphrase was" Stand back...there is a hurricane coming through". That phrase reminds me of the mess the NCAA has found itself in once again because of The U a.k.a. Miami Hurricanes. The NCAA hasn't seen anything this nasty since they decapitated SMU in the late 80's. Sure USC, Ohio State, Auburn and North Carolina all cheated, but none of that compares to what the South Beach boys have been doing. Now the NCAA is faced with a giant mess asking themselves Who the hell is Nevin Shapiro? WTF is a Ponzi scheme?
After the NCAA saw the devastating aftermath of the Mustang execution, they said they would never again give the death penalty to a program. That opened up the flood gates.
Hey USC, we know you are cheating, so here is a slap on the wrist. Auburn, you bought a National Championship, and we let you. The mighty Ohio State, you are okay, just fire your lying coach and make him the patsy. Boise State, the ultimate underdog story, of course that's not cheating. The Oregon Ducks paying a guy to influence biggie. Miami did what? WTF?!?!?! Now we have a problem!
The Hurricanes make those other schools look like choir boys. Some examples of this would be gambling, sex, clubs, cars, yachts and many, many other things. I have some questions to throw out there: First off, how did they get away with everything for so long? Secondly, why did they suck so bad while they were doing it? Lastly, I don't know if you noticed, but that Miami football program that got paid hasn't been good in 15 years. Not one of those can be answered right now.
The other question I have for the NCAA is what now? Do you go back on your word and kill Hurricane U? Or do you just give them a slap on the wrist and go on about your business? I think you have no choice in the matter. You have to give them the death penalty. You also need to hold coaches and athletic directors responsible for these goings on. If you are a coach and get caught with a dirty program, you need to serve a 10-year probationary period. You can't be around, near, or associated with a program for at least 10 years. That would make you think twice about having boosters around wouldn't it? Maybe not!
All I know is that I am sick of college football cheats. The call is out NCAA! Stand up and kill the U! You have to do this, because if you don't, the next Hurricane that comes through here is going to be that of biblical proportions.
@bigbadlarry on twitter
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Prepare for 6-10
I have accepted the challenge and will take on this tremendous burden to be the bearer of bad news here on The news is that our own Dallas Cowboys are going to suck both this year and next! Sorry, but it’s true, damn true!
So as we prepare to break an all-time heat wave record here in DFW, the Dallas Cowboys are wrapping up training camp in San Antonio as they prepare for the upcoming 2011 season. Even though we have had a turbulent off-season, it looks like it's business as usual for the Dallas Cowboys. For example you have Jerry Jones with his eternal optimism that the Cowboys are going to win the Super Bowl again like it is the year 1995, you have new Head Coach Jason Garrett telling the media what they want to hear, and not to mention our new Defensive Coordinator Rex Ryan (whose dad Buddy is still Cowboys public enemy #1 by the way) making national news talking smack about the Eagles.
To the Eagles, huh Rex? Do you think that's really a good idea? The Eagles who went out and inked every Defensive Free Agent under the sun, and then traded for more. The Eagles whose QB is a hardcore puppy killing convict. To the Eagles, the team that will dominate the NFC East in 2011. Giving the Eagles bulletin board material in training camp is an even worst idea than calling Chuck Norris a puss.
Fact...the Eagles and Cowboys hate each other enough already! Fact...the Eagles did everything they needed to do in 2011 to improve their pathetic no trophy having franchise while America’s team did nothing. Fact...this season is going to get ugly for Cowboys fans.
The popular opinion with both hardcore homer Cowboys fans and national media alike is that Tony Romo will be the Cowboys' savior in 2011. Where did this come from? Tony Romo is a glorified Chris Miller. T-Rom as D-Bags like to call him, is just good enough to keep his job but not good enough to get the job done. Is he better than what we had last year? Of Course! Is he an elite NFL QB? Hell no...not even close!
The O-line could be five fat girls at a Hanson concert and nobody would know the difference. The Running Back situation is a huge cluster F! The D has more problems than the USA credit rating. Overall, if I were grading this team, I would give them a D for Disaster.
If you are a Cowboys fan, then you need to prepare for what looks to be a 6-10 season. If you are like me, you should do some extra fantasy research. Mark my words and take my advice hardcore football fan...your Fantasy team will be your only distraction from The Dallas Cowboys suckiness in 2011.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Beware of Ag
After 6 months of hiding out in my laboratory studying up on the 2011 College Football season, I decided it was time to unleash my alter-ego 'aka' Professor L-Train! Last Year was a great season! We saw two pre-season afterthoughts rise up and play for The BCS Championship.
This year we have old faces in new places and two new championship games to watch. However unstable it maybe The Big 10 with 11 teams and The Pac-10 with 12 teams will both have a true champion this year. Then there is the Big 12, who only has 10 teams and no championship game, but as a consolation prize they do have The Longhorn Network! I'll go more into that later this year. However, I digress, we need to keep moving on.
After all my off-season cramming I discovered there is one team that is off many people's radar that you should watch out for this year. That team is The Mighty Aggies of Texas A & M. As painful as it is for me to type this, the Aggies are my favorite to win The Big 12 Conference with 10 teams this year. Yes, even over The Sooners.
What wins Championships in football? A good defense and being able to run the football, right? There is no team in the Big 12 with a lighting bolt back like Cyrus Gray. That kid is boom goes the dynamite explosive! Cyrus was the first Aggie since '03 to rush for 1000 yards last year, including 223 vs. the Longhorns. Look for the Aggies to let their Senior Running Back shoulder most of the run load on offense. Gray will have plenty of help on the O attack with Senior Ryan Tannehill under center, and big 6'4" Jeff Fuller catching deep balls. Tannehill took over last season and lead A&M on a six game winning streak with upsets over Big 12 Powerhouses Texas & OU during that stretch.
As far as the D goes, Tim DeRuyter made his presence felt last season. He took the Aggies Defense from 105th to 55th overall. With the DeRuyter Super System in place, the Aggie D Men have really made good use of their spring practice time making packages even more complicated for the opposition to figure out. A&M does have to find first round NFL Draft pick Von Miller's replacement on the outside though.
When it's all said and done, a Mike Sherman lead A&M will win the Big 12 in 2011.
Before the hate mail starts coming in from you Longhorn & Sooner let me just say this:
Longhorns, it will take a season for your team to catch on to the new Offensive system. I do think the Horns will improve on the 7-5 disgrace from 2010 though. Maybe an Independence Bowl bid in December.
OU, you lost to the Aggies 33-19 last year. Scoreboard! Circle your calendars for November 5th in Norman when the Aggies come to town. It's going to be a barn-burner and the equivalent to The Big 12 with 10 teams Championship.
If you got a 2011 Big 12 take let me hear from you!
If you like hot Aggie girls kissing or goofy looking Aggie girls wearing nothing but a smile and A&M Jersey let me hear from you too.
It's @bigbadlarry on twitter or larry@bigbadsportsdaddy via email
2011 Big 12 Preview,
Aggie Football,
Oklahoma Sooners,
Texas A M Football,
Texas Longhorn Football
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pool Party
This my Article that appeared in the August Edition of The Burb. In case you can't find a Copy near you.
Since The Burb and's Collective Bargaining Agreement is about to expire and I am about to get locked out of the paper, I have decided to keep this article short and sweet. As unfair as it might be, Marie(The Burb's Publisher) has decided not to share her billions with us poor writers. When I asked for a raise, she told me she wasn't making any money. When I asked to see the books, she refused to open them and suggested I prepare for a lockout! OMG! Another one? Thanks Marie!
On a happier note, it is summertime in Las Colinas and that means pool parties everywhere. For instance, Big Bad Sports Daddy is throwing one on July 29th at Quick Trip Park! Don't miss the biggest, baddest pool party of 2011! Keep clicking on BBSD for details on when and where you can pick up tickets. In case you are planning your own pool party, here are some rules to follow:
1). Must have adult beverages and women in bikinis! Ten dudes sitting around the pool asking "Where are the girls at?"does not equal good times at the cement pond.
2). Must get said women to have Chicken Fights! These always lead to wardrobe malfunctions!
3). If a game of water volleyball breaks out, remember it's just a game Focker.
4). Don't play crappy music. Nothing ruins a pool party faster then Rick Astley or LFO.
5). Invite Larry Stanley to any and all pool parties in Las Colinas! FYI, it's
Chicken Fights,
Larry Stanley,
Pool Party,
Summer Fun
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Larry's Blog: Frickin Lockout
Larry's Blog: Frickin Lockout: "I am sick of hearing about Lockouts! The NFL is in the middle of one and the NBA is about to have one. Can you guys just cut out the..."
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Frickin Lockout
I am sick of hearing about Lockouts! The NFL is in the middle of one and the NBA is about to have one. Can you guys just cut out the petty bickering-bitching and just play? Please for the love of God Shut up and play!
Do you remember when sports was fun for everyone? Back in a time before Deion Sanders would make "Business Decisions" on the field. Back when the players hatred towards other team's players was so much it created rivalries? Yes kids Rivalries are almost extinct but it is still a word. Look it up if you don't believe me.
I myself think it is us the fan who is going to get screwed in the end. Yes sir we will wind up paying for the sins of the owners and players.
Example: Let's say The Owners and Players put a new CBA in place. That would mean the owners are paying the players' union more money. Which in turn means prices at the stadium go from way to high to astronomical!. Do you want to pay $15 for a beer at the game? I bet you money you will in the next five years. Joe $32,500 gets to spend more of his hard-earned money to watch these millionaires play and put more in the billionaires pocket. Real classy NFL.
I know the players are fighting for guys past,present and future and that is commendable. My questions is why should the owners have to pay for that? The Players make enough money if they all would agree to hold 2% out of their checks for ( lack of a better term)an old timers fund. Then we they retire they would be eligible for said fund. When you are making $150,000 a game no one is going to be sorry for you if they hold an extra 2% out. Sorry Players.
The thing that gets me is there is plenty of money to go around between players and owners. How rich do you have to get? They are both going to start losing money because they are stubborn jack asses and won't budge an inch.
Are you ready for a logical all be far fetched solution? A solution that would make the game better as well. You know what screw you NFL you don't deserve this solution! IF the USFL or another league wants to take this and run with it,HAVE AT IT!
My solution goes a little something like this,each owner has to put up a prize purse before the game. In each and every game each team has to put up an equal amount. The amount would be set before the season started. After that it is winner take all! They can then divide that amongst the team based on performances of that game. It is simple and it is fair.
It's kind of like Rodeo. In Rodeo If the Cowboy doesn't win; The Cowboy doesn't get paid. It would provide players more incentives to play harder. No more " Buissness Decisions" out there. It would make the game more exciting for the fans,players and owners. It looks like win! win! win! to me~
Do you have a better solution? If so let me hear from you. Or if you got big boobs let me hear from you too!
It's or catch me on facebook or hit me on twitter @bigbadlarry! Until next time Cheers
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
If you are Internet savy at all you know that means What the Hell. I don't want to bust my fellow Internet Geeks buble but in this blog it stands for White Trash Heaven. I know your thinking wait a second Larry where are you going with this? As you very well know there are a few sports that come with a stigmita of being labeled White Trash Sports. Some Exaples are Nascar,Profesinal Wrestling(for purposes of this artcle we will call it a sport) and Roller Derby. I happen to be a fan of all 3! Does that make me the biggest redneck hillbily in Las Colinas? Well,Maybe? However I beg to differ.
Just the other day I was wearing my Kyle Busch hat sitting at Champps. The lady next to me struck a conver asked me who #18 was. When I told her it was a Nascar driver it was conversation over. She said "Oh well nice hat anyway". WTH (In this case What the Hell) does that mean? I do have to give her credit for inspiring me to write this article though.
You see like most good USA, Americans my friends and I share similar interest. So most of my friends all like these WTH sports too. Would it suprise you if I told you most of my friends are college educated with six figure jobs? I know it would shock my gold digging judgmental friend from Champps. It's true, damn true. WTH?
The thing I don't understand is why are these Sports so taboo? I think most people turn their noses up at these sports without even thinking about it. I bet most people that "don't like" these sports have never even watched them! Do you think my gal pal from Champs has ever sit through a 500 race? Or ever watched one episode of Monday Night Raw? How are you going to make an opion based soley on unfair sterotypes? WTH?
Let's take Profesinal Wrestling for example. Is it chesey over dramitic high school B.S with a touch of Howard Stern humor? Of course! Is it the male equivilent to day time Soap Operas? Absolutley? Thinking about it. They both have terrible acting,never ending storylines and crank out more bad episodes then good ones. Yet the loyal fans of both keep coming back for more. Why? Becuse it is entertaining brian candy! Wrestling is considered White Trash but Soap Operas aren't? WTH?
Nascar is next on my list. The sports popularity has grown with HD television but still has that good old boy sport label. I have seen some things at Texas Motor Speedway that what shock and amaze you! Matter of fact I have seen some things out there that my not be fit to write about in this article. Like the hairy ape like gentleman that the state of Texas shaved in his back hair. I've seen a man name buba take out his teeth to do a beer bong. I've seen grown women driving around on a golf cart with the peter meter. I've seen stripper poles at camp sites and people go to jail. I know these things don't defend the stero type but I just wanted to brag a little bit ;). WTH?
Now let's take one my favorites Roller Derby. No you can't watch it on TV but you can check out my favorite derby girls The Dallas Derby Devils @ When ever the subject of ROller Derby comes up people think of that 60's chesee that was scripted and on TV. It is nothing like that anymore. Roller Derby is quickly becoming a legimite sport. Then are planning a World Cup later this year. Not to mention everyone I know from Adam to Eve from William Aaron Sebastian Petterson III to Ray Earnhardt Junior jr everyone loves this sport! WTH? Go check Roller Derby out with an open mind and you'll have a grand old time.
So just remember not to judge the next time you see someone wearing a Jimmy Johnson hat or a John Cena tee shirt. You may think WTH look at the WT. Chances are that so called WT is living in WTH and might just write about you on BBSD.
PS Doesn't this Nascar Party look like fun?
Profesinal Wrestling,
Roller Derby,
White Trash
Friday, June 10, 2011
Larry's Blog: Weiner Mail
Larry's Blog: Weiner Mail: "Alright, just so I could answer some of your questions, I am breaking myself away from reading Huma Weiner’s latest Twitter DMs to me. T..."
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Weiner Mail
Alright, just so I could answer some of your questions, I am breaking myself away from reading Huma Weiner’s latest Twitter DMs to me. That's how much I love you in the Big Bad Posse! I would say I would share some of the messages with you… but come on man, that's not cool! No reason for the Weiners to have two scandals. Let's just say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned on social media.
Now, on to some of those questions….
Hey guys,
I just wanted to know where you see Vince Young winding up in 2011?
*One shameless plug coming right up*
Well Jake, obviously you must not listen to The Sports Daddys on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays here on If you did, you would know Andre and I had this discussion on Monday. You should download it sometime. It is only America's favorite podcast. If you can check it out before the new show hits the site tomorrow, you can hear my reasoning on why I think VY ends up in Cincy.
Will the Mavs do it this year?
Hell Yes! What you expected an in depth answer? I am to busy being a fan right now!
Larry you know the Spurs still have 4 rings and the Mavs have none right? The Spurs will always be better then the Mavs!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Suck it JCall! The Mavs will get their first ring this year! It might go 7 but Dirk kills the Heat.
This lockout is killing me! When will they get it resolved?
I feel your pain… Hopefully soon! The thought of an 8 game NFL season is a nightmare! The season is to short as is. This Fantasy Fanatic is already having withdraws.
Is Alexi Ogando a CY Young Contender?
How could he not be? If he keeps pitching like this it will be hard to keep his name out of those talks when the time comes around. Let's Go Rangers!
If Dirk wins a title, will he go down as the greatest player in dfw sports history, narrowly edging modano?
How is Mike Modano in this conversation? Do the names Troy,Michael,Emitt,Roger, and Tony mean anything to you? I'm just saying they all rank aboveModano. Dirk will probably rank behind the triplets as best metroplex athletes of all time.
Belmont Stakes Larry! Who wins? Give me a winning Tri!
Man you are asking the wrong fella! I went to Lone Star Park last Friday Night for $1 beer night and got my arse handed to me. I didn't even win a bet! Most expensive $1 Beer Night ever! Here are my picks but I wouldn't bet on them.
Give Me
Win: 6. Nehro
Place: 10. Mucho Macho Man (love this horse)
Show: 9. Animal Kingdom
Ok my Weiner tweets have been waiting to long I better get back to them. Oh wait! WTF! That one looks like shaved man marbles! BARF,gag, gross! I guess her account got hacked
Send your Questions to
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Every time I think I am seem to pull me right back in! Yes, you have broken my heart too many times to count, but like a chump I keep coming back for more. You are like a cheating ex-girlfriend that I just can't seem to get away from. You are like a bad slot machine that never pays off. You know how this story will end, but you just don't want to believe it. The "you" I am talking about in this case is the Dallas Mavericks.
Over the years I have invested a lot of my precious time watching Mavs games. My fan-ship goes back to Ro Blackman, D-Harp, and James Donaldson. I was even there for the days of Mike Iuzzolino and Donald Hodge. I remember the 3 J's and being excited about the horrific draft picks made back then (I.E., Samaki Walker, Cherokee Parks, and Loren Meyer). Back in those days the score was different.
Throughout my early youth, I watched The Dallas Mavericks go from really good to really bad. By the time I was a teenager, I learned to just accept the fact that they were going to be terrible. But I kept the hope alive and always had the optimistic attitude of "this year will be different". It took a few years, but change finally came around.
In 2000, Mark Cuban bought the Mavericks, and inserted instant life into what had been a dead franchise. The Dallas Mavericks were now fun! They had cool nicknames like Dirty, Filthy, and Nasty. They had transformed into what us Mavs fans had always wanted them to become...a contender. It took a few more years, but our little Mavericks made it to the NBA Finals for the first time in '06. We thought they were all grows up, and our MVP Dirk was going to bring home the championship trophy. Of course that didn't happen. What happened instead was an epic collapse.
Then in '07, a 60 win #1 seed Dallas Mavericks team gets swept and knocked out in the first round by an 8 seed. In'08, they were out in the first round of the playoffs again. That's when I threw in my proverbial towel. You see, somewhere between 2000 and 2008, I had come to expect the Mavericks to become winners. But then they just kept breaking my heart. All the years of heartache and frustration finally got to me, and yes I did quit watching.
I'll admit even up until the Western Conference finals this year I wasn't sold on them. I casually watched the 1st round and I was just waiting to read the headline "Trailblazers eliminate Mavs". To a lot of Mavs fans' surprise, they made it out of Round 1. What next? The mighty Lakers of LA, that's what. Well, that series didn't take long...the Mavs win again! Were they for real this time? Of course not...or so I had thought!
Those little Mavericks showed us they came to play this year. Then they sucked me right back in to this bad mentally abusive relationship. However; my attitude has changed. As I write this article, the Mavericks just went down 0-1 to the Heat. You know what? I still believe they can win it! If I'm wrong though, it doesn't matter because they have won me back over. Like any relationship you are trying to save, we were just needing a "break". No matter what happens in 2010, I am proud of this team! I don't say it too often, but I love you Dallas Mavericks! No matter how many times you break my heart, I will always come back. I am a true MFFL(Mavs Fan For Life). Always have been, and always will be. Let's go Mavs!
Dallas Mavericks,
Larry Stanley,
MArk Cuban,
NBA FInals
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