I remember that 1938 collegiate football season like it was yesterday. My Horned Frogs were lead by the great Dutch Meyer. TCU's QB Davey O'Brien won the Heisman Trophy and the Horned Frogs were crowned as national champions. All was right for this yet to be conceived Frogs fan.
Fastforwad 72 years and TCU is now the little school that could. Once the mighty dirty Southwest Conference disbanded the TCU Frogs became an after thought. Although they might of had the greatest running back of a generation play there, they were still no big deal. Even after a few good season and beating the mighty Sooners in Norman TCU still had to deal with the "They don't play anybody" argument.
It's no big secret this year has been huge for the Toads! They are moving to an automatic BCS qualifying Conference after next season and they went undefeated and are Pasadena bound! Bring on the Roses and the Badgers!
Now a lot of people have said to me I think TCU has a chance. Hell even Las Vegas has them as the favorite! I have to agree they do have a chance but that is not what this blog is about. This blog isn't going to be the world famous Professor L-Train breaking down x's and o's in the Rose Bowl for you. This blog is going to ask the question What if TCU wins?
I don't think a TCU win has really set in to most college football fans yet. I don't think anyone in the national media is giving them much of chance. The question still does have to be asked What if TCU wins?
If TCU wins they will have made the biggest statement by an at large team since Boise State knocked off the Sooners. Man the Sooners lose a lot(cheap shot check)!
If TCU wins they will be playing for a National title in the next decade.I'm not going to say they deserve to play this year. In all honesty Auburn and Oregon deserve to play for the Trophy this year . If you go undefeated in those two conferences you should be in the title game. Even though one school cheated to get there that's beside the point. Auburn just in case you didn't know YOU CAN'T PAY PLAYERS or THEIR DADS! Ask SMU or USC and see how that works out.
After an undefeated season of beating "nobodies" it's off to the Rose Bowl for TCU to play the Badgers of Wisconsin State.
What if TCU wins? If TCU wins they deserve to open the 2011 season at #2 in the polls. No if,ands or buts!
If TCU wins and runs the table next year the deserve to be in the title game in 2011! Do you know who will be joining TCU in the WAC next year? The Boise State! C-Ya Utah wouldn't want to be you!
If TCU wins they will have proved once and for all you can't judge a book by it's cover or a football team by it's conference.
This is my old Sports blog, now I am just sharing my thoughts on things. Random as I want to be
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
12-27 Big Bad Raw Blog

What's up Big Bad Wrestling fan? Were you expecting JCall? Well that lazy bum decided to take the week off! Something about the holiday season blah blah blah! Then he said something like "Working for Big Bad Sports Daddy is like working for a Chinese Sweat Shop etc etc etc" .... I mean he only wrote 46 Raw blogs this year! What kind of crap is that? I kid,I kid
Well my name is Larry Stanley and I host the ShowStoppers podcast every Tuesday on bigbadsportsdaddy.com. If you haven't listen to ShowStoppers check it out. It is the Best Damn Wrestling Podcast on the Net! You see what I did there? I stole JCall's catch phrase because I'm Awesome! There I just stole John Conner's(Also on ShowStoppers) catch phrase which he stole from The Miz which he stole from the 80's teenagers too.
Before I get to Raw there is one more difference I would like to point out between JCall and myself. That is I like hot chicks! If you are reading this on blogger.com you'll notice the hot diva action up top! If you are reading on BBSD then go check out the Diva action on blogger. Now that is some cross promotion. Ok on to Raw.
10 seconds in and I just heard Michael Cole's voice! We are off to a bad start Big Bad Universe. There is John Cena sweet. I really don't get why so many people hate Cena. The guy is great! His mic skills are better then any of the current WWE Superstars,he's funny (see Michael Cole has The Miz manscapped below his belly button comment) and the you can't wrestle chants are bogus. Cena has put on several quality matches this year at PPVs. I think the Nexus storyline worked if the point was to get people to stop booing the WWE's golden boy. Thank God that's over now, finally! It did drag on a little to long. I am totally on board with a Cena/Punk feud. That's what the WWE is teasing and I hope they deliver. The verbal match between the two of them to start Raw was fantastic.
The WWE announces two matches Sheamus vs Orton which is kick arse and Jerry The King Lawler vs Miz which is not so kick arse. Come on King keep the boots unlaced pal. The WWE is taking a page right out of TNA's playbook and putting the oldest guy they can find in the main event. Yawn! On a normal week I would fast forward through that nonsense but since I'm writing this blog I guess I have to watch.
Ted vs Santino? I like them both but what's the point? Can't you find someone to team Ted up with to compete for the tag titles? JCall has ranted about Ted jr being wasted and he is 100% right. This 30 second match just proved that. Pathetic WWE writers. You should be ashamed to cash your paychecks this week. The twin cobras at the end slightly amusing but still not worth that match.
The Miz and Riley backstage. "Hey Riley you better win your match" I think I saw this last week and maybe the week before and maybe even the week before that. There he is! It's the the most talented wrestler in the WWE John Morrison! Morrison vs Riley it has a point and it is advancing a storyline. "Riley how many times does someone look at you and go DUH?" nice line Morrison! If this was on facebook it would read Larry Stanley likes this. There you go WWE nice stipulation. I am about 99% sure Morrison is going to win but still have that little doubt. The match was ok. I was right Morrison won. The WWE is doing a great job of having Morrison over come obstacles and he is really playing the underdog role well. WTF? Falls count anywhere next week on Raw? Cole is right that is sickening! All that tells me is Miz keeps his title and Morrison won't be in the WWE title match at the Royal Rumble. Thanks A-Holes
OK Punk has something big plan my guess is a big let down. Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd w Jackson Andrews snorefest.biz and then another backstage interview with Orton? Orton just told me he will be in the WWE title match vs Miz at the Rumble. There was an entire segment of backstage promos. Whatever! Give me something good after the break WWE!
Nope nothing good! We get Kidd vs the jobber Mark Henry. Not worth writing about fast forward on the dvr.
There we go put a mic in Miz's hands. Miz is second only to Cena with his Mic skills. This match is going to suck but Miz with a Mic = greatness. This match with Miz and the King really sucks. Waste of time!!! So really? really? really? I am supposed to think a 90 year old man can go toe to toe with the WWE champ? There is Morrison to little to late. Interference and Miz loses. Not very entertaining moving on
King Sheamus and Punk backstage time kill and keep moving
Divas match sorry if it's not LayCool then I'm not watching.
Hey back to Punk backstage. This plan for Cena is taking over Raw tonight and I smell chester cheesy or even worst I smell Nexus.
Daniel Bryan vs Zack Ryder. Bryan wins more time wasted. Ryder would be a great guy to team Teddy jr. up with and put the tag titles on them for while. Or at least feud them with Santino and Kazloff. Woo Woo Woo a Miz attack on King! Great and unexpected. There is a payoff after suffering through their match. Miz gets more heat and looks like the biggest heel in the WWE now. That is some good writing WWE.
Orton vs Sheamus all I can say is pay per view quality! The Match of the night on Raw. Orton wins and it's looking more and more like he is the Miz's opponent at the Rumble now.
Side note that Bobby the Brain DVD looks great! The main event on Smackdown does not.
It's Surprise time! What you got for us Punk? Cena out first? I thought Punk was calling him out? Please God don't let the Surprise be Nexus! Here we go Cena is going to find Punk and pow! pow! There is Nexus!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew we couldn't go two weeks without seeing those Monkey Turds. Cole said Cena's Nexus Nightmare is back and I think the WWE's fan nightmare is back. Aren't we all sick of Cena vs Nexus?
There it is Punk is the new Nexus leader! That was it. I along with half of you called this Let Down! Why do we need Nexus involved in a Cena/Punk feud? The feud would be fine on it's own! Lazy and Pathetic writing WWE!
I think let down describes 12-27's Raw to a tee. There were a few shining moments like Orton vs Sheamus and Miz beating down the King. Most of the rest of he show was a huge let down for this substitute WWE Blogger. Thanks for reading! JCall should take the Raw blog duties back over next week. Make sure you check out the ShowStoppers podcast on bigbadsportsdaddy.com for more Hot Wrestling Opinions served up fresh on Tuesdays. Thanks for the read and clicks! Feedback goes to larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com.
John Cena,
John Morrison,
Monday Night Raw,
Randy Orton,
The Miz,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Spare Bowls

First I want to say haha to Nebraska fans! I’m glad you lost the Big 12 Championship. You are all annoying D-Bags. Your mighty leader of men Coach Pelini is a jack ass! You deserve to play a 6-6 Washington team in the holiday bowl. You know who will be watching this game? You proud Cornhusker and your wife/cousin! This is the first spare bowl on my list.
A big problem with college football is there are way to many bowls these days. I would say the main problem but I think we all know lack of playoffs is the main issue. When I was a kid going to a bowl game was a big deal! No coach would of got fired ala Dave Wannstedt for making it to a bowl game. Now you better make it to a big money bowl or you gone.
I thought this week I would look at the 30+ bowl games and eliminate the ones no one will watch. The list starts with CornHusker vs Huskie. We have already seen this garbage! We all know the black shirts will stop the very over rated Jake Locker and Husker wins to my chagrin.
Ok New Mexico Bowl you are Happy with two 6-6 teams? One thing I know is I won’t be stopping down for BYU and UTEP. Sorry New Mexico your bowl is eliminated!
It’s the New Orleans Bowl Troy vs. Ohio. Who Cares? Gone!
So no one wanted Boise State except the Las Vegas Bowl? The Las Vegas Bowl is supposed to be Mountain West # 1 vs Pac 10 # 5 but that did not happen this year! SO you have Boise vs Utah. Come on man! I’m not saying Boise should go to a BCS bowl but 1 loss to a very good Nevada team should not land you in the Las Vegas Bowl! If the Holiday Bowl was smart they would of paired Boise vs Nebraska. Now you have a game! They didn’t and we all know what is going to happen here! Boise wins by 10,000. Las Vegas Bowl you are eliminated.
The Texas bowl will pair Big 12 whipping boy Baylor vs Big 10’s bitch Illinois. Waste of time and Space! Texas Bowl you’re f’n out!
The Meineke Car Bowl pays out a million bucks! Nice but the give us USF vs Clemson. Gag! Barf! And flush down the toilet bowl. This is a game we will never see on ESPN Classic even with their 24/7/365 coverage of old sports. Sorry Car Bowl hasta la vista baby!
The Ticket City Bowl will be played at the Cotton Bowl but the Cotton Bowl will be at Jerry world in Arlington. Make sense? Hell no! The Ticket City bowl also lined up the greatness of Texas Tech(I can’t even type that with a straight face) and NorthWestern Spares. TicketCity Bowl you never should have been created. This game is going to be about as lame as putting your guns up!
Next week it’s on to the BCS where certain match ups have really pissed me off.
Angry Husker send your emails to kissmyass@idontgiveacrap.com everyone else it’s larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

TCU shocked the college football world by bolting to the Big East this week. As a TCU fan I think it's a great thing for the Frogs and the Big East! As a college football fan i feel sorry for the Mountain West and NCAAF.
The Mountain West will lose Utah and BYU after this season and TCU after next. That's a big hit. Unlike the Big 12 the Mountain West went out and did something about it and replaced the schools that left. The Mountain West lost the University of Utah and BYU but has replaced them with Boise State, Fresno State, and Nevada. Now you have a pretty strong conference but wait TCU bolts! WTH?
Could you imagine TCU and Boise in the same conference? That could develop into one hell of a rivalry. Then you add an up and coming program like the Nevada Wolfpack and a decent program like Fresno you are building a nice base. You can argue this conference of misfits would be stronger then the Big East,ACC or even the Big 10. Yet they will not get an automatic BCS Bowl bid and because of that TCU left.
What Could of Been
Mountain West North
Colorado State
MW South
Air Force
San Diego State
New Mexico
Fresno State
and a Mountain West Championship Game
However that's all what could of been. The reality is TCU made a great move for them! This move also really strengthens the Big East Football schedule also. So TCU and Big East both win! Even though they left the Mountain West out in the cold they had to. If they ever want to play for a national title this is the only way.
Now TCU will be playing in front of the biased East Coast Media every week. They won't be a little red headed step child along with Boise State. They won't be that cute little school that went undefeated. The rest of the nation is going to find out what us Fort Worth peeps already know which is the TCU Frogs are contenders.
Let me take a shot at the mighty Texas Longhorns. Shame on you! You greedy bastards! You made sure you got paid and to hell with the Big 12! You should of been begging the Big 12 to add TCU which TCU would of jumped at but you didn't.Your Longhorn's attitude was let's keep the conference small so we can make an extra 5 million a year. Then Karma bit you in the ass didn't she? What Bowl are the Longhorns going to again? Oh wait......
TCU's move good for them! Great for the Big East! Bad for college football overall:(
Bosie State,
College Football,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving Day Football
Happy Happy Thanksgiving Day Football From Everyone at BBSD! Go Cowboys!
Here are some Thanksgiving Videos for you to kill time with when you get sick of your family time ;)
Your welcome
Here are some Thanksgiving Videos for you to kill time with when you get sick of your family time ;)
Your welcome
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Best Bets ...... Maybe worst bets 11-18

OK I know the old Professor L-Train's slump has continued longer then any of us could of ever expected. So much so I am writing this from one of the barefoot bandits hideouts. My bookie will never find me here!
During the course of a football season you are expected to go through a dry spell. Don't worry this one is almost over I can my fill it in my loins. Oh yeah! My Christmas betting balls are ringing!
My record on the season after my 1-2 performance last week in College 22-16-1. In the NFL I dominated last week and went 2-0! True Story. Look it up. My record in the NFL 12-12-1!
Make sure you check out my podcast on Big Bad Sports Daddy.com! You have The Larry Stanley Show on Mondays and The Sports Daddy's on Wednesdays with some award winning wrestling podcast on Tuesdays ;)
This week I like
Wisconsin - 4 over Mich
LSU-16 over Mississippi
MIch State -19.5 over Purdue
Philly -3 over NYG
Upset Special
San Fran -3 over TB
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Regulators Bet Up

They Took My Rings, They took my Rolex! I looked at the brothers and said damn what's next?
Yeah it's been a tough couple of weeks for the old Professor L-Train. My record picking against the line has dropped from 19-8-1 to 21-14-1 over the past two weeks! I would like to apologize to all the students at Sports Daddy University. I know I let some of you down. This week you all get an A! In A Lot of money if you bet my picks!
It's funny on Friday night I was having drinks with my Friend Paul and he told me how horrible my picks were last week. "You are taking to many road dogs and you know better!" he said. Turns out he was right. OK this week safe picks and hot chicks
LSU -32.5 over UL Monroe. Really who the hell is UL Monroe and how is this spread only 32.5?
AZ -4 over USC
Nevada WolfPack HOOWWWWWWWWWWWW -8.5 over Fresno State
NFL where my record is now 10-12-1
STL +6 over San Fran
TB -6.5 over Carolina
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Big Bad Best Bets 11-4

Well the World Series is over and my picking distraction is gone. I know my picks sucked last week and to be honest with you, I didn’t put as much time into doing the research as I should have. The Professor would like to apologize to you that lost some cabbage.
Like any good gambler knows tomorrow is another day. This week I have done my diligent research and guarantee you I will go 3-1 this week at least. How can I guarantee that? Because I’m confident and maybe a little cocky that’s how! So now let’s all pray to the football Gods or Lady Luck or whoever you worship when placing your bets. The Professor says:
Baylor +7 over OSU
Nevada One man Wolfpack -10.5 over Idaho
Missouri -4 over Texas tech
OU-3 over Texas A&M
It’s a tough year for Texas schools unless your name starts with a T and ends with a U and has a C in between. As most of the nation will be watching Alabama vs. LSU at 2:30 on Saturday, I will be watching the #3 team in the country take on the # 5. It’s TCU vs Utah and this should be the national game but the evil SEC wins again and gets the network game. GO FROGS and I’m praying to the Football Gods and Lady Luck that you are the Big Bad Purple Bracket Buster .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Best Bets 10-28

Hey Kids What time is it? It's Ranger Time!!! I know The Professor L-Train is contractually obligated to do a best bet blog for bigbadsportsdaddy.com. I wouldn't want to disappoint you or not get paid so here is how this blog will go. You will enjoy the hot chick pics I post and then read my picks for this weekend, the end! Get it? Got it? Good!
By the way here are some numbers you might be interested in 19-8-1 against the spread in College Football I am! Yoda(That little Green Bast@rd) couldn't pick like this. Bet Strong Young Jedi!
This week in NCAAF give me
OSU -5.5 over KState + Over 67
AZ -9.5 over UCLA
and could someone please tell me how in the hell Michigan State is getting points this week?
Michigan State +6.5 over Iowa $$$$$
NFL where my record is 10-7-1 on the season!
Washington + 2.5 over Detroit
Pitt +1 over New Orleans
Thanks for reading! Go Rangers
Professor L-Train
College Football,
College Football Betting,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Lines
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My Texas Rangers

Damn you Rangers! I blame you for this hangover but I have never been so happy to be hung over! On the Jersey Shore the say "It's Tee Shirt TIIIIIMMMMMEEEEE". Here in North Texas it's Ranger time. Oh Yea! Who needs fist pumps when we have claws and antlers?
I am a life long Texas Ranger fan. I was in the second grade and remember crying like a baby the day they traded Pete O' Brien. My favorite Rangers growing up were Scott Fletcher,Mitch Williams and reckless Bobby Witt. I thought Geno Petralli was the best catcher ever until my Texas Rangers showed me the best catcher ever one Pudge Rodriguez! I've watched Stev Buchelle, Kevin Reimer, Kevin Elster,Kevin Mench,Dean Palmer,Will Clark, The Govenor Jerry Browne, Oddibe Mcdowell and Mike Jeffcoat all play.
Over the years I have spent more time watching and talking about the Texas Rangers then any other franchise on this planet! There has been a lot of heart ache and frustration and I watched my dreams of the Texas Rangers going to the World Series turn into years. Last Night it was all worth it. The countdown started at 12. The Rangers needed 12 more outs to get to the World Series. How appropriate was it that Gay Rod was the last out? Very! That's karma kids.
Josh Hamilton teared up a little in the out field waiting on that last out. I have to say I tried not to but I did let a couple of drops poor out of my eyes. This is by far the greatest sports moment in North Texas history. Yes Jerry it's even better the the Cowboys Super Bowls. The reason why is baseball is older. It's the past time of this great country. The names are legends. Now my little Texas Rangers are part of that history. No matter what happens in the World Series we got there! Don't get me wrong I will be devastated if the Texas Ranger lose but at least they are there!
Let's go Rangers...........Claw.................Antlers..............It's Ranger time!
Do you know what's different about this Texas Ranger team? They have fun first and win second. That's the way the game should be played. Last night all the Rangers thanked the fans. Well as a life long Ranger fan I would like to thank them for making this kids dream come true. I still haven't forgave them for trading Pete O'Brien but if they win the world series I just might.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Big Bad Bets 10-22

So, the old Professor L-Train's cold streak was short lived wasn't it? 1 week and then boy did I bounce back!
Did you read my blog last week? If you did and took my advice you would know I went 4-1 Against the Spread in college ball! Nice, right? ;) I know I'm hot hot hot! Almost as hot as the pics I found to post this week! Enjoy :)
On the season that I am 18-7-1 ATS! Are you loving me yet? Why am I asking so many questions today? Maybe it's this 2 day hangover I am fighting off! Oh well on to the picks
Michigan State -5 over Northwestern.
MS is 4-0 ATS in last 4. YOu know the rule never bet against a streak. Well ride this pony all the way. Bet Spartans and don't buy into the let down game bullsh that is filling the net right now
Oklahoma -3 over Missouri
OK OU your the number 1 team in the country go prove it! I think the Sooners cover and take down the Tigers this week but will have a loss before the season wraps. Bet OU ubtil your Bookie screams Boomer Sooner
Wisconsin + 5.5 over Iowa
Are you insane Vegas? The Badgers just knocked off the number 1 team in the country! Unlike the Game Cocks I think this team game play a little ball. This is goiung to be a very tough game but I don't see either team winning by more then 3 or 4 points. Take the points here funk soul brothers and sisiters
2-0-1 last week! Again lady luck has smiled down upon me ;) After a slow start my overall record in the NFL is 8-6-1. Not to shabby eh hoosier?
This week take
NY Gaints +3 over Dallas
WTF? Has anyone seen the Cowboys play? How iun the hell are they a favorite???
I would never bet against the Cowboys myself but if you want to win some major bucks this is your bet
Baltimore -13 over BUff
Buffalo is terrible! Almost as bad as the Cowboys. Bet Ravens to cover
Washington +3 over Chi
Another no brainer! The Skins should win straight up and you want to give me points on top of that? It's not right to let a sucker keep thier money! Hey Eric Ringel Mr. Super Bears fan! Do you want some action on this game???
Lar aka Professor L-Train
College Football,
College Football Betting,
Football tips,
NFL betting tips,
nfl tips
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Best bets 10-15

OK the old professor had a down week! Well if you call 1-2 a down week. Don't forget so far this season I am 14-6-1 Against the spread! That was my first losing week this season so let me go ahead and apologize now and get back to picking winners! Why Because I can!
This week I like
Michigan State -7 over Illinois
Utah-20.5 over Wyoming
Air Force -1.5 over San Diego State
Oklahoma State +3.5 over Texas Tech
NFL! So last week if you listen to me in the NFL I was 2-1 ATS! That's two winning weeks in a row! Bringing me to 6-6 on the season! What UP? Whenever I start picking losers I stop picking loser and start being awesome! True Story. This week I like
NE-3 over Balt
Indy-3 over teh Redskins
KC + 4.5 over Houston
Why are handicappers not giving KC any respect yet? I don't know but until they do bet them!
Professor LTrain's Class is out for another week! Bet Big and be strong! Go Rangers Deuces
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Best Bets!

When you hot , You hot! Right now yours truly Professor L-Train is 13-4-1 ATS in College football! If you listen to me on the Sports Daddys podcast on BigBadSportsdaddy.com or read this blog I bet you are loving me right now! If you do things this week one should be take my advice and two should be call your bookie! No time for long explanations this week just right to the point!
College Football (13-4-1 Against The Spread 4-1 last week)
Indiana +21.5 over Ohio State
Arkansas-6.5 over Texas A&M
Arizona- 7.5 over Oregon State
NFL (4-5 ATS 2-1 last week)
KC +9 over INdy
STL +3 over Lions
NO-6.5 over AZ
PS GO Rangers
College Football Betting,
college football picks,
college football spreads,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Lines
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Red River Shoot Out Week! Sorry that's what us old schoolers call it. ALL this PC crap has America calling it The Red River Rivalry now. What ever you call it you know It's Texas-OU Weekend!
This is the weekend when The Dallas Highways and Bi-Ways get invaded from the North and South! All those wild ass college kids come to town to get down! There are some crazy rumors floating around that their might be a football game in Dallas too.
Texans are preparing for the game from Brownsville to Lewisville by buying kegs, renting margarita machines,and marinating their finest meats and cleaning their grills. Okies are adjusting their antennas on their double wides. No one bother to tell them they don't work anymore.
All this Red River Shoot Out talk got me to thinking If this were the Old West and there was a shoot out going down I would be Doc Holiday and The College Football betting line would be Ike Clanton! I would be Jesse James and my bookie would be Sandra Bullock ;) I am your freaking Huckleberry!
My name is Larry Stanley aka Professor L-Train and I am 9-3-1 against the spread in 2010. This is all documented on The Biggest Badest Sportyest Website in the world! http://www.bigbadsportsdaddy.com.
You can also catch my podcast the Sports Daddys on BBSD's Radio Page. New shows go up every Wednesday but you can download it then put it on your ipod and listen whenever you want. You now how it all works.
DRAW! Here are this weeks best bets!
Indiana +10 over Michigan
Before the season started I picked the Hoosiers to have a breakout year. They started off 3-0 and are better then most people think. The only problem is no one pays attention to their games. That all changes this Saturday when Denard Robinson brings his Heisman campaign and his Wolverines to Memorial Stadium in lovely Bloomington, Indiana. The eyes of the College football world will certainly glance at this box score and see just how good Indiana is. Michigan may win but it won't be by 10. Expect this game to remind you of a Billy the Kid Lincoln County Shoot out. Over trends are like this: Mich 9-4 Indiana is 7-2-2.
The Over Under is 65 bet Indiana and the Over
Alabama - 8 over Florida
Listen up Alligator Dave it's time to face the facts that Florida isn't as mighty as it once was. You can say The Tide got exposed last week against the Hogs if you want. I say all that did was poke a hornets nest. The Razorbacks not the Gators are the 2nd best team in the SEC. Look for Saban's Outlaws to put it on em. Bet Bama Tide
Oklahoma -3.5 over Texas
I am a Texas Longhorn fan and I never pick their games. This week I make an exception as I want my fellow Horns to save a penny or two. The horns have been way to inconsistent in 2010 to bet them. I am not betting this game but the only way to bet it is Sooners -3.5. Damn typing that I feel like Pat Garrett just shot me in the back.
Stanford +7 over Oregon
This maybe the game of the week! This would be like a gun fight between Wild Bill Hickok and Wyatt Earp. Andrew Luck's Lynch Mob heads north on a mission. Look for Stanford D to be the difference in this game. Not that they will be much of a difference but just enough to get them the win outright. The O/U is 64.5 bet the over and watch these two break 90!
So I haven't been so good in the NFL this year. I know it's been a season full of home dogs. I just haven't had the stones to pick many of them. My record on the season is 2-4 ATS. This week I like
Philly - 6 over The Redskins
Houston -3 over the Greatness
Denis Leary's Pats -1 over Flipper
College Football,
College Football Betting,
college football picks,
college football spreads,
Football Betting,
NFL Football,
Oklahoma Sooners,
Texas Longhorns Football,
Texas OU,
Washington Redskins
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
BEST BETs Bishes
7-1-1 Against the Spread in 2010! Yeah I am making the College lines my bitch! Why pay for "Experts" picks when I am giving you the winners for free! My name is Larry Stanley aka Professor L-Train. No I did not give myself that nickname no matter what those two dorks on the John and Eric Show(Heard every Thursdays on bigbadsportsdaddy.com) say!
This week I am not crazy about any of the lines but I have a few winners for you!
Arizona -7 over California
The Wildcats are 6-1 ATS in their last 7 home games. They just beat a very good Iowa team. Don't bye into any of that let down crap that is floating around the net. Arizona is flat out a better team and at home covers the 7 no problem-o! Bet Arizona

Oregon -12 @ Arizona State
Don't ask me why I felt the need to put both AZ schools in my best bet picks this week but for some reason I did. However this time I am betting against the Grand Canyon State. Last Year Oregon won this game 44-21. This year the Ducks are an offensive juggernaut! Oregon is 3-0 ATS in 2010 and 9-2 in their last 11 games. Bet Oregon and make it your biggest bet of the weekend.
*****Also Bet the over which is 55 in this game! Oregon is averaging over 60 points this year. Nice parlay here**********
Stanford - 4.5 over Notre Dame
Stanford's Defense has been sick this year! They also have a Heisman candidate QB. They roll in to South Bend as the best team and leave with at least a 10 point win! Sorry not this year Irish! Bet Stanford
So in the NFL I am not as hot! I am 2-3 this year so far. Last week I knew better then to take 3 road favorites but I did it anyway. What the hell was I thinking? This week I'll tell you the best bet on the board looks like Houston-3 at home over Dallas. Being a Cowboys fan I refuse to bet against them or tell anyone else to (wink wink)
Detroit +10.5 over Minnesota
This line is to good to be true! The only team with more problems then the Boys right now are the Vikes. They aren't playing good. Minnesota may win this game at home but it won't be by 11.
Monday Night
Green Bay -3 over Chicago
I am still not buying what The Bears are selling! Yes they are 2-0 but the are the worst 2-0 team in the NFL! Better Lucky then good right Bears fan? Look for the Pack to murder them on Monday Night.
This week I am not crazy about any of the lines but I have a few winners for you!
Arizona -7 over California
The Wildcats are 6-1 ATS in their last 7 home games. They just beat a very good Iowa team. Don't bye into any of that let down crap that is floating around the net. Arizona is flat out a better team and at home covers the 7 no problem-o! Bet Arizona

Oregon -12 @ Arizona State
Don't ask me why I felt the need to put both AZ schools in my best bet picks this week but for some reason I did. However this time I am betting against the Grand Canyon State. Last Year Oregon won this game 44-21. This year the Ducks are an offensive juggernaut! Oregon is 3-0 ATS in 2010 and 9-2 in their last 11 games. Bet Oregon and make it your biggest bet of the weekend.
*****Also Bet the over which is 55 in this game! Oregon is averaging over 60 points this year. Nice parlay here**********
Stanford - 4.5 over Notre Dame
Stanford's Defense has been sick this year! They also have a Heisman candidate QB. They roll in to South Bend as the best team and leave with at least a 10 point win! Sorry not this year Irish! Bet Stanford
So in the NFL I am not as hot! I am 2-3 this year so far. Last week I knew better then to take 3 road favorites but I did it anyway. What the hell was I thinking? This week I'll tell you the best bet on the board looks like Houston-3 at home over Dallas. Being a Cowboys fan I refuse to bet against them or tell anyone else to (wink wink)
Detroit +10.5 over Minnesota
This line is to good to be true! The only team with more problems then the Boys right now are the Vikes. They aren't playing good. Minnesota may win this game at home but it won't be by 11.
Monday Night
Green Bay -3 over Chicago
I am still not buying what The Bears are selling! Yes they are 2-0 but the are the worst 2-0 team in the NFL! Better Lucky then good right Bears fan? Look for the Pack to murder them on Monday Night.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Big Bad Best Bets

Short and sweet Big Bad Sports Daddy's own Professor L-Train(That's Me) is 5-1 ATS in College football in 2010 and 14-0 straight up! NFL I started out last week 1-1. There is not a hotter college football handicapper anywhere in the country as we speak! I am also giving you my picks for free! Why? Because I can!
Arkansas + 2.5 over Georgia
Yes The Hogs are the travel team but have you seen them play? The Razorbacks are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 SEC games. Georgia is unsure if they will have the nations top receiver back or not. I also don't think The Bulldogs D can contain Mallet. Take the Hogs and The points and look for them to win straight up
Nebraska -3.5 over Washington
Nebraska has one of the best secondaries in the nation and a great pass rush. Look for the future 1st rounder Jake Locker to struggle against this D. He simply doesn't have enough help. Nebraska 6-1-1 ATS in their last 6 non conference games. Bet em big!
Tennessee + 14 over Florida
Last year in Florida with little timmy Tebow the Gators only won by the score of 23-13. 14 is way to much to lay to Tennessee in Tenn. Take the VOLS and the points and hope there isn't another long delay to slow them down
This will probably be the only time I do this all season! I like 3 Road Dogs this week and one you can take to the bank
Chicago +9 over Dallas
This game is in Dallas but did you watch them play on Sunday Night? The Cowboys Offense looked awful! I am not sure if they can manage to score 9 points much less cover 9! Bet Bears.
New England -2.5 over NY JETS
Forget about it! If the Dallas Offense sucks then I don't have the words to start describing the JETS. There D is good but so is the Pats Offensive attack. Pats still this one in The Big Apple and cover no problem

Monday Night
New Orleans -5.5 over San Francisco
The Saints picked up right where they left off on Thursday night vs. The Vikings. The 49ers still have Alex Smith as their starting OB. Enough said! Bet Saints
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Jason Garrett Sucks!
Jason Garrett Sucks! That is all! By the way do you want to know what he has for The Bears Ass this week? Here! The Redheaded Play Slut has personally promised me you will be seeing all of these plays this week in the Cowboys repertoire!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Professor L-Train's Best Bets

What a way to start the season! Bigbadsportsdaddy.com's own Professor L-Train went 3-0 ATS (Against The Spread) last week. Are you starting to see why the Professor has earned the title of Texas' Best Sports Handicapper? Don't pay for winners when I am giving you the winners for free! Let's all get rich!!!!
I have to say Boise State had me worried Monday Night but they pulled it out like they were on a bad first date. If you won some money last week do me a favor tell all your gambling degenerate friends if they want to make some money this football season their way is through Professor L-Train and give them this link will you? Also make sure you check out our Sports Daddys' podcast right on BBSD for a better breakdown of the weekends best bets and some kick ass locker room football talk. Got it? Good? On to the picks!
This week we get to mix the NFL in! Yee----HAW! I Freaking LOVE Football season!
Thursday Night
Auburn -2 over Mississippi State
Blah Blah Blah "Thursday Night Road Curse" Blah! I for one am not buying it! So much so I am banking on it being myth. Auburn is 6-2 ATS vs Mississippi in their last 8. Add that to the simple fact that Auburn is the best team and QB Cameron Newton looks like Vince Young jr and you have Auburn covering no problem-o. Bet and Bet strong!
Florida State + 8 over Oklahoma
Road teams don't win in Norman. The Sooners bring a 31 game home winning streak in to this game. I think they may move it up to 32 but they will be tested. Oklahoma struggled against a bad Utah State team last week while FSU beat the hell out of Samford(Yes Samford not Stanford) as they should of. This game is going to be close way to close for a 8 point spread. OU is 2-5 ATS in their last 7 games and 1-5 ATS in their last 6 non conference games. I would lock this one in asap this line could move before kickoff Saturday.If OU wins it's not by 8+
Oregon -12 over Tennessee
Oregon won 72-0 over New Mexico with their back up running back! He happens to be a good back but still. Hurricane Lane left the once mighty Tennessee Football Program a mess when he left. The Volunteers week 1 50-0 win over Tennessee Martin is a joke and does nothing for me. Even though Neyland Stadium can be a tough place to play look for Oregon to stay strong and win this by 20+
Indy-2.5 over Houston
Ok this spread looks to easy! I am always worried Vegas knows something I don't when I see something like this. I am also always down to cash in on some easy money. The Colts have won their last 10 vs Texans. The have won all of those games by 3 points or more! Who made this line and why? Bet Colts
Detroit-6.5 over Chicago
I think the Lions are going to sneak up on a few people in 2010 and they start with the Bears week 1. Jay Cutler + Mike Martz = Danger Will Robinson. Look for Cutler to set a NFL record for picks in 2010. Detroit goes to the Windy City and wins straight up but getting points with them is an added bonus. Bet it
college football picks,
college football spreads,
NFL betting tips,
NFL Lines,
NFL Picks,
sports betting
Dallas Mediocrity

Being A Dallas Sports fan has been painful for the last few years. Hell to tell you the truth it's been the past decade. The last championship any Metroplex team won was in 1999 when The Stars beat the Buffalo Sabres in the NHL Stanley Cup finals. Other then that Thank God for the Longhorns or it would really have sucked to be a sports fan in Tejas.
It is a shame but in Dallas pretty good is getting to be the norm. The Dallas Cowboys are pretty good,The Dallas Mavericks are pretty good, The Texas Rangers are pretty good, the Dallas Stars well let's face it none cares about the Dallas Stars. The Dallas Teams are all just good enough to make the playoffs then exit early.
As a Dallas fan I have accepted the fact our teams are pretty good. Believe me it's hard to go through a season knowing that your team is good but not quite good enough to be great. Matter of fact it's torture.
The only reason I bring this up is because I am hearing a lot of Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl talk. As much as I hate to admit it The Dallas Cowboys are not going to the Super Bowl. I am not even 100% sure The Cowboys are the best team in the NFC EAST. What I am sure of is the Eagles will be the worst. I know cheap shoot but man I hate those Eagles! I really hope they go 0-16! Suck it Eagles Fan.
As long as Wade and Jason are here the Cowboys will not even sniff the big game. Wade is a great Defensive Coordinator but not a Head Coach. I think it's safe to say his place is the world is running a defense not being the man.
Jason Garrett damn! Why didn't he go to Baltimore when he had the chance? I think we can all agree he has worn out his welcome here in Dallas yet again! Sorry Princeton Man but it's true. Does anyone else have visions of Madden when watching a Cowboys game? Next thing we know they will cut their punter and go for it on ever 4th down. Really Jason Garrett maybe to smart to run a offense. Instead of keeping it simple he insist on tricking everything up. I think he out thinks himself more so then gets out coached. It's not the worst problem to have but still a problem.
With these two knuckleheads in place on the Dallas Coaching Staff I have accepted the fact that in 2010 The Dallas Cowboys will be pretty good. Yes, I will still be upset and pissed when they lose but none the less I know what they are and that's a pretty good team. Even though the talent is there the coaching isn't and that means The Cowboys are a what? Pretty Good!
Shame on you Texas Rangers! Back in late May I wrote a blog saying that I didn't think this was your year. However during the dog days of summer I bought into what you were selling. I was drinking the Red Kool-Aide you were serving up by the gallons. It was helping me stay cool in this Texas heat! I think it's safe to say The Rangers had the whole entire DFW area fooled and most of Baseball America. They looked like they were legitimate contenders to represent the American League in the World Series in 2010. Now in Early September with injuries and bad play they look like a pretty good team. I know baseball is streaky sport but you don't want to be on a losing streak going into the playoffs. With no way to avoid a strong team from the East in the playoffs it is time to accept the fact that the 2010 Texas Rangers are nothing more then a pretty good team. Once again they got us to football season.
After the 2006 & 2007 season I think we all learned that these Mavericks will be nothing more then a pretty good basketball team. Once again Dallas Fans must suffer that just not quite good enough disappointment.
After watching Dallas Sports failures over and over again for the past 10 years the Dallas Sports fan has went to expecting Championships to expecting pretty good. And expecting pretty good with no hope for a championship is just well pretty sad.
Email me
Dallas Cowboys,
Dallas Mavericks,
Texas Rangers
Saturday, September 4, 2010
TCU ReHash

I have to admit as a TCU fan I might of been taking the Oregon State Beavers lightly. Sure this game had all the hype of 1920’s heavy weight boxing match. It was even played in a stadium built to honor the Gods. The Frogs and Beavs didn’t disappoint at all. The biggest disappointment and mean literally biggest was the heavy set ESPN sideline reporter. What? You are telling me Jen Brown and Erin Andrews were busy? We were stuck watching lots of love all night but that’ s ok at least The Frogs are own national TV.
Oregon State showed they were here to play at the 11:48 mark of the 1st Quarter. TCU’s Heisman Trophy Candidate QB Andy Dalton threw and early pick for TCU. The Ryan Katz threw a strike to James Rodgers to put the Beavers up by a TD. That Kid can throw a deep ball
The first half of this game again reminded me of a boxing match. They both were landing hate makers looking for KO and couldn’t quit get there. I was concerned about Andy Dalton showing a slight limp and his two picks. None the less the Frogs took an ugly 21-14 lead in to the locker room at half time.
TCU lead by running back Ed Wesley took control of the clock in the second half. Their opening drive chewed up half of the 3rd. Each team would score 1 more TD in the 3rd. Heading into the 4th with a score of TCU leading 28-21 this is rivaling Pitt vs. Utah as the game of the opening weekend.
Both teams failed on their opening possessions of the 4th. TCU even failed on it’s second and had to punt it back to the Beavers with 4:18 to play. TCU once again would call on one of the Nations best D’s to close it out.
With the Cowboy Classic on the line it looks like the pressure got to Oregon State’s first time starting QB Ryan Katz. For the first time in the Katz tried to audible at the line of scrimmage. As everyone on the Beavers Offense looked confused disaster struck. Oregon’s Center sailed the football right after Katz head which he returned kicked out of the back of the end zone. Go Frogs! TCU went up 30-21 with 4:00 minutes left.
Lead by Dalton and Wesley TCU would put away the Beavers. As a Fan I am proud and shocked. Yes I know TCU was playing another ranked team but I expected more. The Frogs failed to cover the spread and let the Beavers stay in it right to the end. The ghost of Dutch Myers is smiling somewhere! Fighting Em until Hell Freezes over then fight on the Ice! Only 11 more to go before anotherBCS bowl.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Big Bad Bets

Over the years I have be giving many nicknames like L-Train,The Professor,Texas Best Handicapper etc... As you can tell some of which were directly related to my just reputation of being a degenerate gambler. So during football season on Thursdays I will be posting my Big Bad Bet Blog. It is a simple as it sounds.
I know any D-Bag with a computer can claim to be a handicapper and try to charge you for their "expert picks". I am going to give you mine for free! I want to you win and make lots of money! Then you just need to call your old Buddy Professor LTrain and take him out and buy him some drinks. IN 2008 I was a documented 67.8% against the line right here on BBSD.
I issue this warning at the beginning of every football season. Use caution with your bets early in the season! Don't be to gung -ho the first couple of weeks. It's a long season and you need to start off betting small. Let the trends develop and then jack up your wagering. Ok I'm not your daddy or preacher so I'm guessing you don't want to hear it from me. On to the business at hand. Here's your pick for college footballs opening weekend.
Ohio State-28. over Marshall
This game is at the horseshoe. You know Coach Tressel will want to send a message to the BCS early and often. Tonight it comes at the expense of Doc Holliday and the Thundering Heard. Ohio State at home on openig night wins by 30+
LSU-3 over North Carolina in Atlanta
North Carolina's turbulent off season continues as Marvin Austin was just dismissed from the team this week. Butch Davis' Tar Heels have had to many distractions to be ready to play to the level they would have to play to win or cover in this game. That along with LSU being 11-5 ats on neutral sights since 1992 is enough for us to make this the best bet of the week. Take LSU and bet hard.
Boise State -2.5 over Virginia Tech.
I hate this game but it being the Monday Night game of the week I feel obligated to pick it. I know a lot of folks are going to bet anyway just for the action. Boise State basically has the same team they had last year. 10 starters on both side of the ball are returning. Virginia Tech only has 4 returning on D. I know a home dog in open week is tough to bet against. Even with Boise traveling cross country I like them to cover on Monday Night.
Happy Football Season!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
TCU Frogs Redemption

When the 2010 football season kicks off for your TCU Frogs Saturday night they will have one thing on their mind and that is redemption! The Fiesta Bowl loss was a very hard pill to swallow for the Frogs and their fans. In 2010 anything less then perfect will be unacceptable.
The Frogs aren’t messing around! On Saturday night they are going to face off with a very good Oregon State team at the Death Star in Arlington. This is a huge gamble for a TCU team that must go undefeated again to get any kind of BCS respect. Sorry but one mark in the L column and your BCS dreams are over Frogs. The big question is if they do beat Oregon State and run the table will they play for a National Title? Sadly the answer is no. It’s nothing personal because the same goes for Boise State. Here’s the part of the blog where I should go on a rant about College Football Playoffs but I refuse to do that. Everyone in the Milky Way galaxy and even the rebels on Hoth know there should be a playoffs but there is nothing we can do.
So what can we expect from Gary Patterson’s Boys this year? Realistically I think they go undefeated again. Andy Dalton is back and is pissed! No one took the Fiesta loss harder. Andy is going to lead the purple and black with a big chip on his shoulder in 2010 as he should. For the first time since LT there is Heisman talk in Cowtown. It’s a long shot but there are quite murmurs.
However Dalton is going to need some help this season if wants to lead the Frogs to the Promise Land. The big play threat wide receiver Antoine Hicks and sophomore running back Ed Wesley will have to do their part on the business side of the ball to keep that O clicking. There is no doubt in my mind that they will!
We haven’t even got to the 2008 & 2009 Nations best Defense yet. The Horned Frogs return 7 starters and are ready to complete the Triple Crown and claim the Nations best D once again.
TCU will be challenged by the Beavers Saturday night. They also will have to stay focus to keep a quickly improving SMU team from sneaking up on them on Sept 24. In conference the road to undefeated will be tough especially when the Frogs travel to PAC 10 defecting Utah in November. On the bright side the other two tough Mountain West teams (BYU and Air Force)come to Fort Worth.
Do I think the Frogs will go undefeated again? Here’s a Big Bad Texas Hell YES!
I think it will be a great time to be a Frogs fan in 2010! If you are not going to the game Saturday join BigBadSportsDaddy at The All Star Sports Bar and Grill in Fort Worth for a TCU Frogs Kick off party! Larry Stanley, Eric Ringel and the Legendary Scott Gains will be broadcasting a live pregame show from 5:30-6:30 right here on BBSD. Then stick around for the game and rock with the post game concert. What better way to celebrate the start of another perfect season then by partying with your friends at BBSD?
College Football,
Oregon State,
TCU Frogs Football
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Happy Big Bad Birthday!
I know this maybe a silly thing to keep up with but in September Big Bad Sports Daddy will start it's third year of operations. Happy Birthday BBSD!
We have had a lot of fun styling and profiling and grown more then I could of imagined over the past 2+ years. I would like to take this blog and relive some of our better moments via video and thank everyone who has got Big Bad Sports Daddy to where it is today! There is no doubt that we will be here to serve you for many more years to come! You know if it's beer,women or sports Big Bad Sports Daddy is there!
First I want to thank everyone that has supported bigbadsportsdaddy.com this far. Seriously we couldn't do what we do if you didn't support us. So for you that read our big bad blogs or for those of you who listen to our podcast or you guys who love the Random Bikini Girl contest or those of you who waste some time on our hot links page while clicking and surfing from the bottom of my heart Thank You for the clicks and support!
I also want to thank my friends and family. My Folks Nita and Booby my life long friends Shawn,Betsey,Duck,Andy Bowles,Andy Meadows,Bert,Ally and the everyone else you know who you are. All of who have been very supportive over the past two years! They may have questioned my sanity at times and not understood why I was spending so much time and effort working on "some stupid website" but never the less they remained supportive.
As we celebrate our 3rd birthday at BBSD I thought I would pull the curtain back a little bit and let you know where and how it all started. Here's your history listen drink up and enjoy,
BigBadSportsDaddy was stated over drinks when I was hanging out with my cousin Dora. We came up with the concept and the name and she actually registered the domain name first and transferred it over to me. She felt she didn't have the time to invest in the project. Boy she was right about it being time consuming. So thanks Dora for helping come up the concept.
Once I had the domain locked down it was time to find an investor and some one to build it. Enter Joe the investor and Mike from KellerWerks internet designs. They did everything they could to make sure BBSD was ready to launch September 4th 2008 which was the start of the NFL season that year. We were up and running Pow! POw!
Back then BigBadSportsDaddy wasn't much more then just another handicapping website. It didn't take long for people to start coming to me telling me it could be so much more. Big Mike Wallace told me we should do podcast. Becky Brune and Jessica Trober convinced me to start producing videos for the site and they worked as our first big bad sports daddy reporters. Joe Rainer talked me into doing a weekly football broadcast which former LSU Tigers ALL American Cornerback Denard Walker jumped on board with and started the first weekly bigbadsportsdaddy show. The first big bad sports daddy producers where James McCormick and John Conner.
So Joe,Mike,Becky,Denard,Jessica,John and James here's a big bad Texas Thank You!
During the 2008 football season sometime JCall approached me and pitched a Wrestling show. We talked about the WWE all the time so it made perfect sense to bring it to the air. A few meetings and a brain storming beer session or two later The ShowStoppers podcast was born. Jcall was one of the first voices heard on bbsd and continues to be a valuable member of the BBSD family, Even when he had to relocate from Dallas to Iowa and could no longer be a part of ShowStoppers his first question was "How can I still be involved with the site?" That's when he offered up his writing talent and The Raw Blog was born. JCall is also a knowledgeable sports addict and will share his knowledge and his hot sports opinions with us in his other sports blogs. JCall thank you for everything you have done to help build Big Bad Sports Daddy.
As they say in the biz The Show must go on. When JCall left for Iowa that opened the door up for John Connor to step up and show us how Big and Bad of Sports Daddy he was. Jon had produced and worked as a camera man for bbsd prior to joining the SS podcast. John was a valuable behind the scenes member of bbsd early on. John quickly proved he could be an asset behind the mic and in front of the camera as well. It didn't take John long to figure out he was awesome and start telling everyone about it. He quickly demanded his own show. After hours of mind numbing negotiations he agreed with the new anonymous BBSD GM to co host a show with another young BBSD talent Eric Ringel.
Eric had displayed a great work ethic and natural talent in his hsort time with BBSD. Eric up until then was a BIgBadSportsDaddy Orphan looking for a home. Eric would fill in whenever needed then do whatever he could to make sure any project he was working on was a success. Eric was giving us all a lesson on what it took to be a real Big Bad Sports Daddy.. The John and Eric showed signed on and quickly became one of the most popular independent sports podcast on the net. John and Eric also provide the strong backbone for BBSD handling more day to day task then I have time to type out. So John and Eric Thank you!
With the success of The first two podcast adding the third one was a no brainer. Steph Quinn and I tore up the airwaves on 1360 am Retro Radio in the Summer of 08. The Larry Stanley show was born on that little old am station in the gheto. Steph was grabbing major attention from other radio stations in Dallas for her one of kind ENEWS segments. Luckily for us at BBSD Steph turned them all down to continue doing the LSS even if was on some Sports website. Steph not being into sports has become the queen of pop culture here on BBSD. Steph also is dedicated to giving back and doing a lot of charity work in the community. Steph Quinn thank you for bringing your talents to BBSD.
As our podcast were growing the demand to get them out in public was becoming overwhelming.We had to come up with a way to do live broadcast from remote locations. Terry VnderHayden from withinfilm.com was serving as Technical Director for BBSD at the time. Terry was responsible for the great action shots you see in the bbsd videos and 90% of the BBSD editing. When the subject of live broadcast came up Terry proved yet again why he is the best in the world at what he does by overseeing BBSD's live broadcast and making them what they are now which is Kick ASS. Terry VanderHayden Thank you!
Somewhere in the middle of all the podcast stuff going down Steven Kirby from Cyberblueprints.com saw this little sports website that was fighting and clawing to delivery quality entertainment on the web. Steven took pitty on us and came up with the all new redesigned bigbadsportsdaddy.com 10.0. The new designed has changed our lives at BBSD. Since the redesign the amount of compliments we get on the sites layout has been shocking. Steven Kirby thank you for being the big bad web designer you are and helping BBSD look as good as it does. Steven also has worked countless hours on bbsd including all the time he has spent fixing our mistakes at BBSD. We might of accidently crashed the site a time or two.
I also have to thank a few other people that have been involved with the little sports website that could over the past two years. Teshia and Thomas where a part of our first film crew that we ever sent out. They helped shoot and edit some of bbsd's most popular videos still to this day. Courtney Barton is another one that has lost days of her life working on bbsd. She is a former Dallas Television Sports Reporter that keeps promising us she will start blogging for us one day but hasn't yet. Jimmy Christopher covered the Dallas Cowboys from the inside for BBSD the first two years. Heather,Adella and Michelle (last names with held) have all went above and beyond the call of duty to help BBSD also. Tim V you rock! Marie from the Burb in Las Colinas remains one of our biggest supporters of our cause! Of course I can't leave out our new talent! Like our most controversial Blogger Lucy Skywalker and our newest podcast host Andre from The Sports Daddys, A Extra Big Bad Thank You goes out to all of you for the time and effort you spent working and helping with BBSD stuff.
Over the past two years we have been lucky enough to develop great relationships with several great organizations such as The Dallas Derby Devils,MPX Wrestling, The Burb News, The Press Box Grill Wings at AMF in Euless and The All Star Sports Bar and Grill in Fort Worth. Thank you for partnering up with BigBadSportsDaddy for all of our special events over the past two years.
Now that all those necasary Thank Yous are out of the way it's time to laugh! Here's a list of my top 5 BBSD videos over the past 2 years.
5) The Man Song- Steph Quinn lost a bet on The LSS and had to write a song about how smart men are
4) Jobless to Topless- A Job fair at at a Strip CLub BBSD is there!
3) Dallas Derby Devils- LAst June there was a lot of drama going down with the DDD and BBSD was there to cover it
2) Rachel Stacy on the LSS- Rachel Stacy stopped by the Press Box Grill in downtown Dallas to hang with the LSS and play some tunes
1) Drunk Girls at Texas Motor Speedway- BBSD goes camp site crashing and hangs with drunk girls at Texas Motor Speedway
We have had a lot of fun styling and profiling and grown more then I could of imagined over the past 2+ years. I would like to take this blog and relive some of our better moments via video and thank everyone who has got Big Bad Sports Daddy to where it is today! There is no doubt that we will be here to serve you for many more years to come! You know if it's beer,women or sports Big Bad Sports Daddy is there!
First I want to thank everyone that has supported bigbadsportsdaddy.com this far. Seriously we couldn't do what we do if you didn't support us. So for you that read our big bad blogs or for those of you who listen to our podcast or you guys who love the Random Bikini Girl contest or those of you who waste some time on our hot links page while clicking and surfing from the bottom of my heart Thank You for the clicks and support!
I also want to thank my friends and family. My Folks Nita and Booby my life long friends Shawn,Betsey,Duck,Andy Bowles,Andy Meadows,Bert,Ally and the everyone else you know who you are. All of who have been very supportive over the past two years! They may have questioned my sanity at times and not understood why I was spending so much time and effort working on "some stupid website" but never the less they remained supportive.
As we celebrate our 3rd birthday at BBSD I thought I would pull the curtain back a little bit and let you know where and how it all started. Here's your history listen drink up and enjoy,
BigBadSportsDaddy was stated over drinks when I was hanging out with my cousin Dora. We came up with the concept and the name and she actually registered the domain name first and transferred it over to me. She felt she didn't have the time to invest in the project. Boy she was right about it being time consuming. So thanks Dora for helping come up the concept.
Once I had the domain locked down it was time to find an investor and some one to build it. Enter Joe the investor and Mike from KellerWerks internet designs. They did everything they could to make sure BBSD was ready to launch September 4th 2008 which was the start of the NFL season that year. We were up and running Pow! POw!
Back then BigBadSportsDaddy wasn't much more then just another handicapping website. It didn't take long for people to start coming to me telling me it could be so much more. Big Mike Wallace told me we should do podcast. Becky Brune and Jessica Trober convinced me to start producing videos for the site and they worked as our first big bad sports daddy reporters. Joe Rainer talked me into doing a weekly football broadcast which former LSU Tigers ALL American Cornerback Denard Walker jumped on board with and started the first weekly bigbadsportsdaddy show. The first big bad sports daddy producers where James McCormick and John Conner.
So Joe,Mike,Becky,Denard,Jessica,John and James here's a big bad Texas Thank You!
During the 2008 football season sometime JCall approached me and pitched a Wrestling show. We talked about the WWE all the time so it made perfect sense to bring it to the air. A few meetings and a brain storming beer session or two later The ShowStoppers podcast was born. Jcall was one of the first voices heard on bbsd and continues to be a valuable member of the BBSD family, Even when he had to relocate from Dallas to Iowa and could no longer be a part of ShowStoppers his first question was "How can I still be involved with the site?" That's when he offered up his writing talent and The Raw Blog was born. JCall is also a knowledgeable sports addict and will share his knowledge and his hot sports opinions with us in his other sports blogs. JCall thank you for everything you have done to help build Big Bad Sports Daddy.
As they say in the biz The Show must go on. When JCall left for Iowa that opened the door up for John Connor to step up and show us how Big and Bad of Sports Daddy he was. Jon had produced and worked as a camera man for bbsd prior to joining the SS podcast. John was a valuable behind the scenes member of bbsd early on. John quickly proved he could be an asset behind the mic and in front of the camera as well. It didn't take John long to figure out he was awesome and start telling everyone about it. He quickly demanded his own show. After hours of mind numbing negotiations he agreed with the new anonymous BBSD GM to co host a show with another young BBSD talent Eric Ringel.
Eric had displayed a great work ethic and natural talent in his hsort time with BBSD. Eric up until then was a BIgBadSportsDaddy Orphan looking for a home. Eric would fill in whenever needed then do whatever he could to make sure any project he was working on was a success. Eric was giving us all a lesson on what it took to be a real Big Bad Sports Daddy.. The John and Eric showed signed on and quickly became one of the most popular independent sports podcast on the net. John and Eric also provide the strong backbone for BBSD handling more day to day task then I have time to type out. So John and Eric Thank you!
With the success of The first two podcast adding the third one was a no brainer. Steph Quinn and I tore up the airwaves on 1360 am Retro Radio in the Summer of 08. The Larry Stanley show was born on that little old am station in the gheto. Steph was grabbing major attention from other radio stations in Dallas for her one of kind ENEWS segments. Luckily for us at BBSD Steph turned them all down to continue doing the LSS even if was on some Sports website. Steph not being into sports has become the queen of pop culture here on BBSD. Steph also is dedicated to giving back and doing a lot of charity work in the community. Steph Quinn thank you for bringing your talents to BBSD.
As our podcast were growing the demand to get them out in public was becoming overwhelming.We had to come up with a way to do live broadcast from remote locations. Terry VnderHayden from withinfilm.com was serving as Technical Director for BBSD at the time. Terry was responsible for the great action shots you see in the bbsd videos and 90% of the BBSD editing. When the subject of live broadcast came up Terry proved yet again why he is the best in the world at what he does by overseeing BBSD's live broadcast and making them what they are now which is Kick ASS. Terry VanderHayden Thank you!
Somewhere in the middle of all the podcast stuff going down Steven Kirby from Cyberblueprints.com saw this little sports website that was fighting and clawing to delivery quality entertainment on the web. Steven took pitty on us and came up with the all new redesigned bigbadsportsdaddy.com 10.0. The new designed has changed our lives at BBSD. Since the redesign the amount of compliments we get on the sites layout has been shocking. Steven Kirby thank you for being the big bad web designer you are and helping BBSD look as good as it does. Steven also has worked countless hours on bbsd including all the time he has spent fixing our mistakes at BBSD. We might of accidently crashed the site a time or two.
I also have to thank a few other people that have been involved with the little sports website that could over the past two years. Teshia and Thomas where a part of our first film crew that we ever sent out. They helped shoot and edit some of bbsd's most popular videos still to this day. Courtney Barton is another one that has lost days of her life working on bbsd. She is a former Dallas Television Sports Reporter that keeps promising us she will start blogging for us one day but hasn't yet. Jimmy Christopher covered the Dallas Cowboys from the inside for BBSD the first two years. Heather,Adella and Michelle (last names with held) have all went above and beyond the call of duty to help BBSD also. Tim V you rock! Marie from the Burb in Las Colinas remains one of our biggest supporters of our cause! Of course I can't leave out our new talent! Like our most controversial Blogger Lucy Skywalker and our newest podcast host Andre from The Sports Daddys, A Extra Big Bad Thank You goes out to all of you for the time and effort you spent working and helping with BBSD stuff.
Over the past two years we have been lucky enough to develop great relationships with several great organizations such as The Dallas Derby Devils,MPX Wrestling, The Burb News, The Press Box Grill Wings at AMF in Euless and The All Star Sports Bar and Grill in Fort Worth. Thank you for partnering up with BigBadSportsDaddy for all of our special events over the past two years.
Now that all those necasary Thank Yous are out of the way it's time to laugh! Here's a list of my top 5 BBSD videos over the past 2 years.
5) The Man Song- Steph Quinn lost a bet on The LSS and had to write a song about how smart men are
4) Jobless to Topless- A Job fair at at a Strip CLub BBSD is there!
3) Dallas Derby Devils- LAst June there was a lot of drama going down with the DDD and BBSD was there to cover it
2) Rachel Stacy on the LSS- Rachel Stacy stopped by the Press Box Grill in downtown Dallas to hang with the LSS and play some tunes
1) Drunk Girls at Texas Motor Speedway- BBSD goes camp site crashing and hangs with drunk girls at Texas Motor Speedway
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
2010 Fantasy Football Sleepers and Bust
If you listen to the Sports Daddys Podcast this week I went over my fantasy football sleepers and bust for 2010. I know you might need something to copy and paste and save to your computer so here you go. You’re Welcome!
This is going to be an interesting year fellow fantasy footballers. You are going to see some big names fall off as other young players rise and take there place. Gone from the top of the fantasy football food chain are your LTs and your LJs. Here to take their place are your CJs,APs and Ray Rays.
2010 could be the turning point if you are in a rebuilding mode in your keeper league. Or if you are just playing in a hit em and forget em one year wonder league you may need to do some extra home work. This is not the year to go into your draft ill prepared.
Here you go Big Bad Sports Daddys and Mamas! My 2010 Sleepers and Bust!
1) Matthew Stafford- The Lions added some great weapons for this young QB. Including rookie RB Jahvid Best and Veteran WR Nate Burleson. Expect Stafford to take a huge leap in 2010. Draft him in rounds 9 and later.
2) Ben Tate- If you are not familiar with Tate he is the starting Rookie RB in Houston. HE doesn’t have the flashy name like the other roookies Best, Mathews or Spiller but has a realistic chance of out producing 2 out of 3 of them. Look for him in Rounds 5-7 of your draft
3) TJ Houshmandzadeh- He has a decent QB back in Hasselbeck and no one else to compete with him for targets. Look for Housh to be a candidate for the come back player of the year in 2010.
4) Dustin Keller- Keller had a very strong post season and Mark Sanchez seems to have found his dump off TE. I would suggest not wasting an early pick on Gates or Witten. Look for Keller late in your draft.
5) Michael Crabtree- Crabtree has a chance to be the next break out WR in the NFL. If you are drafting in Big 12 country or in a keeper league expect him to go a little earlier. Crabtree should be there in rounds 4 or 5. You might think about reaching with a third rounder if there is not a solid superstar is there.
1) Jay Cutler- This guy sucks! He can’t read a D or protect the ball. Don’t buy in to the Mike Martz will make him better crap you are reading! Do Not Touch Cutler! Buyer beware!
2) Eli Manning- There is no way Eli repeats his 2009 numbers. Look for him to fall back to earth this year. Let some other sucker get stuck with him
3) Anquan Boldin- I lke Anquan as a player. I even like The Ravens Offense this year. I question his health. I think he goes way to early for a guy who has only played 16 games once since 2005. Don’t target him early. I am hoping he slips into the 6th or 7th round in my draft and you should too
4) DeAngelo Williams- I am the only writer in America with DeAngelo on my bust list. He is not worth a 1st rounder this year and that is where you will find him going. He has to split the carries with Jonathan Stewart . Also look for Defenses to crowd the box and not respect Matt Moore’s arm. This going to be a down year for DeAngelo
5) Pierre Thomas- My problem with Pierre is he is to inconsistent. The Saints spread the ball around way to much for him to have a productive season.
There you go. Do what you will with my advice. Happy Drafting!
This is going to be an interesting year fellow fantasy footballers. You are going to see some big names fall off as other young players rise and take there place. Gone from the top of the fantasy football food chain are your LTs and your LJs. Here to take their place are your CJs,APs and Ray Rays.
2010 could be the turning point if you are in a rebuilding mode in your keeper league. Or if you are just playing in a hit em and forget em one year wonder league you may need to do some extra home work. This is not the year to go into your draft ill prepared.
Here you go Big Bad Sports Daddys and Mamas! My 2010 Sleepers and Bust!
1) Matthew Stafford- The Lions added some great weapons for this young QB. Including rookie RB Jahvid Best and Veteran WR Nate Burleson. Expect Stafford to take a huge leap in 2010. Draft him in rounds 9 and later.
2) Ben Tate- If you are not familiar with Tate he is the starting Rookie RB in Houston. HE doesn’t have the flashy name like the other roookies Best, Mathews or Spiller but has a realistic chance of out producing 2 out of 3 of them. Look for him in Rounds 5-7 of your draft
3) TJ Houshmandzadeh- He has a decent QB back in Hasselbeck and no one else to compete with him for targets. Look for Housh to be a candidate for the come back player of the year in 2010.
4) Dustin Keller- Keller had a very strong post season and Mark Sanchez seems to have found his dump off TE. I would suggest not wasting an early pick on Gates or Witten. Look for Keller late in your draft.
5) Michael Crabtree- Crabtree has a chance to be the next break out WR in the NFL. If you are drafting in Big 12 country or in a keeper league expect him to go a little earlier. Crabtree should be there in rounds 4 or 5. You might think about reaching with a third rounder if there is not a solid superstar is there.
1) Jay Cutler- This guy sucks! He can’t read a D or protect the ball. Don’t buy in to the Mike Martz will make him better crap you are reading! Do Not Touch Cutler! Buyer beware!
2) Eli Manning- There is no way Eli repeats his 2009 numbers. Look for him to fall back to earth this year. Let some other sucker get stuck with him
3) Anquan Boldin- I lke Anquan as a player. I even like The Ravens Offense this year. I question his health. I think he goes way to early for a guy who has only played 16 games once since 2005. Don’t target him early. I am hoping he slips into the 6th or 7th round in my draft and you should too
4) DeAngelo Williams- I am the only writer in America with DeAngelo on my bust list. He is not worth a 1st rounder this year and that is where you will find him going. He has to split the carries with Jonathan Stewart . Also look for Defenses to crowd the box and not respect Matt Moore’s arm. This going to be a down year for DeAngelo
5) Pierre Thomas- My problem with Pierre is he is to inconsistent. The Saints spread the ball around way to much for him to have a productive season.
There you go. Do what you will with my advice. Happy Drafting!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Fantasy Football Advice
Fantasy Football season is here! It’s by far my favorite season. I am not one of those ridiculous people who have 50 different fantasy football teams on every football website known to man. I have one. That’s right one. I play in a 20 team keeper cash league. We are going into our 10th year. I play in one league and one league only because I don’t want my attention diverted from the prize. I keep my mind on the money and the money on my mind.
I was spending a Sunday last year catching the games with my buds and one of the co players started yelling for Frank Gore to score. I thought this was odd since I was playing him and I had Frank the Tank. I had to ask “Why are you wanting Frank to do well? Are you trying to lose this week?” Which he replied “No but I have him 3 other leagues.” 3 other leagues WTF? Ok I have had two teams and even 3 teams but 4? He then informed me that he had 10 teams in 09. All of them were money leagues. That’s a little overboard! How can you stay focused on any team when you have ten to manage?
I have owned two teams in the past. I get conflicted when I am playing a guy with my other team’s players on his team. Does that make sense? I don't like it therefore I do not do it anymore.
Back in 07 I tried to manage 3 teams and I hate to admit it but my ESPN.com team became a dreaded dead team. I am very ashamed. If you are not going to play don’t commit. There is nothing more annoying then not being able to get a hold of other owners for trade offers or you and another team battling it out for first and seeing the team he his playing hasn’t set their line up since week 3! Which happen to be the week you played Mr. Dead Team and lost!
So for you preparing for the 2010 season remember it’s ok to say no. Do you want to play in my fantasy football league with a bunch of guys who think Ben Tate is a new sports bar? NO! Play fantasy football and play it right. Please keep up with your teams and stay active America.
Best of luck to you!
I was spending a Sunday last year catching the games with my buds and one of the co players started yelling for Frank Gore to score. I thought this was odd since I was playing him and I had Frank the Tank. I had to ask “Why are you wanting Frank to do well? Are you trying to lose this week?” Which he replied “No but I have him 3 other leagues.” 3 other leagues WTF? Ok I have had two teams and even 3 teams but 4? He then informed me that he had 10 teams in 09. All of them were money leagues. That’s a little overboard! How can you stay focused on any team when you have ten to manage?
I have owned two teams in the past. I get conflicted when I am playing a guy with my other team’s players on his team. Does that make sense? I don't like it therefore I do not do it anymore.
Back in 07 I tried to manage 3 teams and I hate to admit it but my ESPN.com team became a dreaded dead team. I am very ashamed. If you are not going to play don’t commit. There is nothing more annoying then not being able to get a hold of other owners for trade offers or you and another team battling it out for first and seeing the team he his playing hasn’t set their line up since week 3! Which happen to be the week you played Mr. Dead Team and lost!
So for you preparing for the 2010 season remember it’s ok to say no. Do you want to play in my fantasy football league with a bunch of guys who think Ben Tate is a new sports bar? NO! Play fantasy football and play it right. Please keep up with your teams and stay active America.
Best of luck to you!
Fantasy football,
Larry Stanley,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Kobe and Tiger
I think the most disturbing thing I have read this year is the latest Harris Poll. America voted Kobe and Tiger as their favorite American Athletes. Really Harris Poll who the hell did you get to vote in this so called poll? If you missed it I went on a rant on this on BigBadSportsDaddy.com’s newest podcast The Sports Daddys (New Podcast up Every Wednesday on BBSD). However I don’t think I ranted enough. Before I continue let me go ahead and post the list.
America’s Favorite Athletes
1) Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods tied
3) Derek Jeter
4) Brett Favre
5) Peyton Manning
6) LeBron James
7) Michael Jordon
8) Tom Brady
9) Drew Brees
10) Dale Earnhardt Jr.
My problems with this list starts at the top. It’s hard for me to believe that America’s favorite Athletes are an alleged rapist and a known cheater. Tiger and Kobe shouldn’t be on any favorite athlete list! They are scum who can play a sport better then most! They are horrible role models and the fact that enough U.S. Americans say they are their favorite really turns my stomach guts. America Sports fan you should be ashamed of yourself.
I don’t hate the fact Derek Jeter is on this list. I may hate the Yankees and everything they stand for but not Jeter. He is a great athlete and true team captain. You will never see him pulling bush league bullsh like ARod. Derek Jeter is a true baseball player and deserves to be on this list.
Brett Favre WTF? I know he’s fun to watch play and he has had a great career but shouldn’t you be sick of him by now? How can you say he’s your favorite athlete? Sure he is the guy I never want to see interviewed again. He might even be the most over dramatic American athlete. There is absolutely no way in hell he should be a favorite! In his old age he has became an annoying irritant. If you ask anybody outside of Minnesota do you think they would say Brett is their fav? Again NO!
Peyton like Jeter should be on this list. As a matter of fact I don’t have a problem with either of the other two QBS on the list. Brady and Brees I get that. Vote for them. They are good
Now Why is Michael Jordon on this list? Is it not active guys? I guess not. Well then you are telling me America loves LeBron “The Decision” James and Kobe ”Do Bears Come to this window” Bryant more then MJ? Sure MJ liked to play a little blackjack but is that really that bad? MJ is Mr. American Basketball. If there is a list of favorite athletes he should be the first basketball player listed. If you disagree then you are high!
Now it’s on to Dale Jr. Do you really think he would be driving that race car if his last name wasn’t Earnhardt? Would he be loved as much and have as many fans if his Daddy didn’t die on the race track in front of America? You take those two things away and he’s Kyle Petty without the talent. Jimmie Johnson should be on this list. He’s only won 4 Championships in a row! Is that good? Did he break it?
If I could get a list of the people who took part in this Harris pole I would go Jay and Silent Bob on them and kick some major ass. These people in this poll do not speak for American Sports fans. These people are flat out idiots.
Send your hate mail to
America’s Favorite Athletes
1) Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods tied
3) Derek Jeter
4) Brett Favre
5) Peyton Manning
6) LeBron James
7) Michael Jordon
8) Tom Brady
9) Drew Brees
10) Dale Earnhardt Jr.
My problems with this list starts at the top. It’s hard for me to believe that America’s favorite Athletes are an alleged rapist and a known cheater. Tiger and Kobe shouldn’t be on any favorite athlete list! They are scum who can play a sport better then most! They are horrible role models and the fact that enough U.S. Americans say they are their favorite really turns my stomach guts. America Sports fan you should be ashamed of yourself.
I don’t hate the fact Derek Jeter is on this list. I may hate the Yankees and everything they stand for but not Jeter. He is a great athlete and true team captain. You will never see him pulling bush league bullsh like ARod. Derek Jeter is a true baseball player and deserves to be on this list.
Brett Favre WTF? I know he’s fun to watch play and he has had a great career but shouldn’t you be sick of him by now? How can you say he’s your favorite athlete? Sure he is the guy I never want to see interviewed again. He might even be the most over dramatic American athlete. There is absolutely no way in hell he should be a favorite! In his old age he has became an annoying irritant. If you ask anybody outside of Minnesota do you think they would say Brett is their fav? Again NO!
Peyton like Jeter should be on this list. As a matter of fact I don’t have a problem with either of the other two QBS on the list. Brady and Brees I get that. Vote for them. They are good
Now Why is Michael Jordon on this list? Is it not active guys? I guess not. Well then you are telling me America loves LeBron “The Decision” James and Kobe ”Do Bears Come to this window” Bryant more then MJ? Sure MJ liked to play a little blackjack but is that really that bad? MJ is Mr. American Basketball. If there is a list of favorite athletes he should be the first basketball player listed. If you disagree then you are high!
Now it’s on to Dale Jr. Do you really think he would be driving that race car if his last name wasn’t Earnhardt? Would he be loved as much and have as many fans if his Daddy didn’t die on the race track in front of America? You take those two things away and he’s Kyle Petty without the talent. Jimmie Johnson should be on this list. He’s only won 4 Championships in a row! Is that good? Did he break it?
If I could get a list of the people who took part in this Harris pole I would go Jay and Silent Bob on them and kick some major ass. These people in this poll do not speak for American Sports fans. These people are flat out idiots.
Send your hate mail to
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
DO Something Already Mavs!
Hey Cubes sometimes it takes a friend to tell you something everyone else can see and wants to tell you they are just not sure how to. In this case I will be that friend. First I would like to say I think you are a great owner. What you have done for the Mavs is incredible. Remember Mark that this is coming from a guy who recalls those really bad 90’s teams with Donald Harris and Mike Iuzzolino. Even if the rest of the world hates you and thinks you are annoying I don’t. So I hope this doesn’t hut your feelings but it has to be said. STOP BEING a WHINEY LITTLE BITCH and DO SOMETHING!
We know Miami got it done! They locked down the Big 3. We know our Dallas Mavericks will be sending out the same squad we had last year plus Tyson Chandler. We know already! What we don’t know is why you want to act like a third grader and yell “No Fair”.
You are upset because no one wanted to sign with your beloved Mavericks right? Wrong! Quit your bitching, your moaning, your complaining and groaning and go make a trade! The Mavs really don’t need that much to be contenders in the West. They are one Superstar away. I mean one Superstar away not a Caron Butler or Tyson Chandler. Did Dirk leave 16 million on the table for you to sit back and do nothing?
So you couldn’t get Bosh, Wade, James, Johnson, Boozer, or any other big names but that’s ok. Now go pull of a blockbuster and make it happen! Bring the game to you! You still have Dirk, Kidd and Heywood to build around. Make a trade that rocks The NBA World! Make a trade that no one will see coming.. Go Nike on everyone’s ass and Just do it.
I guess I could of made this blog a lot shorter and simpler. All I’m trying to say is “For the love of God Mark Shut Up! Then go make a trade”
We know Miami got it done! They locked down the Big 3. We know our Dallas Mavericks will be sending out the same squad we had last year plus Tyson Chandler. We know already! What we don’t know is why you want to act like a third grader and yell “No Fair”.
You are upset because no one wanted to sign with your beloved Mavericks right? Wrong! Quit your bitching, your moaning, your complaining and groaning and go make a trade! The Mavs really don’t need that much to be contenders in the West. They are one Superstar away. I mean one Superstar away not a Caron Butler or Tyson Chandler. Did Dirk leave 16 million on the table for you to sit back and do nothing?
So you couldn’t get Bosh, Wade, James, Johnson, Boozer, or any other big names but that’s ok. Now go pull of a blockbuster and make it happen! Bring the game to you! You still have Dirk, Kidd and Heywood to build around. Make a trade that rocks The NBA World! Make a trade that no one will see coming.. Go Nike on everyone’s ass and Just do it.
I guess I could of made this blog a lot shorter and simpler. All I’m trying to say is “For the love of God Mark Shut Up! Then go make a trade”
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert! I know where LeBron is going. Just Like I called Vick to the Eagles last year on this site. I am 100% confident I know where King James is going . Why? Because I am a MFN genius that’s why!
It’s simple I think we can safely knock it down to 3 teams. Sorry Chicago you’re out! That leaves The Knicks, The Heat and The Cavs. Let’s face it The Knicks even with Amare are still The Knic As much as the Big Apple might appeal to a young athlete LeBron could care less. He is the face of The NBA right now. That will not change no matter where he signs.
So then there were two. Tough choice does he stay and play in Cleveland? It’s his home town. Boyhood dream yada yada yada. Or does he make history and go to the Heat?
Being a pro athlete is all about winning and in Cleveland he has little help. They are a nice little team but yet they have done nothing to put them over the top. They remind me of The Mavs a few years back. They are close but can’t figure out what they need to do to get there.
Then you have the Heat. They have shown their commitment to winning. They have nailed down two of the big 3 so far. Pat Riley is a freaking legend! It’s south beach. This is a no brainer! LeBron goes here! You will see The Celtics vs Heat in 2010-2011 NBA Eastern Conference finals. Book it!
The one good thing I think we can see come out of this is players are saying I want to WIN now and I don’t care about the money! As long as you can go get me help I’ll take a few million less. What’s the difference between 80 million or 96 million? Really? At the point does it matter?
As a Maverick fan I loathe The Heat! However seeing them ink the Big 3 gives me hope for the NBA. Hopefully this will send a message to the other teams! Don’t let the game come to you take it to the game~
It’s larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com or Text Big Bad Sports Daddy @ 469-212-3167
It’s simple I think we can safely knock it down to 3 teams. Sorry Chicago you’re out! That leaves The Knicks, The Heat and The Cavs. Let’s face it The Knicks even with Amare are still The Knic As much as the Big Apple might appeal to a young athlete LeBron could care less. He is the face of The NBA right now. That will not change no matter where he signs.
So then there were two. Tough choice does he stay and play in Cleveland? It’s his home town. Boyhood dream yada yada yada. Or does he make history and go to the Heat?
Being a pro athlete is all about winning and in Cleveland he has little help. They are a nice little team but yet they have done nothing to put them over the top. They remind me of The Mavs a few years back. They are close but can’t figure out what they need to do to get there.
Then you have the Heat. They have shown their commitment to winning. They have nailed down two of the big 3 so far. Pat Riley is a freaking legend! It’s south beach. This is a no brainer! LeBron goes here! You will see The Celtics vs Heat in 2010-2011 NBA Eastern Conference finals. Book it!
The one good thing I think we can see come out of this is players are saying I want to WIN now and I don’t care about the money! As long as you can go get me help I’ll take a few million less. What’s the difference between 80 million or 96 million? Really? At the point does it matter?
As a Maverick fan I loathe The Heat! However seeing them ink the Big 3 gives me hope for the NBA. Hopefully this will send a message to the other teams! Don’t let the game come to you take it to the game~
It’s larry@bigbadsportsdaddy.com or Text Big Bad Sports Daddy @ 469-212-3167
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
LeBron is Not What This Blog is about!
This is not another LeBron Blog! If you are like me you are sick of hearing about the NBA free agents. You really don’t care what my opinions are nor do you care to read anymore about the “Big 3” So I won’t write about them.
So what is this blog going to be about? The World Cup, College World Series, the Texas Rangers, the All Star Game, Fantasy Football, or the Dallas Cowboys? No,No,No and Hell No!
This blog is about beer and drinking and Whiskey! This blog is about spending time with your family and friends on the 4th and having the time of your life while doing it! This blog is about finding something you do well and then doing it wrong. This blog is about a road trip with your buddies laughing into the night and you don’t give a damn whatever happens to you man!That's What this blog is about! LeBron is not what this blog is about.
This blog is about getting lap dances until four,bigbadsportsdaddy.com's random bikini girls, a big poker score, The Dallas Derby Devils, The John and Eric Show(heard every Thursday on bbsd),Steph's WTF blog (Posted every Friday here on bbsd), swapping jokes with friends, MPX Wrestling, fishing with dad or drinking beer under the shade tree! Whatever it is that will bring a smile to your face that's what this blogs about!
As we head into America’s birthday with LeBron dominating all of the headlines just remember that’s not what this blog is about.
I encourage you to go buy some fireworks, make some plans to go to the lake maybe a cool party pool or plan a good Bar-B-Que and forget about LeBron and sports for the weekend! Enjoy it! Don’t debate it this weekend! Protest IT! As Donnie Brasco would say”Forget about it”.
Sports and the LeBron debate will still be here on July 5th. We can talk about it then. Make sure you grab your favorite beverage and enjoy the only July 4th we will have this year! LeBron in the overall scheme of things is not that important buddy. Friends and Family and making sure you have a great holiday weekend are! That’s what this blog is about!
Happy 4th of July!
So what is this blog going to be about? The World Cup, College World Series, the Texas Rangers, the All Star Game, Fantasy Football, or the Dallas Cowboys? No,No,No and Hell No!
This blog is about beer and drinking and Whiskey! This blog is about spending time with your family and friends on the 4th and having the time of your life while doing it! This blog is about finding something you do well and then doing it wrong. This blog is about a road trip with your buddies laughing into the night and you don’t give a damn whatever happens to you man!That's What this blog is about! LeBron is not what this blog is about.
This blog is about getting lap dances until four,bigbadsportsdaddy.com's random bikini girls, a big poker score, The Dallas Derby Devils, The John and Eric Show(heard every Thursday on bbsd),Steph's WTF blog (Posted every Friday here on bbsd), swapping jokes with friends, MPX Wrestling, fishing with dad or drinking beer under the shade tree! Whatever it is that will bring a smile to your face that's what this blogs about!
As we head into America’s birthday with LeBron dominating all of the headlines just remember that’s not what this blog is about.
I encourage you to go buy some fireworks, make some plans to go to the lake maybe a cool party pool or plan a good Bar-B-Que and forget about LeBron and sports for the weekend! Enjoy it! Don’t debate it this weekend! Protest IT! As Donnie Brasco would say”Forget about it”.
Sports and the LeBron debate will still be here on July 5th. We can talk about it then. Make sure you grab your favorite beverage and enjoy the only July 4th we will have this year! LeBron in the overall scheme of things is not that important buddy. Friends and Family and making sure you have a great holiday weekend are! That’s what this blog is about!
Happy 4th of July!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hey Wild Mary
This is The Burb Article for June! Check out http://theburbnews.com for more cool stuff! Happy Reading!
Hey Wild Mary
So - I had a dream last night that I was playing poker with God. Hey - don’t judge me! Anyway, it was me and the Big Guy sittin’ around playing no-limit hold’em. Early in the game, I rivered a nut flush! Go Lar! I look down to check my hole cards - then look back at the table and God had changed the game to UNO! WTF??? Seriously, I was about to call BS, which was an extremely risky proposition given that I was asleep and wanted to eventually wake up! Then I realized: Hey, this dream wasn’t God’s way of telling me to stay off the poker tables and stick to playing UNO. It was his way of telling me to get my A** to Vegas or… at least write about it in theBurb.
June is a great Vegas month! The pools are hopping and The World Series of Poker is in town. And, you have those Crazy Vegas Summer Nights. Like me 10 years ago, almost getting hitched to a woman from Chicago after knowing her for 3 hours. Are you wondering how I could remember this date with such precision? Well because this “almost shot gun wedding” was on my 21st birthday. Yes, this is a true Crazy Vegas Summer Night story!
With Marie (The Burb’s Publisher) asking me about my column every freakin day, all the quotes from the Hangover flick - and let’s not forget to mention that God and I recently played a hand of poker – It seems more than obvious that I should DEFINITELY be giving out some Vegas Tips. Just in case you happen to make it out there this summer…
1) The Las Vegas Club Baby! — The Strip is fun, and even entertaining at first, but most of the service at the big hotels down there is God awful! (I eventually won the poker game with God and I get to use his name any way I want…even as an adjective). Check out the sites if you’ve never been, but stay downtown at The Las Vegas Club on Freemont Street – it comes highly recommended. The first time I walked into that place, many years ago, a bartender named Polo who worked there, invited me and my buddy to go fishing on his boat. We got our meals comp’d and the staff
was outstanding! I love that place! If you’re the type that needs the prestige of staying at a big strip casino, then there’s simply nothing I can write to make you change your mind. BUT, if you want excellent service and a great time, then think Las Vegas Club, Baby!
2) Seven come Eleven! — Play some table games. I know a lot of people who for some reason or another are intimidated by the tables. There’s no game funnier to watch and more fun to play in the casino than Craps! The money comes and goes so fast, it’ll make you sick. It’s an incredible rush. My mom and ex-girlfriend always had fun on the Roulette table. Roulette was never my thing. Blackjack is a nice way to kill an evening with friends. A lot of people go in on the BJ table with the “I’m going to lose” mentality, so that’s entertainment in itself.
If you’ve always wanted to play the table games, but have been scared to either A). Buy a “how-to-gamble for dummies” book and go play during the down time at The Casino. Or B). Foot the bill for your old pal Larry Stanley to go to Vegas with you. I’d personally hold your hand and teach you any game you want to learn!
3) Eat drink and be Wild Mary! — In Las Vegas you can find great food and drink everywhere! Not the watered down, “it takes an hour to get back to my table” drinks, either. Get out and explore! You’ll have some fun. Hey, I’d never have found the Las Vegas Club if I hadn’t left The MGM Grand. And very important….GUYS, stay away from “Circus Olay!” Yeah, I fell for that once. I wanted to slit my wrist when the fat grown man in the diaper, dressed like a baby was being chased by a clown in a midget car, that’s a little too much “Wild Mary”.
So - there you go degenerates! Go enjoy your stay in Sin City! Tell them God and his poker muse Larry sent you!
Hate mail goes here: Larry@BigBadSportsDaddy.com
Looking for a cheap flight to Vegas? Click Here!
Hey Wild Mary
So - I had a dream last night that I was playing poker with God. Hey - don’t judge me! Anyway, it was me and the Big Guy sittin’ around playing no-limit hold’em. Early in the game, I rivered a nut flush! Go Lar! I look down to check my hole cards - then look back at the table and God had changed the game to UNO! WTF??? Seriously, I was about to call BS, which was an extremely risky proposition given that I was asleep and wanted to eventually wake up! Then I realized: Hey, this dream wasn’t God’s way of telling me to stay off the poker tables and stick to playing UNO. It was his way of telling me to get my A** to Vegas or… at least write about it in theBurb.
June is a great Vegas month! The pools are hopping and The World Series of Poker is in town. And, you have those Crazy Vegas Summer Nights. Like me 10 years ago, almost getting hitched to a woman from Chicago after knowing her for 3 hours. Are you wondering how I could remember this date with such precision? Well because this “almost shot gun wedding” was on my 21st birthday. Yes, this is a true Crazy Vegas Summer Night story!
With Marie (The Burb’s Publisher) asking me about my column every freakin day, all the quotes from the Hangover flick - and let’s not forget to mention that God and I recently played a hand of poker – It seems more than obvious that I should DEFINITELY be giving out some Vegas Tips. Just in case you happen to make it out there this summer…
1) The Las Vegas Club Baby! — The Strip is fun, and even entertaining at first, but most of the service at the big hotels down there is God awful! (I eventually won the poker game with God and I get to use his name any way I want…even as an adjective). Check out the sites if you’ve never been, but stay downtown at The Las Vegas Club on Freemont Street – it comes highly recommended. The first time I walked into that place, many years ago, a bartender named Polo who worked there, invited me and my buddy to go fishing on his boat. We got our meals comp’d and the staff
was outstanding! I love that place! If you’re the type that needs the prestige of staying at a big strip casino, then there’s simply nothing I can write to make you change your mind. BUT, if you want excellent service and a great time, then think Las Vegas Club, Baby!
2) Seven come Eleven! — Play some table games. I know a lot of people who for some reason or another are intimidated by the tables. There’s no game funnier to watch and more fun to play in the casino than Craps! The money comes and goes so fast, it’ll make you sick. It’s an incredible rush. My mom and ex-girlfriend always had fun on the Roulette table. Roulette was never my thing. Blackjack is a nice way to kill an evening with friends. A lot of people go in on the BJ table with the “I’m going to lose” mentality, so that’s entertainment in itself.
If you’ve always wanted to play the table games, but have been scared to either A). Buy a “how-to-gamble for dummies” book and go play during the down time at The Casino. Or B). Foot the bill for your old pal Larry Stanley to go to Vegas with you. I’d personally hold your hand and teach you any game you want to learn!
3) Eat drink and be Wild Mary! — In Las Vegas you can find great food and drink everywhere! Not the watered down, “it takes an hour to get back to my table” drinks, either. Get out and explore! You’ll have some fun. Hey, I’d never have found the Las Vegas Club if I hadn’t left The MGM Grand. And very important….GUYS, stay away from “Circus Olay!” Yeah, I fell for that once. I wanted to slit my wrist when the fat grown man in the diaper, dressed like a baby was being chased by a clown in a midget car, that’s a little too much “Wild Mary”.
So - there you go degenerates! Go enjoy your stay in Sin City! Tell them God and his poker muse Larry sent you!
Hate mail goes here: Larry@BigBadSportsDaddy.com
Looking for a cheap flight to Vegas? Click Here!
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